
Too Pure


Sir Jiego pulled me out of the building and now we’re sitting side by side in his car in the parking lot. I was panting. He has such long strides that one of them equates to five of mine. I couldn’t keep up properly.

“Do you need water?” – Sir Jiego politely asked while turning on the air conditioner of the car

“Do you have, sir?”

“Yeah, there’s a small icebox at the backseat. I remember I have bottled water there.”

Instantly, I removed my seat belt and leaned to my left to reach the backseat. There was indeed a blue icebox in there. I grabbed it and opened the lid. Three chilled bottled water were inside, each buried half deep in cubes of ice.

“Do you want one, sir?”

He shook his head. After getting one for myself, I closed the lid.

Sir Jiego was texting someone on his phone while I was drowning the water with six large gulps. I felt like my throat was in deep drought and the gush of water was the long-awaited rain. I was quenched immediately after.