
Mr. Brandon's Duplicate Wife

"I want you to pretend to be my son's wife for a year, after which you have to file for divorce," Elena Brandon said. "Why me?" asked Anne Marie with a confused face. "My son was in a traffic accident with his wife Julia and she looked just like you, he was just woken up from a long coma and he needed to see his wife.” Since then Anne Marie's life changed forever. For the money, she was willing to pretend to be Julia Brandon, the wife of a young billionaire who disappeared after the car accident. At first, everything was going well, until something screwed them up and that thing was called 'Love'

missyanna_ · Urban
Not enough ratings
16 Chs


The rest of the night she paced back and forth in her room, now that Elena had granted her wish she became even more confused. How would she give up her virginity before she made love to Joe, should she also tell Joe that she had an operation that made her virginity back? But as time went on all the excuses about surgery would no longer make sense, and Joe wouldn't believe those bullshit anymore.

In the midst of feeling upset, suddenly the door to her room was knocked on from outside. With a furrowed brow she rose to her feet and walked to the door to open it.

"Hi, Agnes!" greeted Anne Marie when she saw Agnes standing in front of her with a box of food in her hands. "Hi, Albert asked me to deliver this to you, you must be very hungry!" exclaimed Agnes cheerfully. "Yeah, what's that?" she asked, pointing at the food box in Agnes' hand with her finger. "Mac and Cheese, you don't like it?"

Anne Marie snorted laughing, "Are you kidding me? I like anything that smells of cheese, even if you cook grass with cheese sauce I might gonna eat it!" she said, her hands outstretched impatiently for the Mac and Cheese that would be her tummy savior that night. But suddenly Agnes cleared her throat, "Can I come inside? Albert told me that you might need a little advice from me," she said with her face suddenly turning slightly pink.

Just by looking at Agnes' expression, she already knew where the conversation was going. Albert must have told Agnes about her 'virginity' problem. "I don't know what you mean but come in!" she said, opening the door wide.

"So how much do you know about me?" asked Anne Marie casually, she knew Albert must have told Agnes everything.

"Um, I am afraid I know everything," Agnes said casually. Anne Marie frowned, "And why does he trust you so much?" she asked, looking at Agnes with narrowed eyes. Agnes put on a little smile, "He's my father, of course, we share all the secrets with each other."

"Ah, it all makes sense now, does Elena know about it?" asked Anne Marie as she gazed out at the garden where she could see Elena and Albert chatting while occasionally glancing at her room. Agnes nodded cheerfully, "Of course! Everyone in this mansion knows, you must be surprised, but my mother also works here, she works in the kitchen as head chef," she raved proudly.

Anne Marie nodded her head a few times, "Is that so? So can I have my Mac & Cheese now?" she asked impatiently, she was very hungry that her stomach hurt. "Yeah of course!" Agnes held out the food box to her and remained standing next to the sofa without daring to sit on it.

"Thanks! Why are you standing there? Have a seat!" said Anne Marie as she opened the lunch box with lightning speed. "You don't mind if I sit in here?" asked Agnes politely. "Are you kidding me? I'm not Julia Brandon, just take it easy with me!" said Anne Marie, her hands busy scooping Mac & Cheese in one big mouthful.

Agnes hesitantly sat next to her, occasionally looking around the room, admiring the luxury of the room. "So I have a bit of a crazy idea," said Agnes suddenly. Anne Marie nodded her head, "Okay, spill it out!" she said while chewing the macaroni in her mouth.

"Um, you better get Mr. Brandon over for a drink, get him so drunk that he doesn't even notice you're a virgin..."

Anne Marie almost choked on the food in her mouth, she rushed to gulp down the bottle of mineral water held out by Agnes until it was half full. Her face turned red instantly, "You want me to rape him?!"

Agnes grimaced, "Don't you have no other choice? I mean he's paralyzed, you really have to be more proactive," she replied like an expert.

"Whoa, how old are you? You sound really good at sex!" cried Anne Marie, wiping the bechamel sauce off her lips. "Twenty-four years," replied Agnes casually.

"Twenty-four years? I'm even older than you but you know all those things better than me!" Anne Marie shook her head, amazed. All this time she spent her life surviving and earning money until she forgot that there was one thing called 'sex' that she should have tried a long time ago. She took a deep breath, "I don't know, I'm not sure about that idea, if we had sex while he was drunk, would that be impressive enough for him? I mean, my job is to make him bond with me right? To make him feel that I'm Julia, to attach to him, he has to feel me..."

Agnes nodded her head as if she could read what was in her mind, "Look, you have two choices, the first option you can do the way I told you earlier, only you may have to do it twice, one at night when he is drunk and once again at another time, or..."

"Or what?"

"Or you could have made love to other men before, well you know that sort of thing can be arranged..."

Anne Marie's face turned red instantly, "Are you kidding me? Even the idea of having sex with Joe has made me feel very nervous and scared, and now you're talking about other men that I don't know," she exclaimed, a little annoyed.

Agnes smiled, "So?"

Anne Marie scratched the back of her ear, thinking hard, "I don't know, I'll think about it later," she finally decided. Agnes nodded slowly, "Well, it's your call, I'm just here to make sure you do that thing because Elena is very sure that the only way for Joe to feel connected to you, is he never had sex with other people but Julia in his life, you should know that..." she said as she got up from the couch.

Anne Marie glared in surprise, "What did you say? You're not kidding, are you? Joe Brandon has only had sex with one woman in his life?! It seems very unlikely," she said, shaking her head several times. "I mean normally a handsome billionaire would be a playboy or something, this is so absurd..."

Agnes opened the bedroom door then turned around and looked at her for a few seconds before she said, "If I were you, I would be the next Julia, I would make Joe Brandon fall in love with me just like what Julia did to him, but me as me, not me as Julia."

"Me as me not me as Julia?" murmured Anne Maria as she watched Agnes' back who was walking fast, leaving her with a big question mark on her head.
