
Mr. Spy Establishes An Intelligence Agency In Another World

"Terrorists planning to blow up a VIP? Just kill the terrorists first." "Powerful corrupt noble making backdoor dealings with the enemy? Make his death look like an accident to avoid political unrest." "Monsters terrorizing the countryside? Test out our latest chemical weapons on them." "Enemy nation planning to invade? Get some blackmail on them." "Demon King planning on destroying the world? Just break every law in the Geneva Convention and send them packing." This is the story of how a modern-day spy got summoned to another world and established an intelligence agency (and plans on conquering the world for Earth.)

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23 Chs

My back hurts, so I'll turn the place into a wasteland.


Dozens, if not hundreds, of fireballs, fell from the sky, heading towards Enjento and Co.'s direction.


While Enjento was yelling his head off, Andeddo and Muteki had already begun casting barriers to block the incoming fireballs.




The fireballs continuously hit the barriers the Undead generals created without end.

"Dang it! How the hell are we supposed to move like this!"

Cracks slowly began to form on the barriers Andeddo and Muteki hastily created. It would not be long before the magic barrier completely broke, with the three would be burned to a crisp. Although they could be resurrected again by Morrigan's powers, in Enjento's case, he would turn into an Undead, which was something he did not want.

Enjento briefly considered using his umbrella to shield himself but quickly discarded that idea after seeing the damage the barrier was accumulating. As well as considering the fact his umbrella, made of low-quality Hell Moth silk, could only hold up against one or two High-Rank Spells at best. Never mind a barrage of fireballs that could flatten a town ten times over.

The barrier eventually broke apart with a loud glass-like shatter.

The trio could only stand uselessly in despair as they watched the fireballs fall ever closer.

(Well, we're screwed.)

(Oh, how much I wanted to conquer the world for —-----)

[Author's Note: I'll reveal the name of the organization Enjento works for in future chapters.]

"Gentlemen, it was nice knowing you all."

"Same." (Muteki)

"Let's meet again after the Mistress revives us." (Andeddo)

[Author's Note: For the idiots who haven't caught on, Morrigan has Necromancy powers.]

"You men truly are pathetic." (???)

The trio turned behind to see who was insulting them in their final moments, revealing that person to be none other than the silver-haired elf-like Spirit they'd come to rescue, Tekina.

Before the men could retort, Tekina gathered them in a tight group hug, which should have been impossible for her slender build if it weren't for the fact that she was a Spirit.

"Hang on tight." (Tekina)

A shining silver magic silver manifested beneath their feet and teleported the group with a flash.

(Somewhere in the Isolated Mountains)







A black-armoured knight, an Undead wearing kingly armour and a silver-haired elf-like woman in white robes found themselves on top of a rocky outcrop in the mountains overlooking a vast swathe of destroyed forest.

"Lady Tekina, thank you very much for your assistance, had you not arrived in the nick of time, we would surely have been toast. Quite literally." (Andeddo)

"Indeed, words alone cannot express my gratitude for the innumerable times your magic has come to our rescue." (Muteki)

"Don't worry about it. It's my duty as a babysitter to take care of the incompetent troublemakers." (Tekina)

An imaginary vein bulged in Muteki and Andeddo's heads at being told they were like troublesome brats that needed babysitting. Sensing the two Undead Generals' irritation, Tekina quickly changed the subject.

"Has anyone seen the Mistress' Chosen?" (Tekina)

"You're right! The Chosen One is missing!" (Andeddo)

"Where in the name of the Holy God of Seinaru could he be?" (Muteki)

The three turned their heads left and right to search for him.

"Lady Tekina, are you sure you managed to teleport him alongside us?" (Andeddo)

"Don't be ridiculous! You know how powerful my — magic is! It is a piece of cake for me to teleport an entire city to the other side of the world, never mind one measly human!" (Tekina)

"Really? Then how come you requested our help?" (Muteki)

"You are supposed to be the Great Spirit of —. How are you not able to break the spell that restricts your Teleportation?" (Andeddo)

"Ungrateful b*stards! Without me, you would have been roasted alive!"

"Doubt it. We're dead, remember?" (Muteki)

"Why the f*** are you a smart-*ss only in times like these!?!" (Tekina)

"You calling me dumb you —"

While Muteki and Tekina argued, Andeddo repeatedly tried to get their attention about something.

"Everyone-" (Andeddo)

Unfortunately, he keeps getting interrupted.

"What do you mean I look like a v**** just because I wear loose clothes! These robes cover all parts of my limbs and body, not showing the tiniest bit of skin except my hands and face!" (Tekina)

"Oh yeah!?! Well, who's the one calling me an ugly tin can!?! I'll have you know that my armour was the dream and envy of every man several centuries ago when I was still alive! Women would throw themselves at me when I glance at them for even the slightest—" (Muteki)

The head Undead General became fed up with the two's bickering.

"Enough! Can't you see that you are standing on the Chosen One!?!"

Muteki and Tekina looked down to find themselves standing on top of Enjento, who laid back up with his head buried in the ground.

