
Mr. Positive Abridged Version

John M. Python is a frail 16-year-old geek, who is not afraid to break from his shell of personality and fight back. That's the reason why he always gets beat up by bullies and his arrogant, strong twin brother, Alex, always steps in to help him out. However, at one point in their school life, John started bragging about being stronger than his brother which made Alex furious. This turning point in Alex's behavior not only makes John's new way of thinking evolve and try to be stronger than him, but also stand up and rebel against his oppressors. John says he doesn't need his brother's help which also adds up to their dispute. But when Alex accidentally helps his brother after seeing him get beaten up in a school field trip, the delinquents start planning something big and really dangerous to him.

Rainbow_Zap · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
13 Chs

Ch. 3- The Locker Room

After walking out of the classroom, John headed to the locker room to change to his tracksuit. The Rhodes twins followed him shortly after and they went together.

By the time they reached the changing rooms, they saw Alex as he opened the door of the boys locker room and walked out hastily, still with a chafed expression on his face.

Pika's face quickly turned red, and she strayed her eyes away, in hope that he would notice her. Her heart raced to the point of fainting and her body was warm and sweating. Resting her hand on her chest, she stared at him as he walked swiftly with his spiky azure-blue hair thrashing behind.

"Wait," shouted John in hope of coming to terms, stretching his arm as he followed him.

Alex halted for a second, and so did John a moment after, "What do you want?" he asked in a grim, almost mature tone that John felt he was someone completely different and not the same at all.

"C'mon. You know I was just joking, right? Hehe," said John, giggling a bit in anxiousness.

"Yeah. Probably. Except that wasn't what I felt,"

"Huh? What do you mean?"

"Your voice seemed serious and sinister. Don't lie to me,"

"What? No! Why would I?"

"Anyways. There's no use of talking to a loser like you, right?" He continued walking through the hallway, heading outside.

John looked down in despair.

Pico came from behind and gave him a pat on the shoulder, "Don't bother about him, dude,"

John turned around and lowered his face, "Yeah. You're right,"

"You'll come to terms later. I'm sure of it," said Pico with a confident smile.

Raising his face again, John stared at him with wide, bright eyes, filled with tears of cheer and hope. "Pico..." he sobbed, "T-Thanks,"

"No problem, bro. You were always there for me too, you know,"

John wiped his tears and smiled, "Yes,"

Carrying her bag on her shoulder, Pika waved for the boys with a cheerful smile, "Alright, I'm gonna meet with Luna inside. I hope she's in the mood to talk to me," she said.

"Ah, she'll be good," said John with a carefree face, knowing her well as a good fellow nerdy friend of his.

Pika turned around before reversing again, "Oh! And guys, remember—No peeking inside!"

Pico's eyes widened as he glanced at his sister's fit body, getting lewd thoughts all of a sudden and wondering what Luna would look like. He blushed and looked away, trying to forget it.

"Yeah yeah, as if we're gonna do something so stupid and life-threatening," said John.

Pika laughed, "Ehah, yeah."

She walked through the door with the female sign, while the boys opened and entered the corresponding one.

John went to his locker, which was close to the one that belonged to the bad boy of the school, Leon Watts. He rolled the code on the lock and opened his locker, taking out his clothes. Sitting on the bench, he was about to strip to his undies when Leon arrived, a fine looking lad with silky purple hair.

"Oh, hey. Isn't it pleasant meeting you again, Johnny?" he said.

"What do you want with me?" said John, his face turning serious.

"Oh nothing, really. Just that money you owe me,"

Meanwhile, as the two talked their business, Pico was trying to sneak out of the boys locker room, and John could see him in the corner of his eyes.

He crawled to the door and slowly pulled it open, walking out in a breeze.

John felt betrayal, but obviously that wasn't the case. Little did he know that Pico was planning for something even more dangerous.

"What money? I don't owe you a single bolt," said John as he focused his eyes back to Leon.

Leon gave him a cold stare, "I bought you a Blue Jaguar last time, remember?" he said in a harsh tone.

