
Mr. Ceo’s Secret Obsession

Phoebe gazed up at the man, his hazel green eyes sparkling like precious gems in the moonlight. She had never been one to believe in deities, but in that moment, he seemed almost divine, bathed in a sliver of light that highlighted his features. “Take this,” he said, offering her a handkerchief. She hesitated, unsure whether to accept it. Eventually, she took it from him, feeling the soft fabric in her hands. “Come with me,” he offered with a hint of a smile. “I can make all your worries disappear.” “What do you have to offer?” she asked warily. “Money, wealth, power? I have no use for any of that.” He grinned mischievously. “Will my body be enough?” “Give me your room number.” — Rumor has it that Jack Lorenzo was an old man with three children and despite being wealthy beyond comparison no woman in Ashford City wanted to marry him. Plagued by his married best friend's to settle down, the 30-year-old CEO hasn't found the one yet. But as fate would have it, his eyes fell upon a woman, and he made a vow – he would stop at nothing to make her his. Phoebe Sheldon knows betrayal all too well, having suffered at the hands of the man she had thought to be her forever. The night she found out her lover had been cheating on her with her step sister she met a man and he handed her a handkerchief. Little does she know, this fleeting interaction will inadvertently alter the course of her life forever.

ruffatorres · Urban
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46 Chs


Nick Allistair entered through the upscale door of the cozy restaurant with a bouquet of fresh red roses on his left hand, and a tiny gift box on the other.

Tall. Blonde. Attractive. He looked like a Hollywood actor in his dazzling charcoal business suit. Several heads turned to admire his broad shoulders and athletic physique as he walked down the aisle.

On the open balcony, Phoebe watched Nicks sweep the expansive dining area with squinted eyes.

Phoebe did nothing but observe him search the room for her without so much as a wave until the pretentious smile he had on display crumbled into an unflattering scowl when he failed to find her.

A short while later her phone rang but she kept ignoring the call until the buzzing stopped.

Nick, seemingly at his ropes end, gives up and drops his phone inside his pocket while muttering something under his breath.

The grim look on his countenance revealed he was extremely pissed off.

Just when Phoebe thought it would take him forever to find her, he located her at last, perhaps he sensed the piercing glare coming from her direction and made his way to the balcony.


"Hello there, Nick." She swiftly turned, as though surprised to find him there.

"You didn't answer my calls." He complained before settling down. He eyed the tent dress she wore with disapproval but surprisingly didn't comment like he usually does.

"Sorry, I didn't notice, my phone's in silent mode.." She lied.

Clenching her fist into tight balls on her lap as she clung to her thinning patience with iron hold. The scumbag had the audacity to complain that she wasn't answering her phone, and yet, he didn't even apologize that he made her wait for an hour.

"You're forgiven." He smiled and handed her the bouquet of fresh roses. "Happy second anniversary, love."

Phoebe couldn't bring herself to thank him as she took the flowers. She eyed the roses with indifference while her lips pursed into thin lines. Two years into their relationship and yet he still had no idea about her favorite and what not.

Not that she hated the roses, they were soft and fragrant, with lovely outstretched petals, and anyone would admire them. However, it always reminded Phoebe of her mother's death.

The very sight of roses relives heart-wrenching memories from her past that's why she avoids them as much as possible. Still, her jackass fiancé with no regard for her feelings, brought one on to ruin a special day.

Nick's thoughtlessness was inexcusable, he really never cared for her after all.

How badly Phoebe wanted to smack the bouquet to his face, but she resisted, thinking it would be a shame to sully such delicate petals by letting it touch his skin.

"Is something wrong, love?" Nick frowned.

"Nothing at all." Phoebe lied and he surprisingly believed her, a showcase of his incredulous insensitivity.

Grinning, he held the gift box for her to see. "I have a gift for you."

'A gift you have purchased using my card.' She thought wryly, watching him open the box, revealing a diamond solitaire necklace with an exact design of the ring he gave her when he proposed.

"It's beautiful." She tried her best to sound cheerful, yet, the words emerged lifeless, mirroring the dull feeling inside her.

"Let me put it on you."

"No!" She half-shouted, startling them both by how malevolent she sounded.. "I mean not now, Nick. I'm not in the mood for that." She softly added.

"What a shame. " He sighed, looking offended as he returned the jewelry in the box. "I bought this for one million pounds and you don't even appreciate my gift."

Phoebe gripped firmly on her slipping composure as she wondered how much more of his lies she could tolerate. It was difficult listening to him when she knew the truth.

"Sophie's so different from you. If it had been her, she would definitely appreciate this gift."

That was the last straw for Phoebe. She has had enough of his awful pretensions. The rage she kept tightly sealed within her finally reached boiling point, melting her patience along with her composure.

He made a huge mistake by comparing her with Sophie.

"You once said my engagement ring is worth two million pounds, is that correct Nick?"

"Why are you suddenly bringing that up, Phoebe?" Beads of sweat formed on his temples and he suddenly evaded looking her in the eye.

She was surprisingly calm as she said, "I got the ring appraised and I found out it's made of a simulant, in short it's fake."

Color escaped his face. "There must be some mistake!"

"You know there isn't, Nick."

"I would never lie to you!" He burst out, slamming his fists on the table top.

Unable to take it anymore, she snapped, "Yet you did!"

"Do you have proof?" He fought her eyes with his challenging gaze.

Phoebe produced the certificate from her bag and waved the paper to his face.

Life drained off his face when his eyes skimmed the Certificate Of Authenticity she got from the appraiser indicating that the diamond solitaire had no value.

