
Mr. CEO's Devoted Love

Seven years…. I have been locked away… Far from him… Will he still be the same?... Will he still love me when I look scarred and ruined?... Lu Jia, has spent seven years in captivity. She was taken away from her family and left her fiancée with their son. After escaping, she found out that her brother betrayed her and plotted against her. Now she is back with anger as deep as her scars. She will make sure to return the favor ten folds. But before that, she has to reclaim her man. Build her empire again and raise their son as her true heir.… ------------------------------------------------- Follow Lu Jia's journey as she rebuilds her life with her family and exact revenge to those that hurt her. This is story of a strong willed woman born and raised to be a leader. Her ways might be brutal and over the top sometimes, but please always note, that she is what she is, because of her experiences. I hope you will enjoy her story. -------------------------------------------------- Author's Note: Hi Everyone! This is my first novel, so please take it easy on me. I will do my best to write as much as I can? English is not my first language and grammar is not my forte, but I will study how to strengthen my vocabularies and grammar. Please be patient with me. Thank you! I hope you enjoy this novel. I will check my comments every time, so please leave your comments and support this novel by giving your reviews and your precious votes!.. ------------------------------------------------ Want to support me? I need some love @: ko-fi.com/miclyce

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An undeniable offer

Chapter 14- An undeniable offer

Xu Jia Medical Hospital, Year 20XX

Inside the most expensive room in Xu Jia Medical Hospital, Vera is lying and still unconscious. Beside her, Xu Long Wei is attentively listening to the doctor in charge.

The man himself stays in the hospital for a few days without stepping outside. It is apparent how this past few weeks have caused the CEO' to change. Gone were the neat suite, instead he is wearing a casual shirt and jeans. His hair that is always style is left unkept.

Secretary Yang is full of worries when he arrives from taking some changing clothes and sew that the man looks haggard. He wanted to tell the man to go back home and have some rest, but in his position, how can he have the courage to do that?!

He, too needs to go home! Together with his boss, he has stayed in this hospital for almost four days. At the same time, he has to go to the office to organise some documents since the man has decided to do some work while watching Vera. He hasn't even seen his apartment for a few days! Good thing he left his kitten to his neighbour, or else it would have died already from hunger.

Unaware of his secretary's thoughts, Xu Long Wei, is taking in what the doctor has said regarding Vera's health. She had suffered some internal bleeding and four broken ribs. The specialist has managed to save her in time.

Thinking about his rash decision to bring her directly home, he chastises himself for his stupidity again. Instead of flying back, he should have transported her to the nearest hospital in Russia, where she can have medical attention sooner. The long travel they made from Russia to Country X has caused her more damage.

She is still sleeping. The doctor said that was normal since her body is recuperating. It gives him some relief that her condition is more stable now.

The doctor in front of Xu Long Wei, however, doesn't feel well; he is nervous every time he speaks to the owner of this hospital. He knows that a single mistake will make him lose his job. There is a rumour that the head of the Xu family is ruthless and cold. Anyone that crosses the man either vanishes or lose their job. He doesn't want to experience both if he fails to do his job.

"Can I bring her home?

Can she have her treatment in our house?" Xu Long Wei asked. He is contemplating bringing Vera home and have her recover there. He is worried that others might learn about her staying in this hospital. The shorter they stay here, the better.

"There shouldn't be any problem with her going home. As long as you have the proper facility and personnel that could check her needs at all times, it should be alright." The doctor answered, anxiously.

"I see. In that case, you prepare and pack up your stuff. You will stay in my house until she recovers."

"wh…wha.. what?" the doctor stuttered. He can't believe what he hears right now.

"Didn't you hear me? You will be in charge of her recovery. Bring two more staff with you. I have all of you settle in my house until she gets better" Xu Long Wei said before seating next to Vera and arrange her blanket while paying no attention to the man he rendered speechless.

The doctor, on the other hand, is still standing frozen with his mouth open so wide. He doesn't know what to say. He is excited yet worried at the same time. It would be an honour if he could treat the member of the wealthiest family in the country but, at the same time, it will be a significant risk in his life. If something goes wrong, he will either be dead or jobless!

Seeing that the man has a dilemma, Xu long Wei added "You will be compensated. Since you have to leave your job here temporarily, I will be paying you double than what you earn here. If you happen to satisfy me with your job, I will even give you a hospital to manage."

With this offer, the doctor's hesitation vanishes. He is more eager now to care for the woman. It is always his dream to manage his hospital. Actually, he is one of the best doctors in the country, but because the hospital mostly run by affluent families, he could never have the chance to manage his own. Although well known, he grew out poor and studied through the Xu family foundation. That is the reason why he worked in this hospital after he graduated.

He was grateful to the last family head and wants to offer his service to them. However, as time passed by, he dreams of managing his hospital. Finally, he will have a chance to achieve his dream. With this in mind, his eyes are full of determination to make sure the woman in the bed will recover under his care.

Xu long Wei didn't pay more attention to the guy after. He knows he will do his job well and have him investigated already. He is satisfied with the person's background. At the moment, his main focus is the woman lying serenely in the bed. Staring at Vera' form, his heart can't stop beating rapidly again. He bends down and kisses her forehead while he whispers, "I love you, my love. Thank you for coming back... to me."

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