"Oh." John's eyes widened, "Heh." He chuckled, lowering his smug face, "Well, I don't have it now. Come again later. After all, you're a rich guy, so I don't see why you would need it so badly,"

Leon grinded his teeth, and advanced to where he was sitting. "Don't you play games with me," he grasped his shirt's collar, raising his face to his own.

"Hehe...Hold on, mr. Bad boy," said John in nervousness, "T-Tell me what's wrong,"

"My father is greedy, alright," he muttered in a grim voice, his warm breath and spit washing John's chilled face.

"That has nothing to do with me. Just wait a little more, okay?" John said sincerely.

Leon tossed him on the bench and turned around, "Just don't think so highly of yourself, dimwit," he said, looking him in the eye fiercely over his shoulder before walking away with heavy steps.

Hmph. Moron! thought John, waking up from the bench with struggle.

Meanwhile, a boy with long, teal-green hair was changing his clothes behind John's locker. After wearing his tracksuit he walked over to John, who also finished wearing his own.

"Hey, are you good?" he asked in worry.

"Oh, Larry. Yeah I'm fine, don't worry," John replied.

Larry resumed to the bench and sat beside him. "Are you sure," he said.

John's face turned sad and he stared down. Larry hugged him with an equally depressed expression. "You don't have to hide it. Just say the word." he said, rubbing his cheek on his shoulder.

John unfastened his arms off his chest, and leaned back, giving him an aggravated look, "Ugh. No!" he shouted, "I can handle it myself. You think I'm weak?"

"No. Not at all," he said in a soft, almost feminine tone.

"Look. I understand your caring 'gayish' tendencies," John said, standing up abruptly. "But I really don't need your help now,"

Larry held his chest and looked down with sorrowful eyes, his heart racing for John, yet drowning in sadness. "How could I not help you," he cried. "I like you, John,"

"No. Just no. I'm sorry," John looked away.

He hasn't realized it as he talked to the softy boy, but a bunch of delinquents surrounded John and Larry.

"Hey you," pointed a delinquent at John, standing behind him, "Johnny boy,"

"Oh yeah?" John turned around, "How about errand boy?" said John sarcastically, folding his arms.

He advanced, "What did ya say to our leader?"

"Ah nothing really. Just that he gotta wait for his money." He said, lowering his face and adding quietly, "Although it should've not been the case, considering I'm always running errands like buying some Blue Jaguars for him,"

"Gotta wait, huh?" smirked the brute delinquent, with the bunch approaching him from behind, "I wouldn't be so sure if I were you," he crunched his knuckles, readying for a fight.

"What do you mean?"

"What I mean is simple. He doesn't have to wait for it. We'll get it out of you eventually,"

With a surprised face, John chuckled a bit, "Oh, heh. Me? I'm afraid I'll disappoint you. I don't have a single bolt on me," he said with confidence.

The delinquent gritted his teeth in irritation, "We'll see about that,"

He shook his head, signaling them to attack.

Two boys approached John as he stood unwavering from his position.

Larry stood up with a determined face, "No," he shouted in his soft voice, and walked in front of John, turning his behind on him and stretching his arms wide open, "I won't let you hurt my Johnny,"

The brute delinquent laughed, "Haha...Oh man. Sometimes you just gotta make us all laugh, dontcha, Larry?" he said, "You're one of us, you realize that Larry dontcha?"

"Yeah I do," Larry replied, "But till now I've been hiding it...I actually don't wanna be a baddie anymore. I just wanted to date hot guys and do some shady stuff like piercings and tattoos,"

"Yeah, we all know. But to turn your back on Leon is asking for punishment,"

"I don't care!" He replied, "I found my true soulmate, and it's Johnny!"

"Tch," the brute delinquent dropped his face and muttered, "To think that you would fall for that weakling and betray us,"

"Now stay away from him," Larry shouted again.

The two delinquent underlings hesitated and stepped back a bit.

"But I shouldn't be surprised," continued the brute delinquent, lifting his face again, "After all, you're a weakling and a coward like him," he said with a grin.

"So what if I? I still have power as I'm smart and strategic,"

"Yeah then let's see that. Shall we?" said the delinquent with a smug face.

