

He was just handsome, with his arrogant and selfish nature. He entered Lisa's quiet days forcefully. Lisa hates him. But through forced marriage, Lisa begins to feel her life begin to color.

Aprilbgtnsydn · Urban
Not enough ratings
27 Chs

Just a Reason

A clear morning, the sky looks clear, without clouds. The sun's rays came in through the gaps in the curtains, slightly blinding the eyes. Dave opened his eyes, waking up from sleep. The clock on the wall in his room showed eight fifteen minutes past.




"Mr Dave, Madam is calling for breakfast." The voice of the maid behind the door stopped his morning stretching movement.

"Okay!" Dave answered curtly. Rushed to the bathroom, cleaned up. He was getting used to the rhythm of getting up early here. When in France, he doesn't even sleep at night, or enjoy his breakfast. Neither Claire forced him to eat three meals a day, or Daniel reminded him of company troubles.

Twenty minutes of preparation, Dave came down to the dining room, Claire and Daniel were waiting for him there.

"How can you let your parents wait so long at the dinner table huh?" Daniel commented as soon as Dave pulled up a chair.

Dave smiled a little, no one asked them to wait for him. Claire handed him a plate of his favorite chocolate toast.

"Alan John is the most influential person in the property industry. They're having a company anniversary tomorrow night, get a good impression on him!" Dave listened while enjoying his breakfast.

He complained inwardly, he knew about it. Gerry had been reminding him since a week before. It's just an easy matter, he is Dave who can get everything he wants.

"You hear me?" Daniel spoke sternly, staring at Dave.

"I know, have breakfast in peace dad, you could choke, mom will panic." Dave replied, still enjoying a quarter of his breakfast. Claire laughed.

Daniel shook his head slowly. He didn't doubt his son, he knew Dave was very capable. His ability cannot be doubted, businessmen also know him as a formidable opponent.

Dave wouldn't let a single blunder into his plans. Everything he handles will surely succeed. Daniel gets reports of how ruthless Dave is at the company. Cold and heartless. However, in spite of all its nature, only for the company to run how it should be.

Dave's plate was almost empty, until Claire again made a fuss at the dinner table.

"Oh Dave, when are you taking my daughter home?" Claire asked cheerfully. Dave was silent, he forgot that one thing.

"You've only ever given birth to a son, how can you have another daughter?" Daniel responded naturally.

"My daughter-in-law. I met her a month ago, dear." Daniel took off his spoon, looked at Claire, looking for the truth there.

Dave feigned a cough, trying to avoid conversation. Recalling his and Lisa's lies to Claire that time.

"We broke up!" Dave took a sip of his juice, and his breakfast was over.

"You stupid!" Claire smacked her on the shoulder pretty hard, a sign that she was annoyed.

"Oh mom, stop hitting me, we don't intend to get married either, it's just an ordinary relationship that can end at any time." Dave rubbed his shoulder, acting like an underdog.

"Sweet girl you can't seem to take home, you idiot!" Claire, still annoyed, kept hitting Dave on the shoulder.

"Never mind, it's still morning, you guys are noisy. Aren't you going to work?" Daniel intervened, asked Dave with a serious expression.

"Seriously, you also ask me to work on Sunday dad?" Dave replied in annoyance, gulping down his remaining juice.

"Oh really? It seems I'm getting old so I don't remember the day anymore, does nature punish me at this old age, my only son is not even married, tsk tsk tsk." Daniel pretended to check his cell phone, saw the day and date there, then left the dining table with a made-up sad face.

"Oh my dear, what misfortune we have." Claire followed Dave, with a made-up look even more pathetic.

Dave shook his head slowly, geez!


Dave got out of the car. Camera flashes from left to right greeted him as he walked into the event hall.

"Wow, so handsome!"

"So handsome!"

"Is he an angel?"

"His aura, wow."

The comments continued to sound small from within the crowd. Dave held back his smile, happy to be praised.

The room was dominated by white.

Tables full of food are in every corner of the room. Classical music filled the room. A small stage became the front of the event, a light blue three-tier cake stood beside it. Room decorations look luxurious.

