
Chapter 10 The Drunk Tomboy 1_1

Translator: 549690339

Su Wanxia saw this scene, and her heart felt as though it was pierced by dense, prickling needles.

He never used to let anyone else hold his arm, except for her.

He never used to dance with anyone else, except for her.

He never used to give any other woman a second glance, except for her.

He most certainly never used to ignore her existence like he was doing now.

But when had these changes started? She could no longer remember...

She had thought that after six years apart, she wouldn't have any feelings left, but when she saw him, she realized that she had been deceiving herself all these years.

She had considered the possibility that, after six years, someone else must surely have taken her place by his side, perhaps he had already married and had children, but at that time, all she could do from overseas was smile bitterly.

After returning, she hadn't heard any news about his marriage, and at that time, she was secretly thrilled, yes, she had to admit, she was secretly thrilled.

But when she actually saw him with another woman, looking so close, she suddenly couldn't accept this fact, this incredibly cruel fact to her.

Perhaps this is just human selfishness, thinking that someone who once loved you passionately, now being intimate with another woman right before your eyes, would make anyone feel a bit uncomfortable.

But she wasn't just a little uncomfortable, she was uncomfortable from her heart to her body, from head to toe.

Jesse suddenly took her hand, and Su Wanxia instantly snapped out of her thoughts.

"Summer! Dance with me, I'll be leaving soon," he said.

Su Wanxia looked at him in shock, "You're leaving... tonight, and not staying in China for a couple of days?"

Jesse smiled helplessly, "No, I have a lot of things waiting for me in England."

"Alright then," she replied.

Soon, they joined the dance floor's center. Su Wanxia was wearing a black backless chiffon gown adorned with many tiny sequins, which shone even brighter and more enchantingly under the dance floor lights.

She was like an angel of the night, fully unleashing her unique charm.

Mu Yingchen saw the figures of Su Wanxia and Jesse and his expression immediately darkened, and the hand resting on Ding Nianzi's shoulder unconsciously tightened.

Ding Nianzi had been enduring it, not daring to make a sound. She had finally gotten the chance to dance with Brother Chen, and absolutely could not ruin such a beautiful atmosphere.

"Summer, see me off," Jesse said softly to Su Wanxia, who was lost in thought.


They walked out of the venue to the hotel's main entrance, where a silver Maybach awaited them.

Jesse looked at Su Wanxia earnestly and said in a low voice, "Summer, is the person you've been hiding in your heart him?"

Su Wanxia looked at him in shock; though Jesse hadn't mentioned a name, she knew he was referring to Mu Yingchen.

She spoke in a flustered manner, "No, Jesse, you saw it too, he and I are just ordinary college classmates."

"Summer, don't make excuses. I can't interfere with your past, but if he still doesn't know how to cherish you this time, I won't hold back any longer," he said and then gently embraced Su Wanxia.

"I know you've always understood my feelings, and I agreed to let you come back this time to help you see your own heart clearly," he continued.

"Summer, I will wait for the day you make your choice."

Then, without waiting for Su Wanxia to say anything more, he let go of her, turned, and walked to the already opened car door.

He stood for three seconds, ultimately saying nothing and got into the car without looking back.

As the silver Maybach disappeared from sight, Su Wanxia still stood there, dazed.

Choice? She had long since lost the power to choose, Jesse, do you think it was he who didn't cherish me? Wrong, it was me, it was me who couldn't cherish him properly, nor did I have the right to.

"Wanxia, why are you here?" Yan Yirou's voice came from behind her.

She turned around, presenting to Yan Yirou a smile that looked uglier than crying.

"It's still early; let's go back in and have some more fun," Yan Yirou thought Su Wanxia was leaving.

"No, I came to see off a friend."

"I see, let's go back inside then."

"Okay," Su Wanxia let Yan Yirou pull her inside.

Twenty minutes later---

Yan Yirou snatched the wine glass from Su Wanxia's hand with a headache.

"Wanxia, you can't drink anymore, you'll get sick if you drink so much."

"Give it to me, give me the wine."

Yan Yirou shook her head resolutely, refusing to relent.

Unable to get the wine from Yan Yirou, Su Wanxia stood up and staggered toward the bar.

Seeing her like that made Yan Yirou's heart skip a beat.

"My goodness, can you not drink any more, you're already drunk."

Su Wanxia shook off Yan Yirou's hand, grabbed a bottle of liquor, and started drinking it straight from the bottle.

"Oh my god, Su Wanxia, you've really gone mad."

"Give it to me, who told you to snatch my wine?"

Yan Yirou had a full head of black lines, she knew all too well about Su Wanxia's drunken behavior—once she started, it would be earth-shattering.

Su Wanxia was already unsteady, and wearing high heels, during the tussle, she accidentally stepped on her dress hem, her body tilted, and she instantly seemed about to fall to the ground.

Yan Yirou's eyes widened; the two were of a similar build, and with Wanxia dead drunk, she couldn't hold her.

Just as Su Wanxia seemed about to have a close encounter with the floor, in an instant, a pair of long and strong arms supported her.

Yan Yirou breathed a huge sigh of relief, thanking her lucky stars. When her eyes landed on the man who played the hero, she froze on the spot. My god, was this a TV drama?

Mu Yingchen's face was solemn as he looked at Yan Yirou: "Why did you let her drink so much?"

Yan Yirou shook her head innocently, it wasn't me who let her drink. Besides, why are you looking at me as if I'm the criminal?

"Give me the wine," Su Wanxia was now in Mu Yingchen's arms, her hands restlessly searching over his body, her mouth constantly asking for wine.

The group following them were all stunned; Mu Feng, Ji Hua, and Mu Chuyang were also frozen on the spot, seeing Wanxia in such a drunken state.

"Uh, she accidentally got this drunk," Yan Yirou muttered quietly.

Mu Yingchen looked at the woman in his arms, who was thoroughly intoxicated, a vein throbbing on his forehead. It hadn't been long, and she had already gotten into this state.

"You give me the wine, who told you to take my wine…" Suddenly, Su Wanxia grabbed Mu Yingchen's tie, pulling him close to her face.

Caught off guard by Su Wanxia's pull, Mu Yingchen's mouth ended up pressed against her face.

Everyone around was shocked. Who was this woman? Not only causing a drunken scene but also daring to flirt with the cold and dignified Mu Yingchen in front of so many people. It was well-known that Mu Yingchen disliked women touching him; she was surely done for.