[ A few moments later]


"Are you alright, Chosen One!" (Andeddo)

(Sharp intake of air SFX)

"Which f****** son of a ***** was responsible for standing on top of me!?!" (Enjento)

"The bastard that nearly broke my spine and suffocated me to death will find themselves in a world of pain once I catch them!!!" (Enjento)

Muteki, standing off to the side, and Tekina, who was currently treating Enjento's back, both looked away, whistling.

Not wanting his comrades to die before they took care of the being that ambushed them, Andeddo quickly asked Enjento what the current plan is now that they'd rescued Tekina.

"Chosen One, what should we do now? We have managed to meet up with Lady Tekina. However, the barrier that limits Teleportation magic is still up, and a powerful being, who is most likely the one behind setting up the barrier, is hunting us down."

Enjento calmly absorbed and arranged the information in his head and played several simulations of all the different ways they could escape.

(We are trapped within a complex magic barrier that prevents us from exiting the Isolated Mountains and limits contact with the outside world. The creator of that annoying barrier is also most likely to be the one that rained fireballs at us, seeing how they can trap Tekina and break Andeddo and Muteki's magic shields. They are stronger than most of the Undead generals in Morrigan's army, but seeing how they never made a physical appearance and chose to attack from afar, they are likely to be a spellcaster. If we were to get into a close-quarters combat with him, we might be able to win. Unfortunately, we know too little about this mysterious being to take decisive action. If the being were an all-rounder like Andeddo, we'd be completely screwed.)

(Then there is also the possibility that the barrier and fireballs were spells created by multiple skilled beings rather than just one powerful being. If so, we can take our time eliminating them through guerilla tactics and assassination. Dang, it! There's too little information! I Might as well ask the others.)

"Tekina, when you got attacked, were you able to see who attacked you?" (Enjento)

"I am afraid not. When I teleported to the Mountains, I investigated it as you asked. After a few hours passed, I sensed the barrier got cast, then a few moments later, the fireballs came raining down. Then I contacted you for reinforcements, and you know the rest of the story."

[Author's Note: Just to clear things up. The barrier prevents people from Teleporting out. Teleporting inside or into the barrier is fine.]

"Hmm, although it's not much, we at least know that the opponent specializes in magic and is potentially weak at close-range. The obvious way to get out of the Mountains and then come back to claim it as our base is to eliminate the being who set up the barrier and cast the fireballs. We don't know if we are just facing one or multiple enemies, but we know for sure they are hostile as the timing of the barrier and fireballs was just too perfect to be a coincidence." (Enjento)

"Since we lack information about our enemy. I propose we set up a stake-out for a few days and attempt to gather as much information as possible about the enemy." (Enjento)

"For the duration of the stake-out, I'm thinking of two days. Today and tomorrow will be the stake-out. On the third day, I plan on filling the entire mountain with poison gas which should be enough to incapacitate the being at the very least, making it lose control of the barrier and allowing us to Teleport out and back to Aldonia." (Enjento)

"Does everyone agree with my decision?" (Enjento)

Muteki and Andeddo nodded while Tekina raised her hand.

"Yes, Tekina?" (Enjento)

"Umm, what are the effects of the poison gas?" (Tekina)

"The gas I used contains a mixture of poison from the First Serpent Samael, one drop of this enough to turn an entire flourishing city into a wasteland. Deadly Night Petal is a rare flower that causes excruciating pain. Whoever inhales it will be unable to think straight and enter a state of madness for at least a week, even if it's just a tiny whiff. Then there is good old Mustard gas used during WWI back in my world. Although a little outdated, it is very cheap and creates a nice dense poison cloud that spreads out very fast and can last for months in cold conditions, and the last one is Mage Lock, weeds that cancel out most magic spells and uses the mana to sustain itself."

Andeddo and Muteki became confused by the contents of the poison. They both knew how deadly the first three components of the gas were. However final one, Mage Lock, was highly unusual, as it was a common weed that grew near areas rich in mana and had a very annoying characteristic in how it sometimes interrupts a person's spell.

Sensing their confusion, Enjento took the opportunity to explain the role each component of the poison plays.

"The venom of Samael is the deadliest poison that has ever existed, but it can be dispelled by a Saint's "Purify" if they are high enough level."

"The Deadly Night Petal is used to cause intense physical and mental pain so that they are unable to properly cast a spell or miracle since most spells require concentration and a clear mind."

"The Chlorine gas is used to help spread the poison in a large area as fast as possible its density also helps prevent the poison from being dispelled by Wind or Air magic."

"Lastly, Mage Lock, although it is unlikely for a person to resist the pain the Deadly Night Petal causes, it is indeed still possible, especially for cheat Summoned Otherworlders like the Hero. The Mage Lock is mixed into the poison to ensure that the victims aren't able to use magic."

[Author's Spoiler: There will be other Otherworlders summoned from Earth, like Enjento and the Hero in future chapters. Also, Enjento doesn't consider himself a "cheat," I wonder why? If you want to know, leave a comment or review. I mean, I have over 1k+ views on this novel and I get only one review? Disappointing. ]

"Individually, they all have weaknesses of their own and cannot be used to their full potential."

"However, when mixed, they create a powerful poison gas that will kill whatever living breathes or comes into contact with!"

"In honour of the woman (Morrigan) who provided me with the materials to create such deadly poison, I call it—"

(Drumroll SFX)

"Death's Breath!"