
Mr. Chu Didn’t Know His Son Was Three Years Old Before the Divorce

# MOE # BIGSHOT # HEROINE CUTE BABY # VICIOUS Song Liangjiang married Chu Jingmo because of a mishap. After their marriage, Chu Jingmo suddenly disappeared. Three years later, they met again at a reception. Song Liangjiang was so shocked that she felt her soul leave her body for a moment. However, Chu Jingmo, a CEO, lightly said, “Miss Song, have we met before?” Song Liangjiang came back to her senses and she replied with a smile, “Of course not.” On the way back, Chu Jingmo closed his eyes to relax, but muttered slowly to himself, “Song Liangjiang… That’s a familiar name.”His assistant answered hesitantly, “She’s your wife, sir. To be precise, your former wife. Your mother made the decision to divorce you both a year ago.”Chu Jingmo: “...” He leaned back and relaxed once more. “Bring her to my room tomorrow. I want to talk to her.”At the same time, a miniature version of Chu Jingmo was eating at home. “Mommy, we don’t need Daddy.”

Bean Ding Ding · General
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40 Chs

Bidding Begins

Translator: Atlas Studios Editor: Atlas Studios

There was no way he could stay at home anymore. Chu Jingmo carried Little Rice Bun to the hotel and got someone to send food over.

On the way, he told Li Chuan about the house modification and asked him to find someone to arrange it.

Li Chuan was silent for a moment and felt that he had to remind his boss. "Miss Song has always been firm in her decision to divorce you. It seems that she won't give you the child."

Chu Jingmo was speechless…

"President, have you forgotten about this?"

Li Chuan's words could be said to be quite infuriating.

"I heard you promised someone milk tea for a month. In that case, I expect to see a cup of coffee every morning."

Li Chuan was speechless.

He should never have suggested that.

"You didn't learn anything, but you imitated her ability to court death quickly."

Li Chuan looked at his phone and then at the food in front of him. He instantly felt that he should not continue eating. Otherwise, his job would be gone.

Song Liangjiang had been busy. After secretly contacting his brother, Little Rice Ball was a little surprised to know that his brother was already in the hotel. Especially when he heard that not only was Chu Jingmo not angry, but he even bought his brother delicious food.

How could it be different from what he had imagined? When his brother was naughty, Mommy would spank his butt. How could that man not fly into a rage when he had such a bad temper?

"Mommy, drink some water." Little Rice Ball placed the cup on Song Liangjiang's table and frowned at his mother, who was planning to stay up late.

"Thank you, baby. Go to sleep. You don't have to take care of your brother today." Song Liangjiang stroked her son's face and kissed him. "Go to sleep."

Little Rice Ball nodded and climbed onto the bed obediently. Seeing that his mommy was busy again, he frowned.

When Little Rice Bun arrived at school the next morning, he found his brother.

"He's not angry. Mommy will smack my butt." Little Rice Bun pouted at his brother. "That uncle has a good temper."

Little Rice Ball stared at his brother. He knew how destructive his brother could be. Was that man really that good-tempered?

But his brother wouldn't lie to him either.

"Do you like him?" Little Rice Ball asked his brother.

Little Rice Bun handed the small loaf he had brought for his brother. "Yes, I like him."

Little Rice Ball frowned even more. He had become a traitor?

When Chu Jingmo arrived at his office, he glanced at the coffee on the table and then looked at Li Chuan, who was standing. "How's the investigation going?"

The little guy suddenly changed his strategy again. He would never believe that there was no one behind the scenes. However, he could not find any traces of this mastermind who could stay hidden so well.

"I went to the kindergarten to check. Little Rice Bun was sent to school every day and he played with his classmates. I didn't see anyone else visiting him, except for you." This was the report from Li Chuan. There was indeed no one with ulterior motives around Little Rice Bun.

Chu Jingmo leaned back in his chair. Could it be Song Liangjiang?

Impossible. The woman was too heartless to do such a thing.

Professor Cheng?

Professor Cheng was famous for being incorruptible. He wouldn't do such a thing for money.

Who the hell is it?

"President Chu, it's time." His secretary reminded him that it was time for the meeting.

Chu Jingmo stood up and picked up the documents. "Get someone to keep an eye at the school gate. Let me know immediately if anyone comes into contact with Little Rice Bun."

"I will."

The deadline for the bidding was approaching. Tang Yi and her senior had also rushed back from the construction site a week before the deadline to help with the progress of the design.

Chu Jingmo had gone to see Song Liangjiang a few times, but she was too busy to notice.

July came without warning. Song Liangjiang's head was on the table and she was woken up three hours before the bidding began.

Song Liangjiang hurriedly took a shower and went out with her seniors to participate in the bidding.

Early in the morning, the Chu Corporation's massive conference room was already packed with people. All bidders from various companies had arrived.

When Song Liangjiang and the others arrived at the Chu Corporation, Tang Yi looked at her worriedly. "Are you all right? You don't look too good."

"How can she be okay after staying up for more than twenty days? Have a good sleep after this." Her other senior added with concern.

Song Liangjiang shook her head in a daze. "I'm going back to sleep in the afternoon. I'll sleep until the end of the universe."

She was really about to go crazy from being confined at home, but she still had to stay alert today.

However, just as they entered the Chu Corporation's building, they saw Luo Fuyang walking in with her assistant.

"Why is Luo Fuyang here? Is she also participating in the bidding?" Tang Yi asked curiously. She had not recalled seeing her name in the list before.

"I don't know." Song Liangjiang leaned on Tang Yi's shoulder and yawned. She wasn't interested in why Luo Fuyang was here.

The bidding this time would be decided by the Chu Group's board of directors voting. Therefore, after all the bids were completed, the results would be out almost immediately.

Song Liangjiang and the others went in. Only Luo Fuyang had empty seats beside her.

"What a coincidence." Luo Fuyang watched as Song Liangjiang sat down and greeted her with a smile.

Song Liangjiang sat down. "Don't start a conversation on purpose. I'm not Chu Jingmo. I don't like to hear hypocritical words from you."

Luo Fuyang seemed unaffected by Song Liangjiang's impolite words at all. "There are two more weeks before the results of the competition will be out. Who do you think will win this time?"

Song Liangjiang glanced at the woman who kept talking. "Are we close? It's a pity you are not an actress or host."

"It's because you have a good relationship with the judges. I just wanted to get some information in advance," Luo Fuyang said calmly, but the mockery in her voice was subtle.

Song Liangjiang adjusted the glasses on the bridge of her nose and looked at Luo Fuyang again. "Miss Luo has so many crooked thoughts. I think it's only a matter of time before you surpass me."

Luo Fuyang was about to say something when Chu Jingmo had already led the Chu Corporation's people in. Luo Fuyang swallowed the rest of her words, but she still sent a glance at Song Liangjiang with a meaningful smile.

Chu Jingmo was stunned when he saw Song Liangjiang. How did she end up in this state after ten days?

The order of the proposal bidding was decided by drawing lots. There were a total of eight bidders. Song Liangjiang was fifth, while Luo Fuyang was fourth.

"Looks like I'll have to beat you this time." Luo Fuyang put the number she had drawn on the table and looked at her with a faint smile.

Song Liangjiang placed the number on the table and ignored Luo Fuyang. Being the fifth bidder gave her just enough time to take a nap.

However, just as Song Liangjiang closed her eyes, Luo Fuyang approached her. "Song Liangjiang, I guarantee that you will lose badly this time."

Song Liangjiang suddenly opened her eyes. Luo Fuyang had already sat up and was listening to the first bidder.