
Chapter 326 The past is not important

"Our future is more important."


Mason's expression also became cold, "You are not the only one from Charles family here, and so am I. As we're from Charles family, I have the qualifications and the authority to denounce Nicholson family."

Henson stood up.

Howell stood up quickly and walked to Henson's side and pressed him down on the seat.

"Henson, you sit first, I also want to say a few words," He looked at Mason as he said this, "Mason, although I do not agree with what you said and am also the Charles family, I will not interfere with your marriage and the choice of the other half. No matter whose daughter Wendy is, in my eyes, she is only Henson's wife.

I don't understand, but when you married Daisy back then, Daisy's family was in a state of decline. If we wanted to oppose it, we had sufficient reasons to make it impossible for you to marry Daisy, but none of us did. "