
Mr. Fu, Your Wife Is on a Rampage Again!

Shen Wu, the long-lost second daughter of the Shen family, suddenly showed up alive and well. People mocked her. "Even if she's alive, she's still a loser!" However, Shen Wu proved them wrong. Not only was she not a loser, but everyone seemed to need her help! She had exceptional medical skills and accurate divination abilities. She was also a highly sought-after designer and a mysterious pianist. On top of that, she was an artist, a racer, a top-notch DJ, and secretly an esports master! "Whatever you have, I have it. I also have things that you don't. Are you angry?" She asked. For some unknown reason, a man was always following Shen Wu around. He was very supportive. "Honey, you're amazing. Honey, you're the best. Honey, you're too good!" Bo Qichen exclaimed. Everyone collapsed on the ground. They thought she was already impressive enough, but she turned out to be Mrs. Fu, the wife of a man whose riches rivaled that of a nation!

Gu Chen · Urban
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40 Chs

Chapter 4: The Divine Doctor Doesn't Want to See You

Translator: DragonBoatTrans /Ashley_Choi

Shen Wu remained lazily leaning against the wall, facing Shen Ning with an arrogant and disdainful expression from beginning to end.

"I don't know," Shen Wu said indifferently.

"Well, that's understandable. After all, he's a divine doctor. Not just anyone can see him easily," Shen Ning smiled, then turned to look at Bo Xiu.

"Darling, are you sure the divine doctor lives here? This place doesn't look like a place where people reside," Shen Ning asked, holding onto Bo Xiu's arm.

Bo Xiu withdrew his gaze from Shen Wu and nodded seriously. "Yes, it's here."

Shen Ning became even more suspicious, "What kind of divine doctor would live in a place like this? Could it be a scam? Bo Xiu, maybe we should just leave!"

She had thought that the so-called divine doctor who could save countless lives with just a silver needle was incredibly powerful and amazing. But looking at this place, it seemed nothing special.

When she heard the words "scam," Shen Wu's eyebrows lifted slightly.

Mo Chen couldn't help but laugh and couldn't agree with Shen Ning's words, "He won't choose to scam you."

Shen Ning immediately glared at him and asked, "Who are you?"

"Me? Make a guess!" Mo Chen deliberately provoked her.

Shen Wu lightly brushed against Mo Chen's arm, indicating for him not to waste his breath on the fool.

Shen Wu lazily looked at Shen Ning with her hands in her pockets, exuding a bit of arrogance. "Since you're here to find someone, please go ahead."

With those words, she entered Compound No. 3 without looking back. She was arrogant to the core.

Mo Chen disdainfully looked at Shen Ning from head to toe before rolling his eyes and following Shen Wu in.

Shen Ning was not a fool, so she could naturally see their disdain. She angrily stomped her foot. "Darling, aren't they being too much?"

"Okay, it's understandable that you two don't have a good relationship since you didn't grow up together. And Shen Nuan just passed away, so she's naturally in a bad mood. The most important thing now is to find the divine doctor." Bo Xiu gently ruffled Shen Ning's hair with a smile as refreshing as a spring breeze, making him look very handsome.

Inside the car, the man leaned lazily against the back seat, his face cold and expressionless. He rested his arm on the car window and tapped his fingertips lightly. He had just witnessed the encounter and his mind was still filled with the image of the girl's cold and prickly expression. So, that girl who was full of thorns was the second young miss of the Shen family, Shen Wu?

"Young Master, Young Master Xiu is also here to look for the divine doctor," said Jiang Yi.

"Yes." The man responded lightly and looked out the window in satisfaction. "Let's take a look first. There's no hurry. "


It was rumored that 'Bian Dou' had exceptional medical skills and could cure any disease that science could not. As long as a patient was under Bian Dou's care, he would surely be cured.

He had contacted Bian Dou many times, hoping that Bian Dou could help his grandfather with his illness, but all he received were unanswered messages.

He had even gone abroad to personally search for Bian Dou, but to no avail.

After nearly a year of investigation, he finally found a clue about Bian Dou.

At this moment, a woman's voice came from the alley. "Get out! You barged in without permission. Don't you have any shame?"

Shen Ning and Bo Xiu hit a wall and were thrown out along with their belongings by a seductive-looking woman.

"Do you know who we are? How dare you treat us like this!" Shen Ning was angry and embarrassed.

Bo Xiu remained calm and approached the woman with sincerity, "Madam, I am from the Bo family, Bo Xiu. The patriarch of the Bo family is seriously ill, and we humbly request the divine doctor to help cure him!"

The woman's lips curved slightly, "Who you are is not important. What's important is that the divine doctor doesn't want to see you, understand?"