Outside the room, a large garden filled with food tables that have been decorated in various ways with a small swimming pool that completes it. Looks luxurious and relaxed. Invited guests seem to be enjoying

Drink glasses that have been inserted. Dave saw their faces, the city's businessmen gathered here tonight. While the event will start in fifteen minutes, the host has yet to appear.

Dave walked out into the garden, grabbed a drink, and stood by the pool. The air doesn't feel cold, in fact it's a little chilly.

"Hi!, may I join you?"

A blonde haired girl smiled beside him. With a clinging red dress that clearly showed her curves, black high heels made her look tall. Her face was beautiful, her tone was elegant.

"Do the dresses have to be paired with high heels?" Dave asked back.

"Of course, a dress looks even more beautiful when paired with shiny shoes." The blonde haired girl chuckled, pleased that the handsome man in front of her responded.

"It's beautiful indeed." Dave chuckled, remembering someone in a dress with sneakers who kissed him a month ago.

"Did you just compliment my beautiful Mr. Dave?" The girl in front of him chuckled, tucking her hair behind her ear. Dave was stunned, realizing that his memory of Lisa made the girl in front of him mistake him for being praised.

"Emily." Emily held out her hand, inviting him to get acquainted. Dave looked at her, Emily did look beautiful, but Dave still remembered one girl who was prettier than her, and more attractive. Dave took Emily's hand.

Five minutes before the event started, the host came, greeted the invited guests. Dave walked over to him, walked to the center of the room, beside the drinking tables.

"Hello Mr. Alan!" The black-haired middle-aged man in his black suit turned to face him. He was about fifty years old, with transparent glasses perched on his eyes. greeted him with a friendly smile. This was their first meeting, Dave smiled kindly.

"Is this the great Dave?" Alan chuckled. His eyes swept over Dave from head to toe.

"You are too flattering, Mr. Alan is certainly much better, I still have a lot to learn." Dave laughed politely. Alan in front of him looks like a friendly man, similar to Daniel.

"Handsome and clever young man, you look like old Daniel." Alan chuckled softly, adjusting his glasses which moved with him.

"Dad told me a lot about you." Dave is not lying, Daniel did say that Alan was his close friend when he was in university. They were quite close, although after graduation they didn't talk much anymore.

"Hahaha. You're probably around twenty-nine aren't you? Where's your partner Dave? You can't not have a girlfriend right?" Alan looked here and there, every room, trying to find Dave's companion.

"Hello Alan! You look in a good mood." a man greeted Alan, interrupting their conversation. Alan looked at the man in surprise, trying to remember.

"I'm Stave Baker, we just met two weeks ago sir." the man who looked younger than Dave chuckled. Alan then laughed, his memory returning.

"That's you, how's your father?" This time Alan responded cheerfully, looking familiar.

Steve looked at Dave, seeing him a little familiar.

"This is Dave William, introduce!" Alan answered the confused look on Stave's face. Stave remembered it, he had met her before. But, Dave William?.

"I know, we've met before!" Stave shook the hand of Dave, the man Lisa had kissed at the restaurant that night. Dave looked at him confused, he felt strange with Stave's face.

"That night, I saw you and Lisa hugging." Dave probably didn't see his face when he was in the Lift with Lisa and Keny.

Dave thought for a moment, if he's not mistaken, this Stave was Lisa's ex-girlfriend who was in the same elevator with him at that time.

"Is that really Dave? That's great. Our company's newest product, themed "Happy Family", would be perfect for working with newlyweds!" Alan looked enthusiastically at Dave, hoping his guess was right. Alan knew Dave was a great leader, Daniel inherited his genius from his son. The product this time will be very good if you can work with Dave. The "Happy Family" theme will also suit the new couple.

"Hahaha, we are indeed planning to get married in the near future, master Alan." Dave lied again. Working with Alan would bring many benefits to the company, Dave would not pass up this opportunity. Even if marrying Lisa, who very likely refuses to be the condition.

He can force Lisa in many ways, as long as he can get cooperation first. In terms of feelings, it might grow and maybe it won't be taken care of later. Dave smiled a little. This might just sound like an excuse, but he didn't realize, his little heart said otherwise.

On the stage there, Alan is giving a speech.