
Mr. Devoted Vengeful Beloved

She was once a kind hearted and cheerful woman despite being an orphan. With a fiance whom she loved and cherished more than anything else in the world, she leads a happy and simple life. But fate had played a cruel game on her. She was betrayed by her fiance and he even tried to kill her for the sake of a wealthy heiress. She was dead for everyone. She miraculously survived but her life was completely changed. She was saved by a wealthy tycoon and was given a second chance in life. Now with a new face and identity, she transformed herself into a cold and ruthless tycoon. She only thought and lived for one thing - Revenge! Once again, fate played another game on her as she never planned to meet him... --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- He was a world renowned author - kind, simple, handsome and a down to earth man. He fall in love with her the very first time he met her. He never give up on her though she had rejected him many times. Her past didn't matter to him. He only has eyes for her and love her with all his heart. How will he win the heart of this pragmatic woman? --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- It is the beautiful story of Hazel Lim - a woman with hurtful past and many scars, who build walls to protect her heart, who did not believe in love anymore and only live for revenge. And Aiden Lee - a man who love her to death and gave his all to mend her heart and heal her with his love and warm personality..... --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- *All characters, institutions and several places in this novel are fictional. Disclaimer: I didn't own the cover photo. All rights credited to the rightful owner.

LeoGirl_ · Urban
Not enough ratings
30 Chs


The sun had set and it was dark everywhere. The snow were falling nonstop to make the winter night more chilling.

Aiden sat all alone in a private room of a luxurious bar. Though he always prefers an average bar, being a public figure made him unable to drink there.

It was 6 in the late evening. After visiting his father tomb and holding a memorial service for his father at his mother's house, Aiden feels mentally exhausted.

Throughout his life, his father's death was the hardest thing he ever dealt with. To make it more difficult for him and his mother, the Lee's blame them for his father's death. But it was not the case. His father died due to cancer at that young age!

They even tried to gave them money to live abroad. They were afraid that the world would know their existence. The Lee's thought that they would bring shame to L Group!

Aiden keeps on drinking the alcohol as he recalled his past. Whenever he meets his father's family, he was reminded of his past and it reopened his wounds again. So he really hate to see them. He always looks for a way so that he will not cross path with them.

He think back the words Thomas Lee said to him. He let out a loud laughter! How can someone treat their own grandson in that way?! In the eyes of Thomas Lee, he was just a dust!

During his childhood, he used to have hope that his grandfather will accept him and his mother someday. But as time goes by, he was more than sure that the Lee's will never accept him as their blood. So he stopped hoping and instead he became indifferent towards them, just like they treated him all the time.

One hour had passed, Aiden leave the bar after consuming many glass of alcohol. He was so drunk to do anything. It's been years since he was this drunk!

He stood still outside the bar with his back leaning to the wall. He was waiting for a designated driver. He keeps on staring at the beautiful snowfall. His lips curved into a smile. He really love the snowfall! When the snow falls, he considers it as his lucky day because good things always happened to him when it snows.

But today was completely different! It was his unluckiest day. It was his father's death anniversary and he even crossed paths with the people who hated him to death!

Though he was standing for a while under a cold and chilly weather, his mind was fully occupied so that he didn't feel the coldness at all.

--- --- ---

Hazel stayed in her office till late at night as usual. By the time she got off from work, all the employees already left the office, including her secretary and her driver.

She ride the elevator from her office to the garage which was located at the basement of the company building. She approached her iridium silver Mercedes Maybach car. The click clack sound made by her heels can be heard loud and clear as no other sound was present there.

Hazel immediately stopped just before she reached her car. She was startled a bit. One man was sitting in the floor, with his back leaning to the car. He placed the back of his head on the car and his face was covered by his arms.

Hazel slowly approached the man with a bit hesitation. She should be cautious all the time. What if this man was dangerous? She was kidnapped once but she didn't want to let it happen again.

She gently shake the man on his shoulder. "Hey, mister!" She called him for several times.

The man slowly puts his arm down and slowly opens his eyes. Hazel was shocked to see who the man was! "Mr. Lee?!" She exclaimed.

"You're finally here." Aiden muttered. He forced a small smile but the smile was not convincing. He slowly get up and stand on his feet. After taking a rest there, he was a bit sober than before.

"What are you doing here? Did you wait for me?" She seemed to be curious but her voice was the evident to proof that she was worried.

A fine guy who always maintains a neat and calm appearance was sitting on the floor, waiting for her. Plus he was drunk too. But what shocked Hazel the most was his sad smile! She don't know why but his smile didn't seem real. What happened to him? He was just fine yesterday!

"I want to see your face; so I came and waited for you here." Aiden tried his best to hide it but he was really ashamed to let her saw him at that pathetic condition. He was a bit scared. What if her view on him changed in a bad way because of this? He was such a fool to go to her in this state! But he can't stop himself. He really wanted to see her face, just for even once!

He looked at Hazel and realized that she was staring at him like never before! He can't stand it. Who knows what she is currently thinking? Maybe she thought about how inadequate of a man he was! He can't stand it anymore! He didn't want her to see him as an useless man.

"I'll leave now that I got to see your face." He hurriedly said and went past her. He didn't spare her a single glance as his eyes were glued to the floor.

Hazel was taken aback by the unexpected situation. Miraculously at that moment, she saw through Aiden and understood him. She struggled for words to say. She should say something or else he will be really gone! She shouldn't ignore him in his current pathetic situation.

"Wait, Mr. Lee!" She gasped. She turned around and stared at Aiden. The latter stopped as soon as he heard her voice. But he stood still turning his back at her. He was so nervous and afraid to face her.....

Here's the intense encounter between the leads!! What will happen??

It's becoming a bit difficult to attend college and write at the same time as my semester starts a day before yesterday. But I still try my best to have a daily update.

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