
Mr. Piggy Revenge

A chubby boy name Jeffrey who has a close relationship on April, got rejected brutally raging for revenge, is there a revenge or not.

Manuel_Villanueva · Urban
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11 Chs

Chapter 1 : The Man Called Mr. Piggy

Jeffry POV

"Hahahaha... look at you so fat, Did someone left you on the kitchen? Maybe your Mom don't let you go out< because of you hahaaha..." That's the words said to me when they always sees me.

Back then when Im was a they bullied me a lot. I'll tell you guy a truth Im fat does that mean, Im cute.

I grow up spoiled by my mother, I was surprised when my mother cook all the dishes that you like, when you're home you can eat you all you want.

Opps.. sorry I forgot to introduce my self My name is Jeffrey Clinton, 19 years old and Im pretty smart genius when it come to studying I even got I top spots on the grades, I studied on squque academy.

In my life is only my family that I can leaned with and they only listen to my problem about school, then when it comes to me my only one friend he only understand my when it comes to problems.

We are close when we're child back then we played a lot of game inside are home that what's we became friends.

"Jeffrey!!! come over here, you're always eating food try to exercise a bit, your fainting like hell" that's my demon friend always called me as always. Lucas Clinton the thing is I let him called me that because he is my close friend, his like a my brother.


"I fainting Im stopping" Im fainting because my whole body is so weak.

He look at me then he run to me "hey Jeffrey you're fainting, that's why your body is so weak because of your fat, we're not done yet, we even not get in a kilometer yet stand up will you"

"let's go home Jeffrey you should take a rest" damn this kid why so weak, he's so fat maybe if there's a festival a should cook him.


"woooohoooo!!!! finally we're home, hey Lucas let's go grab some snack's before we go to my room"

"Hey!!! Jeffrey no more eating for you you're getting fat and fat try doing some diet"

"No!!!, I want to eat, but Im hungry"

"Hey I said no! now restrain yourself" I must stop him.

"Now Jeffry where going to your room without food you're in a diet"

"Yes Lucas, hey Lucas what if I studied at your school too"

"Huh??? Why???"

"You know because you are my friend" Next day at school he meet his childhood crush at the school.

"Hi april are you enrolled at this school"

"oww.. hi Jeff long to see you how's you been, yes Im enrolled at this school too"

"No not yet I Have to submit my forums" yes definitely I have too enlorlld at this school too hahaha..... childhood friend is in this school.

Next day Jeffery and Lucas are exited at this school year. Jeffry meet the girl he like then Lucas excited at his friend.

"Greetings students today we have a new transferred student, now yes you can come inside now introduce yourself to them"

"Yes thank you Sir, Hi!! my name is Jeffry Clinton 19 years old, like too eat foods, hope for working with you all thank you"

"My my.. my.. that one way too becoming a fat guy like him"

"Yeah right, sure thing what should we called him Mr. Piggy"