
Mr. Fu, Your Wife Offered You 150 Million to Get Divorced

"She's not my granddaughter! I only have one granddaughter, and that's Cha!" "If you refuse to marry Fu Sen, I'll reclaim your house. I'll also kick your father out of the company!" Zhou Yun had been missing for ten years. With much difficulty, she finally made it home. She thought her family would adore her, but her grandmother refused to acknowledge her. If it weren't for her sister from another mother refusing to marry Fu Sen based on the contract, Zhou Yun's grandmother wouldn't even have allowed her to step into the house. Everybody knew that the third young master of the wealthy Fu family, Fu Sen, was an arrogant loser who never cared to work a day in his life. He later became crippled too. Naturally, Zhou Cha didn't want to marry someone like that. Now that Zhou Yun had returned, and she happened to be a hillbilly anyway, they believed she was the perfect match for Fu Sen. The Zhou family could also become closer to the Fu family. It was hitting two birds with one stone. Later, Zhou Yun noticed something was amiss. Why was her fiance so different from the rumors? Not only was he not the arrogant type, like what she heard, but he was even a little clingy... Fu Sen also realized something. His hillbilly fiance was the person who once saved her life! Why did she have the medical knowledge to heal the sick? Why was she so rich? *** "Mr. Fu, Madam wants to call off the wedding. She's offering you seven hundred thousand dollars as compensation." "I refuse!" Fu Sen exclaimed. "Mr. Fu, Madam increased the amount to seven million." "Give her fourteen million. I refuse to call the wedding off!" Fu Sen exclaimed. "Mr. Fu, Madam... She increased the amount to seventy million..." "Is she trying to compete to see who is richer?" Fu Sen asked aloud.

Mountain Springs · Urban
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40 Chs

Similar Necklace

Translator: Nyoi-Bo Studio Editor: Nyoi-Bo Studio

Zhou Yun awkwardly gave him a side-eye and said coldly, "My necklace. Take it off and return it to me."

Fu Sen quickly covered the necklace and said, "What do you mean your necklace? This is my necklace. I've been wearing it for more than ten years."

"Impossible!" Zhou Yun frowned. "This is clearly my necklace. How could it be yours? Fu Sen, I'm warning you for the last time. Give me back the necklace and tell me how you snuck into my place and took my things."

Fu Sen took a breath and removed the necklace under Zhou Yun's gaze.

Just as Zhou Yun was about to reach out to take it back, Fu Sen immediately retracted his hand and said, "I didn't take it down to return it to you. I just wanted to prove that this necklace is indeed mine."

Fu Sen turned the pendant on the necklace over as Zhou Yun kept watch and pointed at a small hole hidden behind it. "There's something in this small hole. Do you know what it is?"

Zhou Yun blurted out without hesitation, "Phoenix."

Fu Sen was momentarily stunned before he smiled and said, "You guessed wrongly. It's a dragon."

Fu Sen handed the necklace to Zhou Yun, who was in disbelief. He smiled and said, "If you don't believe me, take a look for yourself."

Zhou Yun took the necklace from Fu Sen's hand with a serious expression on her face, and looked into the small hole. It really was a soaring dragon, not the phoenix she had seen before.

Zhou Yun looked up in shock and asked Fu Sen, "Who gave you this necklace?"

Fu Sen didn't answer Zhou Yun's question. Instead, he asked, "You just said that I stole your necklace, so I can understand that you have the same necklace, right?"

Zhou Yun just stared at Fu Sen without saying anything, but Fu Sen knew he was right.

"This was given to me by a friend. I wonder how you got yours?" Fu Sen asked Zhou Yun.

Zhou Yun ignored Fu Sen and carefully examined the necklace and pendant in her hands. Except for the dragon and phoenix in the small holes, other aspects of the craftsmanship and design were almost identical.

Zhou Yun's mind was in a mess. Why was there a necklace in this world similar to the one her mother had told her to keep well? Moreover, it looked like a pair. Could it be that the two had some kind of relationship?

Just as Zhou Yun was deep in thought, Fu Sen snatched the necklace back from Zhou Yun's hands and hung it around his neck. He looked at Zhou Yun with a smile and said, "If you want the necklace, I can't give it to you. However, if you want me, I will consider it."

Zhou Yun looked condescendingly down at Fu Sen and said, "I'm not interested in you."

"Then tell me something you might be interested in. Our engagement was agreed upon by the elders. I still hope that Miss Zhou can fulfill it with me. At the same time, don't resist me cultivating our relationship." Fu Sen smiled and even showed a few big pearly whites.

Zhou Yun lowered her head and thought about it. The Fu family happened to be one of the four most powerful families in Jin City. Before her mother had left the Zhou family, the Fu family had also sent people to infiltrate the Zhou family.

Now, Fu Sen had a necklace similar to hers. Her necklace was given to her by her mother, so how did Fu Sen get his necklace? Could it be that the Fu family had something to do with her mother's death back then?

Zhou Yun's eyes were thoughtful. Then, she said in a low voice, "I'll think about the marriage again."

"There's one more thing, Miss Zhou. I'd like to request for you to save my sister," Fu Sen quickly said as he saw Zhou Yun turn around to leave.

"Young Master Fu, it's not good to be deaf at such a young age. I told you, I don't have any medical skills. I can't save her." Zhou Yun left upon saying that.

Fu Sen looked down at the pendant on his chest and muttered, "That's impossible. How can she not have medical skills? If she doesn't, how could it be such a coincidence?"

Fu Sen sighed faintly, then picked up his phone and made a call. "Change the direction of the investigation. Focus on the eldest daughter of the Zhou family, Zhou Yun."

Then, Fu Sen hung up the phone. He looked at the silver needle in his hand and the corners of his mouth curled up slightly. A tigress with sharp claws was indeed ruthless and fierce.

Zhou Yun loitered on the streets until nine o'clock at night. During this time, Zhou De called to ask her to return home for dinner, but she refused. It was not until eleven o'clock that Zhou Yun quietly went back, speedily washed up, turned off the lights, and went to bed.

Although the family had a place to stay now, Zhou Yun could feel that Zhou De was not in a good mood these two days.