Charging up his energy, Larry emitted sparks of electricity, whipping up his silky soft hair into a spiky mess and fluttering his tracksuit.

"Hmm...Really high aura right there," said the delinquent superior.

"Whoa," said John in amazement, "You storin up a lot of aura, Larry. From where did you get so much? Did you drink gallons of Blue Jaguar or what?"

"Don't think about it. I would do anything for you, Johnny,"

As he glowed in blue, the two boys charged at him with their fists, discharging energy all over their bodies.

He immediately disappeared and reappeared behind them, punching them in the back with both his fists consecutively.

They quickly fell on their knees with wide eyes, shocked and paralyzed from the severe pain that ran through their spine. As they coughed their spit on the floor, the superior delinquent ordered them in anger, "What's wrong? You fell from only a punch? Get the hell up!"

Larry's energy levels were way higher and took over theirs, subduing them almost immediately.

He bolted with a furious glowing fist, but Larry sensed the air approaching, and briskly dematerialized again and came from his back with a smack on his nape.

He fell to his knees with an aggravated face, blinking in agony and holding the back of his neck. He clenched his teeth, refusing to give up easily. Even with the powerful attack he still rose up to his feet. The attack didn't paralyze him due to his thick and well-built body.

Spinning around with fierce eyes oozing strips of neon from their edges, he shot his arm straight to Larry's throat with a firm grasp before he could ever react. "What's wrong? Did your energy get depleted?" he said, a large grin growing on his face.

Clutching his arms and heaving to get off, he was strangling, unable to breathe as he felt the grasp pressing on his throat, blocking him from drawing air.

The big guy lifted him up like he was nothing. Although he indeed was thin and frail like a girl, unlike his hard-skinned and testosterone filled delinquent friends.

"Hey you! Leave him out of this. It's me that you want, not him!" shouted John, sweat trickling from his head and his heart beating fast in fear.

Even though his heart was filled with terror, he wore a determined, brave face. He was starting to get accustomed to his new behavior, abandoning cowardice once and for all. His new motto was bravery and recklessness.

Furrowing his brows and grinding his teeth, he kissed dread goodbye and charged up his energy that he stored for the next class.

"J-John," Larry struggled to say, blinking in pain. "T-Thank you," he gave a glad smile.

"Don't worry, Larry. You're one of my best friends, and I won't leave you,"

"Well," the brute chuckled, "That's bold of you, John," he tossed Larry away like trash to its can.

Larry fell on his back, his clothes wiping the floor, nearly hitting his head on the locker's feet—Yes, that's where he reached.

The brute twirled around and charged at John with a glowing fist using three point O acceleration at sound speed.

Accelerating himself at similar speeds, John ducked instantly, giving him consecutive punches to the gut. That apparently didn't do a thing to his abs, which were made of stone. He didn't waver or bend, not an inch.

He's hard to crack, John thought for a moment, enduring the pain in his knuckles, I'm screwed!

Holding his arms, the brute immediately kicked his stomach with his iron knee.

Gushing blood and spit, John dropped on the floor, coughing as tears formed in his eyes. He embraced himself tightly trying to overcome the pain.

Alex had already left when John arrived with the Rhodes twins. He wore his tracksuit and was waiting outside, in the court. And so John was left with no protection this time around. His brother had abandoned him completely for a simple insult that broke his short-temper.

The rest of the students had already left too, after Alex that is—the first who did so—, and the delinquents were the only ones remaining as they're usually the last to go on any occasion. They didn't want to interrupt fearing the vice would kill them and stayed silent the whole time as they watched the drama going on.

They taunted and laughed at John, each one of them saying something of their own wicked thinking.

"Heh. Look at him. Loser,"

"Yeah. That's Johnny for you. Alex must find him really annoying, eh?"

"Always disturbing people, and meddling in matters that don't concern him."

"Yeah, he doesn't comply with the rules. Doesn't listen to us. To what we tell him."

"Well he is Alex's twin after all, isn't he? Which means he probably has the same stubborn behavior as his brother,"

"Yet he's even worse. A weakling and a nerd. What's worse than that?"

