
Three Years after the Divorce

"I'm sorry, but we don't take women over 30 here."

Excuse me? I'm only 25 years old dzuh! How dare this son of a bitch say that in front of my face? Just look, I'll pay you back 10 times for what you said when I come back here bruh.

I decided to ignore that bastard manager, it'll just waste my time and saliva dzuh.

I was about to leave when I heard the manager whispered something, "How will my business prosper if I have an old ugly waitress?"

Stupid, your business still won't go up even without an old ugly waitress, because you're a bad luck.

However, I was stunned to see my reflection in the window next to me.

Shocks! No wonder the bad luck manager mocked me as if he was a beauty himself. Hmp, he looks like a cockroach.

My gorgeous youthful face is gone and the sparkle that once adorned my eyes has long since faded.

It's not that I think highly of myself, just stating a fact. A FACT.

My malnourished body, frizzy hair, wrinkled face and old clothes that added even more to the aging of my appearance.

Are you serious girl? You look like a grandma. You're ready to have grandchildren now!

I smiled bitterly as the hardships from those previous years enveloped my mind.

As I dragged my tired body away from the area, I noticed a car parked behind me.

An expensive Maybach was parked in front of the restaurant.

Wow, the expensive car, that I would love to destroy.

"CEO Xi, welcome, welcome!" warm greetings from the manager. Suddenly I stopped where I was standing when I noticed something, or rather someone.

"Mubai, can you join me for clothes shopping after this? Today is the new arrival date for the Chanel counter." Chu Tianxin said sweetly as they got out of the car. Her hands were wrapped around Xi Mubai's arm.

Mubai glanced at her and replied "Hmm."

I suddenly froze when I heard that voice.

Before I could restrain myself, I slowly turned my head in the direction where the voice was coming from…

Then my eyes fell on Mubai's handsome face!

No doubt, it's him...

I never thought we would meet this way after we divorced 3 years ago.

And I'm super haggard, on top of that! I got the manager's bad luck, lol.

He's still the same as 3 years ago, ridiculously wealthy, that can make him the number one robbery target, lol.

Tianxin next to him is as elegant and dignified as she is, no change since 3 years ago. Yes, no change, she's still a witch, lol.

So in the end, the two of them settled together. It's not surprising though.

"Xia Xinghe?" Mubai suddenly called me when he saw me. It was clearly written in his eyes that he couldn't believe what he was seeing.

Fuck off dude, or I might ruin that face yours.

Tianxin's facial expression changed slightly and she sighed, "Oh my god, is that really you, Xia Xinghe? What happened to you?"

"I'm gonna die tomorrow, do you care?" I sarcastically answered.

Lolololololol look at that hypocrite witch, acting like she cares when in fact she used to bully me in the past.

It's a big NO NO that I'm gonna to talk to these two pests today. No woman would want to face her rich ex-husband and his mistress being lovey-dovey in public. Yuck! Eww! Disgusting! Cringe!

It's too obvious that she's the winner and I'm the loser, bruh.

And because I didn't want to waste my saliva and time on the two snakes, I said goodbye to them.

I turned around and was about to walk away when Mubai stopped me.

"Xia Xinghe, wait!"

He grabbed my arm, causing my body to lose balance.

I was about to fall to the ground when a pair of arms caught me.

I raised my head, and saw Mubai's very handsome face.

Unfortunately, I'm already used to that look no matter how handsome he is, so it didn't make me fluster.

"What's the matter with you dude? If you want to fight me, I'm telling you, it's useless. Why would you want to waste your energy and time on someone who's about to die? That's pathetic."

I said calmly, as I struggled a bit to get rid of him.

Because of my desperate struggle to get out of his grasp, I didn't notice a car heading in my direction. I continued what I was doing, until I successfully freed myself from his grip.

I'm sure this guy won't let me go until he gets what he wants, so I ran away.

"Xinghe, be careful!" Mubai shouted, but it was all too late. The car hit me.

I violently landed on the ground, my eyes are dimming, the blood from my head kept flowing.

I slowly closed my eyes, and there I fell into a long dream…

Note: Chapter 1 (Xia Xinghe's POV)

GuessTheNamecreators' thoughts