
Mr. Tycoon's Sultry Seductions

{Mature Content} What happens when everything you’ve built for the last 7 years come crashing down in one night? Mia's life was perfect until it wasn’t. Mia had married her college crush, many people called her the luckiest woman alive. She, from a lower middle-class family, got into a top university on scholarship and met him. He was her world, he was her everything, till he wasn’t. What greater pain could one feel than to find out her best friend of seven years had been sleeping with her husband since the night of their wedding? Mia, who had not pursued her career and lived her life to serve her husband, is hit with the harshest reality she could ever conceive. Will she be able to get back on her feet and get her revenge, or will she forever be at the mercy of those who betrayed her? ... ''Boss, the Miss is at an auction, and no one is bidding on her item, what do we do?'' The Bodyguard spoke as soon as Declan picked up the call; he was told to report everything that happened to her as soon as it happened and he knew he was going to be in huge trouble if he did not report this. ''What is the starting bid?'' Declan asked lazily; ''Ten thousand dollars sir; '' ''Okay, bid a hundred thousand dollars. ''

Anomiee · Urban
Not enough ratings
160 Chs

Let me go!

"You don't have the right. Get out!" Sheila stood in front of Beth. Beth smiled at her. "You don't get to tell me what to do, Sheila. You are not Mia, and I am not here because of you. I came here for my best friend."

Sheila choked, "Don't you dare call her your best friend, you bitch. You don't go behind your best friend and screw her husband. You don't take things that belong to your best friend."

Beth frowned. She looked at Mia, who sat quietly on the bed with red and puffy eyes. Had she been crying? Beth smiled and turned back to Sheila. "It was Mia who broke that code first. She took what was mine. All I did was take back what belonged to me."

Mia glanced at Sheila in confusion. Mia and Sheila wore expressions that mirrored each other's confusion. Sheila shook her head, "Are you trying to justify your bitchly attitude?"

Beth chuckled, "If anyone is a bitch, it's Mia. Jack belonged to me first. He saw me first and liked me first. It was Mia who stole him from me. I'm just taking back what belongs to me."

"But..." Mia started and then closed her eyes. Was she mistaken? Beth and Jack had hated each other when they first met. There had been no sort of affection between them. How dare Beth accuse her of stealing Jack from her when he had never belonged to her?

Sheila frowned, "Beth, you are not just a fuckin bitch, but also a liar. Jack had never been interested in you. From the first day we met him, it had always been Mia for him, and it was crystal clear."

Beth scowled, "Shell, you wouldn't know the truth even if it were staring you right in the face. You guys are blind to the truth, and I am not going to apologize for taking back what has always been mine."

Mia stood up and walked to Beth. She glared at her. "I took you as my sister, Beth. I thought we had an unbreakable bond, but all you did was betray me. This is the end of our friendship."

Beth hissed and pushed Mia. "Delusional of you to think I was ever friends with you."

Beth turned, her heels clicking noisily on the floor. Mia stood, blinking back tears. She wasn't going to cry for a friend who chose a man over their friendship. She wasn't going to cry for a lady that thought she stole from her.

Sheila glanced between them and ran after Beth, slamming the door. Mia sat on the bed, trying to pack the little she had. She was well enough, and staying longer than expected in the hospital was delaying the inevitable. She needed to see Jack.

The door of the room opened noisily, Mia looked up expecting to see Sheila, but Jack strode in smiling at her with a bag in his hand.

She averted her gaze and continued arranging her clothes in her bag.

Jack sighed, avoiding getting too close to her. He dropped the bag in front of her, "I bought you a hamburger. It's your favorite."

Now he cares about my favorite. Mia chuckled and continued arranging her bags. She tried sipping the bag, but Jack's strong hand stopped her from sipping it completely. "What are you doing?"

"Going home."

"Okay. I'll drop you. Rest, I will take you home."

She pushed his hand off hers. "Jack, I think you are mistaken. If you want to take anyone home, Beth just left not quite long. I'm sure you can meet up with her."

He raised a brow. "Don't be ridiculous, Mia. I have nothing to do with Beth. You are my wife, and I am taking you home. We will talk about this when we get home."

Oh, now he wants to spend time with me at home. She shook her head.

"I can go home by myself. Sheila will bring me home."


She raised her hand up. "There is no 'but,' Jack. I can't stay with you in the same car without thinking of you and Beth. Jack, she was my best friend and you were my husband."

"I am still your husband, Mia," he groaned. Mia could tell he was getting angry, but she didn't care. She was also angry. How dare he act like nothing happened? How dare he try to buy his way through this like she had no feelings?

She closed her eyes and bit her lower lip. "Jack, please, can you give me some time alone? I think it's best I stay with Sheila in the meantime."

Jack shook his head slowly and held her hand. She wriggled, but his hold was stronger than her force. She pushed him, making pain shoot through her hand. She winced.

"Are you alright? Should I call the nurse?"

She choked on tears, pushing him off her. "Let me go! I don't want to see you, Jack. I want to be alone! Can't you get it? I want to be away from you."