After a few seconds, Larry tried standing up. "Hey," he shouted.

"Huh?" The delinquents turned their face to him.

"Don't you dare do anything to him, you hear me?" he shouted in his boyish and undeveloped voice.

As he knelt to rise up, one of them came and grabbed his hair.

Larry grasped his arm with both hands, tugging it away. "Ouch! Let go of me you piece of—" he said in vexation.

"Relax, Larry. Ehaha," he laughed with a sinister smirk, "We won't hurt your dear friend," he said slowly as he crouched. "Or should I say...Boyfriend," he jeered him and continued his laugh along with the rest of the mob.

Grabbing his arm with his strong hand, he plucked it off and stood up, releasing his hair but lifting his leg and stamping his crotch.

"How does that feel, eh? You seem to not have anything there,"

"Ahh! Stop it," Larry blushed.

"Now stay put, you filthy trans," he tossed his helpless arm away and walked back to his friends.

About five minutes before, outside the boys changing room, Pico was standing right in front of the opposite door, placing his ear on it and listening in as the girls talked inside.

"That jerk!" cried Luna, sitting on the bench and covering her face.

"It's alright," said Pika in worry, sitting beside her and patting her back.

They were both in undergarments.

He slowly pushed the door open a bit, peeking into the girls' room through the slight gap. He stared with a wide eye, blood flowing out of his nostrils in a small stream.

Pika gave Luna a warm cuddle, squeezing her breast on Luna's smaller one and rubbing her cheek on hers as her lightning tail flailed involuntarily behind, "C'mon. Cheer up!" she said with a glowing smile.

Leaning away a bit, Luna hesitated, "No..," she said, wiping her tears and sobbing.

"Hehe," she giggled, "Why not?" and squeezed her tighter.

From her strong body, Luna couldn't breathe and blinked in pain. Her expression turned annoyed. "N-No, stop.." she blushed, heaving for air.

"Ooh, what's that!?" Pika ran her hands over to her breasts squishing them hard.

"Aaahh!" moaned Luna with a reddened face, getting hot and sweating almost immediately.

All the girls who were changing stared at them with shock.

"Hey, leave her alone," said one girl.

Pika stared back at her with a confused face, "Huh? I'm not harassing her. I'm just her friend," she said simply.

Pico was blushing and his nostrils gushed a lot of blood as he gasped loudly, to the point that all the girls inside heard his voice. They immediately twirled their faces to the door, their expression growing more shocked, plus worried.

"Huh? Who's there?" asked Pika.

As they sweated in fret, she released Luna and rose up, heading to the door.

The moment she did, he gasped again. He couldn't take his eyes off his sister's abs and beautiful physique. Her larger breasts wriggled a bit as she walked, making his face redden even more. Sweat trickled from his forehead as his body got warmer and the beast inside his nylon pants grew larger by the second.

Holding his mouth and bloody nose—which spurted even more blood—, he quickly crouched and turned his scared face away, trying to move carefully as his heart raced in fear.

She grabbed the handle and pulled the door open.

He slowly turned his face up. "Hehe...Oh sis, how're you doing?" he said anxiously.

Her face turned gloomy, and her eyes were burning like the laser-red eyes of a corrupted robot. Her tail and long hair spiked and fired up, glowing in bright yellow as electric sparks surrounded her. Cracking her knuckles, she said, "Get ready...To die!"

"Who is it, Pika?" said Luna with an annoyed face.

"It's Pico," she grumbled, gritting her teeth in rage.

All the half-naked girls blushed and screamed, holding their chests in embarrassment—except Luna and Pika that is.

With a chagrin face and trembling lips, Luna stood up, clenching her fists. She walked to Pika. "That idiot!" she muttered, lowering her face in regret for not being as hot as Pika.

As Pika lifted her fist to give him a punch that would send him flying away, Luna held her arm, "Wait," she said in a serious tone. "Let me do it,"

"Okay," said Pika nonchalantly, as if she doesn't mind at all, and moved away to the side.

Luna approached Pico, who was kneeling and lowering his face in regret, his nose bleeding non-stop.

