
The Lost Heir


Looks like he couldn’t wait so the first thing I did after reaching home, dropping my things and leaving Tina to rest was to meet Atty. Sumayo. After making a call, we decided to meet at his law office. Turns out he was out of town the entire week, which explains the locked door on his office at the manor.

When I entered the door, I saw him at the corner of this small coffee shop. He gave me a glance, a frown and then stood up.

“you would not believe what I found out.” – he said. Not a greeting? Is that how urgent this is?

“good afternoon to you too.” – I said, smiling

Atty Sumayo and I had actually grew to like each other as we work together. It’s how we can now joke around like this. I shook his hand and then we sat down. He was facing his laptop, something on there that must be the subject of our conversation today.

“what’s so urgent. Attorney?” – I asked, raising a hand to get the attention of a waiter. I’m still having a little headache from the drive.

“I guess you need to take your coffee first before I show this to you.”

I frowned. Seriously, I don’t like anything about this. The way he’s holding me a hostage with the information he alone knows. An information I have a bad feeling about.

The waiter approached and asked for my order. I got a medium sized hazelnut coffee which I noticed was also the same one Atty. Sumayo was drinking. For the mean time that we were waiting, he asked about the trip and how it went. I gladly reiterated what happened, all the events that transpired leading to Sy Group of Companies gaining the spot to be represented by the international investors. It was a win. I also shared it wouldn’t be possible if I were with a wrong secretary, which is not the case. The memory gave me a smile, which the lawyer noticed.


“nothing.” – I said and finally the orders came. With the coffee, the coffee shop owner also gave two pieces of matcha cupcakes.

All set, I gave Atty. Sumayo a meaningful look. After having a bite, he knew what I was referring to and turned his laptop to my direction. On the screen was an online copy of a document. I leaned in closer to read it. It was Daniel’s Sy’s last will and document, but as I read along, I realized that it was a different copy than the last.

“what is this?” – I asked after finished reading the document.

“Aaron Sy, your father’s brother called me for an emergency meeting. I didn’t want to meet him as… well, he’s not the best person in the world. He’s like the utter opposite of your father. Like two sides of a coin. But then, he showed me a clip. It’s like a normal conversation clip between him and Mr. Sy. The camera view was kins of crooked so I guess this was taken in secret. To make it short, it was a video of Mr. Sy telling him he’ll give him half of the company. since he only had one son. You.”

Wait? My dad has a brother? And why is he away this whole time?

“however, there’s an exception to that. I guess it’s better if you just watch.”

He’s back to his nailbiter habit. It’s always easier to say the rest of the sentence and get it over now but he would choose to cut it off and let me struggle on guessing what is the next thing to happen.

He got the laptop to face him for the next minute, just to prepare this video he was talking about. he adjusted it only on the last part that he wanted me to see.

On the screen were indeed, two people sitting on the both ends of the couch. one was smoking a cigarette, the other was obviously uncomfortable of the secondhand smoke. A quarter of the camera screen was occupied with the edges of a pillow so I imagined this was filed in secret, in between two throw pillows in the couch.

Mr. Daniel Sy spoke.

“I can give you that. being your older brother may have been a struggle, but well yeah. 50% will be yours of the company, that’s if I see you trying to save yourself from all these vices. Looking at you now, of course I won’t be trusting you with the company. it’s a good thing I have a l have a lost son for that.”

The younger sibling laughed.

“right, the lost heir. How’s the search now, brother? Haven’t you given up yet? pretty sure he’s dead.”

I looked closely because I’m pretty sure I saw a little smirk on Mr. Daniel Sy’s face.

“oh, we’re close to meeting already, thanks for asking.”

I paused the video and breathed out. Deep.

Something about what he said, it’s… it’s miserable. He had hoped to meet me. He actually believed he’d get to meet me.

“you okay, sir?” – the lawyer asked

“yes. just give me a second.”

I replayed that part again. For whatever reason, it was both satisfying and sad to hear. The hope in his eyes, coupled with the slight crack of his voice when he said that, it was… I can’t properly say the name for that feeling… I just know I haven’t felt this mixed emotion before.

And then I let the video continue its own story.

“lucky jerk. He’ll just enter the picture and then be an instant billionaire?”

“it’s even not enough. and who else would I entrust the company too? remember I can only agree to give you half of it because I have no choice. Or…”

“what? don’t tell me you changed your mind.”

“wait, there’s something I haven’t considered. My son is going to carry my name, further the family legacy. For that he has to… “

He stood up, as if remembering a very important portion of the facts.

“I have to consult my lawyer on this. I just thought of a condition. God, why haven’t I thought about this?! He’s a man, of course he’ll have his own family! He’ll get married. If he is, there’s no need to give you the 50%. He’s my priority here. you already spoiled your numerous chances.”

The other man stood up in the video and tried to reason out with my dad. The latter, however was already leaving the room. Sooner, the man who is my uncle faced the camera and turned the video off. When the screen turned black, I returned it to Atty. Sumayo.

“I don’t know what happened after that video was taken, but your father never mentioned it. Aaron only contacted me the other day asking me to file an amended will. To give him his 50%. Looked like he already knew you exist… and well, the condition was clear.”

It gave me a headache.

“I don’t know this man, Attorney… but clearly my father does not trust him. What do you suggest we do? How can I keep the company to myself?”

It’s not greed that pushed me to say that. It was that look on my father’s face when he said he trusts me. How could he, when during that time, he didn’t even meet me yet?

“you heard the man. You can still have the full percentage of your share. He only wanted one thing.”

I clenched my chin. I shouldn’t have asked. I already know what he’s about to say.

“you have to marry.”