Nick opened his mouth to say something but no words emerged from his lips.

That moment he knew he had fallen in her trap with nowhere to escape.

"The so-called one million dollar necklace you're so proud of came from a cheap store online."

"I—" He tried to explain but she immediately cut him off with a glare.

"You didn't expect me to find out, didn't you? The next time you lie, never leave proof by using someone else's card."

Tears glided down his cheeks as he knelt on the floor, in front of her to beg for forgiveness. "I'm sorry, I made a huge mistake by lying to you… Let's talk this out."

"Even if you apologize I've got no intention to forgive you."

Nick desperately clung to Phoebe's arm when she left her seat. He was in tears and yet she could barely feel any emotion coming from him.

"It's over between us, Nick Allistair. I'm calling off the wedding."

"Don't make some harsh decisions, Phoebe!" Nick blurted out loud, causing several prying eyes turning at them. "We're getting married in two weeks' time, you couldn't just call a wedding over some minor issues."

"This isn't just a minor issue Nick!" Phoebe bit back, each word freight with anger. She couldn't care less if everyone nearby could hear the argument, she had a great deal of problems to deal with than mind them. "My family, my career, and my life is on the line for you to put it lightly!"

"I already apologized so stop making a big fuss out of it."

Frustrated tears threatened to burst forth on her cheeks but her iron-clad resolve refused to let him see her breaking down. "You don't understand how I feel, Nick." She murmured, shaking her head at how hopeless he was.

"I do." He tried to capture her gaze but she avoided his eyes like a deadly plaque.

"No, you really don't!" Phoebe clenched her fists on her side until her knuckles turned white. "You missed our anniversary two days ago and I have had enough of your damn excuses, Nick. I'm not letting you make a fool of me further, two years is enough. I'm done with you…"

"You'll change your mind tomorrow and you'll come running back to me."

Phoebe took a deep breath and looked at him after summoning enough strength only to find a smug look plastered on his face.

She had the sudden urge to tear it off along with his self-confidence but Phoebe stopped herself, aware that she'll be putting her life at risk if she let emotions get the best of her.

If Nick's expecting her to come running back in his arms like a dog after everything she'll prove him wrong. "I won't." She told him without so much emotion on her face. "I never back down on my word, Nick. Once I said it's over. It's over between us."

Nick's lips parted open then closed. It took him some time to collect his scattered wits and respond, "You don't really mean it."

"Of course I do. In fact, before coming here I ordered my secretary to send my wedding gown to an auction and donate the money to charity. Not only that, I also called my wedding organizer and informed her that there will be no wedding and she canceled everything."

"What have you done, Phoebe!" Nick's desperate cries echoed through the balcony. He paced back and forth while brushing his fingers on his hair several times in exasperation.

"Call Christine and tell her you're taking your words back."

How dare he order her around like one of his servants! She frowned at him. "Never!" She spat with finality.

"Phoebe please, I'm begging you…" Broad shoulders drooping as though he was carrying the weight of the world on his shoulders, he knelt on the floor, telling her over and over again how sorry he was.

But Phoebe couldn't care less if he starts crying blood, she's too mentally drained and exhausted to give a damn.

"Let's save our relationship before it's too late." He went on but what Phoebe could think at the moment was how ugly he looked with his fake tears.

"Don't you love me, Phoebe?" He asked in a voice warm enough to melt a heart made of ice but she remained unyielding, her iron-heart would never be swayed by his words again.

"I do love you, Nick—" She admitted.

"Then let's settle thi—"

She cut him of saying, "But that was before I found out you're screwing Sophie."

The color completely disappeared from his face as he quickly got up from kneeling on the floor. He looked exactly like a thief caught in the act.

"That's a lie." His voice thundered on the balcony when he recovered. "Did Zoe tell you that?"

"Yes," Phoebe lied.

"Are you stupid enough to believe that slutty bitch? She's a friend of yours but she seduced me Phoebe! We had sex once in your condo when you weren't around. But she wanted more than sex and when I failed to comply with her demands she threatened me she'll tell you."

"I'm so shocked, Nick. I could hardly say a word." She sarcastically responded, more startled to realize she couldn't feel a thing after listening to his confession. "Are you gonna confess next you're screwing my maid too?"

He turned crimson red all of a sudden which Phoebe wasn't sure if it was a sign of embarrassment or guilt.

"It's all in the past. I'm a changed man now."

At last Phoebe gained some strength, and rose from her chair. "Enough!" She grabbed the glass of water and splashed it on his face.

"What the hell!" Face contorting into an ugly mask of rage, he shot her a murderous glare. "Bitch! I'll kill you" He snarled, ready to lunge at her like a predator to a prey.

"Go on and slap me Nick Allistair. Show everyone what you're actually made of." Phoebe taunted, equally furious that he had the audacity to lift a hand in an attempt to hit her.

If not for the people watching he should have done so moments ago without hesitation.

Nick dropped his hand to the side and instead clenched his jaw. "You won today," He admitted defeat but not giving up. "I'm not yet done destroying you, Phoebe Sheldon." He vowed grimly.

"You're just a talentless young woman with an old-looking face and a terrible taste in clothes. No sane man would ever want you. Be grateful that I was kind enough to waste two precious years of my life with you."

Never once in her life Phoebe imagined she would be severely insulted this way. To rub salt to the injury, the man whom she once loved and adored had said it.

"Leave! I don't want to see your face ever again." She screamed with composure slipping away.

"Don't worry I have no plans on staying anyway. Because looking at you always made me want to throw up. You're so ugly my Bulldog looked better next to you."