She raised her angry face, "I won't forgive you, you pervert," she said, and slapped his face with full strength.

Luna was about to forgive Pico and tell him how she feels, but now that she saw his shady and perverted side, she rethought about her decision.

Pico missed a golden opportunity.

The slap twirled his face to the side and he felt the impact fluttering his cheek as beads of his blood flew and sprinkled on the floor.

Looking at her bloody palm with confusion, Luna asked, "Why is he bleeding?"

"I dunno. But I don't care. I told 'em not to peek inside, yet he did it. Peeping tom!" Pika replied.

He turned his sad face to her and held his reddened cheek, staring down for a moment. His fox ears sinked into his hair and his tail dropped slowly on the floor. He then looked up at her and whimpered, tears dripping from his wretched eyes and over his cheeks.

With all the judgment and authority lying on her hands, she could've punished him severely, but a sudden stroke begged her not to. She was overcome by feelings. Just looking at his adorable posture made her heart flutter in excitement.

Ahh...What am I doing, she thought, holding her chest and blushing.

"What's wrong?" asked Pika.

Luna twirled her face away, blinking nervously, unable to bear the look on his face. "N-Nothing...Really.." she said, trying to hide her feelings.

She had to eliminate him from her mind once and for all. But that seemed more difficult than she had expected.

"C'mon, before anyone passes by and sees us," said Pika, grabbing her arm and pulling her inside like a doll due to her thin body.

Luna lowered her depressed face as she was being dragged in, her hair casting a shadow upon her expression.

Pika shut the door in an instant, leaving Pico to ponder about the sin he has just committed.

Luna had something in mind to tell him. Perhaps a talk to justify her actions and why she can't accept his 'indirect' confession.

Speaking of which, her reason was that she already had someone she set her eyes on for too long. A crush, whom she's shy from, and of course, wasn't your typical 'boy', due to her extraordinary sexual attraction. She wasn't attracted to men, or more so the behavior and the stereotype—manly, bearded, strong and filled with male hormones—, but the gentle and innocent type.

Pico might have been a perfect candidate who had that and more, but he wasn't the only one, and wasn't the best at it.

Rising up to his feet slowly, and with a lack of balance, he thought, I was also planning to put a letter in her locker once everyone left. Guess I'm not good for her.

He walked to the boys' room door, and pushed it open. His eyes widened, fixed at Larry as he struggled to get up. He quickly shifted his focus to the delinquent vice who had just got what he wanted. "W-Where's John? We gotta go," he said.

Larry pointed with a trembling hand at the delinquent bunch surrounding John as he lay on the floor defenseless.

Pico left the doorway and headed to the lockers. He quickly paused, watching what was going on. "H-Hey, what're you doing? Leave my friend alone," he ordered.

Not caring much, the brute leaned over and clutched John's shirt, pulling him up until he stood on his feet again. He twirled around with him and pushed him onto Leon's locker. John felt his body shaking from the impact on his back as the locker door rustled behind him.

"Now let's see," said The superior, putting his hand in his pocket. Finding it empty, he released John and went to his locker, checking his uniform inside. He found three and a half eels in one of its pockets and took it out. "C'mon. Let's go you two," he said as he walked in between the two delinquents who were defeated by Larry and pushed Pico aside on his way to the door.

They woke up, holding their guts and blinking in agony. They staggered behind their co-leader, and the rest of the delinquents followed them, walking around Larry as he lay helpless on the ground.

The brute pulled the door open vehemently and walked out with the team following him behind.

"What happened?" said Pika under her breath as she stood outside with Luna, waiting for the rest of their group. The rest of the girls had also left already.

"Seriously. Did John get into a fight again?" said Luna with a sulk, crossing her arms on her chest.

The two stared at the delinquents as they walked away through the hallway without a word uttered, ignoring them completely. Not even making eye contact.

Inside, Pico hurried to John, and crouched beside him. "You alright?" he asked.

"Yeah," replied John.

"That bastard," said Pico with a furious face.

John rose to his feet in struggle along with Pico as he held his hand firmly, "I-It's fine." He groaned, blinking and gripping his gut from his shirt, "Let's go,"

Shoulder-to-shoulder, the two walked to the door. "Wait," said John, "I'm good,"

He left Pico and went to Larry, passing his hand to him as he lay still on the floor like the vice-versa that used to happen back when he was bullied more frequently, two years ago.

They stared at each other, with John giving him a smirk of brotherhood and friendship, and not otherwise, while Larry smiled back and gladly clasped his hand and stood up.

Opening the door for them, Pico greeted them with a warm smile as they walked out together and followed them after that.

"Ohh, Larry!" said Luna in excitement, her cheeks reddening.

"Oh hey, Luna," said Larry in a delicate, doleful tone, gazing down as he walked towards her.

"Is everything alright?" she stared at him with a melancholic face, wanting to aid him.

"Yeah, I'm fine...Really,"

She held his face for a moment and looked him in the eyes. "No, you're not. Tell me,"

He was the only person she was willing to accept. She's fine to give up her rude behavior against men just for him.

"We were attacked by the delinquents as you might've already seen," said John.

Luna turned her agitated face to him with wide eyes, "Who are they? And why the hell did you not protect him. You know he's weaker,"

Pika chuckled, "He can't protect himself to begin with,"

"Hey! That's rude, miss Revenge. You're a bully yourself. Even Pico can agree," he turned his face to Pico, "Right bro?"

"Umhm," agreed Pico.

"Oh give me a break, hmph." Pika crossed her arms and turned her face away in annoyance.

"No, I'm not." muttered Larry with an angry face, pushing Luna's hand off.

"Oh I'm sorry," Luna leaned away with a shocked face.

"Yeah he actually saved me..Nearly," John looked down with a sorry face, "But got dragged into this along with me once again."

Larry turned to him and grabbed his shoulder, "It's fine," he said with a smile.

Luna stared at them with annoyance, wanting to take back Larry from John—who didn't even steal him from her, but rather shipped them.

"Hey, get closer for a second," John motioned for him to lower his head a bit.

Luna thought he would give him a kiss perhaps.

Instead, he whispered to his ear, "Go and talk to her more, bro. I think she needs you,"

"W-What?" Larry looked at him with glowing cheeks. "B-But she's just my childhood friend,"

Luna used to help Larry out and found him when he was being bullied just like John, except their friendship was longer, and ever since fourth grade. Their families also knew each other due to them both being from nobility.

"Oh really? I think you have a crush on her."

"What? No way. I'm yours,"

"Well I'm pretty sure she does though. So you gotta find out. Quick. Go for it, now!" he pushed him to her.

"H-Hey," he stumbled a bit.

Rubbing his back hair, he giggled. "Uh-Umm,"

Her eyes widened as she realized what John was trying to do the moment she saw his sly expression.

Wait. Could he?...Is he?...No, there's just no way, she thought.

Looking at Larry's innocent face as he flushed, she was almost going to faint from the pounding in her chest like it did to Pico, but harder. Her face was red too, and she could never hide it anymore.

Pico could sense what was going on and quite overheard what John was trying to say, and he wasn't pleased at all. Especially not with John, whom he regarded as his best friend. John was, after all, recklessly sinister.

He held his hips and looked a bit aggravated, but also didn't bother much, as he knew Larry wouldn't do such a thing due to his love for John, and on top of that, he thought Luna wouldn't react so cheerfully and probably like she did with him but a little better.

Oh man. I wish she could just recognize me for a second, he thought.

The situation was a bit awkward for the two, and none were able to speak for a few seconds.

"A-Alright, what is it that you wanna say?" asked Luna.

W-What should I say?, thought Larry for a moment, I can't say it. I'm too scared. Besides, I want my love to belong to John, and him alone.

He sighed, "Nothing,"

Both John and Pico gaped at him, except Pico was relieved from the inside and gave a glad smile shortly after, while John frowned instead.

"C'mon, let's go. Or we'll be too late," said Pika, walking by with an uncaring expression and staring at her phone.

They followed her through the hallway, heading to the back door which led to the school yard.