
Lone Candidate


I laughed. Loud. Hysterical.

I kind of saw it coming, based on what I just watched but then, hearing it out loud didn’t take the comedy factor. Maybe Atty. Sumayo is not aware of my dating history… which is none. My entire teenage years before was spent working for every dime so I could support my daily needs and give some portion to my family. Something that’s… well, not normal compared to others.

“come on, it can’t be that hard.” – said Atty Sumayo. I looked at her and snickered.

“I don’t even have a girlfriend. How would I do this?”

The lawyer facepalmed. What? did he really think I have one? Given my tight schedule and multiple priorities? I don’t have time for that anymore. There’s even only one person I can call as my social life. Only one. Crazily enough, I had a crazy idea. I couldn’t voice it out though.

“well, don’t you have some candidates in mind?”

I frowned. He made it sound like a contest. What’s the prize? Me? if that’s a yes, I guess it’s not worth it.

“sorry. I’m used to rich clients like you having multiple women they can just summon when they want.”

I smirked.

“I’m not one of those and well, three years ago, I’m not a rich man either. Old habits don’t die.”

The lawyer took off his glasses and fished a square cloth from his briefcase to clean its lenses. That gave is a pause. The conversation isn’t leading somewhere anyway. As much as I was surprised of this new information, I have no idea as to get myself a wife in a spur of a moment. Not just a wife at that, but a permanent member of the Sy family name. Someone I will have a family with. To further the bloodline.

Beads of sweat formed on my forehead. I guess it was the weight of the pressure pounding in my chest that made me perspire. Finally, the wiping of the glasses has ceased to be an intermission and the lawyer cleared his throat.

“If you don’t do this, you’ll lose half of the company.”

I know, I know. I was weighing that on my shoulders since he said those words. the question, how?

“I know. How do I do this? Do you have any ideas?”

He shifted in his seat and leaned closer.

“actually, I can get you a woman. You know, a… a pretend wife. Just for the legalities of it. Along the way we can just think of something… a ground to file an annulment. A divorce in a foreign country even. We can just cross the bridge when we get there.”

I gulped. Wow. That was… something. I had lots of wild thoughts on this but a fake marriage, huh? For the money. In my head it sounded like a bad idea but he’s right. A 50% of my inheritance and the family company weighs on the balance, my own pride and respect on marriage on the other.

I sighed.

I guess being a billionaire doesn’t buy off problems, does it?

“how much time do we have? Did Aaron said something?”

“half a year. Fortunately, he’s out of the country as we speak for an important business venture. And by business, I bet its something illegal. On that note, please stay away from him. He did nothing his entire life but stain the family name.”

I nodded. Even when he didn’t say it, I have no intention of doing so. There’s a reason on why my father despises him so much. I intend to respect his memory by doing the same. Especially when the responsibility of the Sy name now on my shoulders. My sole responsibility.

With that realization, I got my answer.

“can you give me a week, attorney? I’ll think about it.”

He exhaled. I’m sure delaying this process a week would cause us some time. However, I have a lone candidate in mind. Funny, she doesn’t have any idea about it yet but if I were to wed someone and make her my wife, I’d rather be it someone I like and admire. Someone who I know can help the company to prosper, not to drag it down the sewers.






As what I expected, Julia overreacted over the details of what I said. She demanded I tell her everything. From the moment I got in the car on the first day until I got out when we returned and head to the room I have in the manor.

Now I kind of regretted the fact that I went out of the manor to meet her at the nearest coffee shop. If I foresaw she would react like this, I should’ve just met her at her apartment instead. I should have. I don’t know why I haven’t thought about that. It’s Julia. Loud must be her middle name.

Many people turned to look at our direction and I had to shush her to stop screaming. She muttered an apology to the people she disturbed while I was shaking my head slowly.

“and wow… EJ was there, too?”

“he was. Wait, you guys had a thing in college, right?”

She rolled her eyes.

“I don’t know what happened but we’re past that already. He’s fine, I’m fine. Did he ask about me?”

Bummer. He didn’t.

“yes! you share the same sentiments though so… we didn’t talk much about you.”

Julia nodded. She was still smiling. The effect of what I just narrated in careful details stuck, I guess.

“good. Let’s go back to what you said. So you and your boss shared those moments and yet you still don’t get it? oh Tina, you may be in genius in college but you seem dumb to me right now.”

I gasped. Of all offensive things, to be called dumb is the only one that gets into my nerves.

“excuse me?! no! There’s really nothing there. I’m not sure which part of what I said made you think otherwise but I can attest. It’s really nothing…”

I licked my lips… starting to doubt what I just said. I was there. I saw the stares, I felt the gentle touches, I felt it. But there’s nothing there to assume something more. For all I know, Julia was wrong. Why would he like me anyway? I’m his secretary. The title’s enough to bar that to happen.

“yeah, whatever. Deny it all you want. I’m completely convinced there is. Years from now you’ll only realize it when the two of you are holding your own child.”

She said matter-of-factly and punctuated it with a last sip of her cappuccino. It’s adorable how she’s so sure about this. And me? I’m not good with readings signals so as long as he’s not saying anything, there’s nothing here. As simple as that.

And then my phone rang with a call. The screen told me it was my boss and I got up, excusing myself from the conversation. I didn’t tell Julia who it was. You know, being careful not to witness another screaming embarrassment.

When I was out of earshot, I answered the call.

“Good day, sir.”

“Tina! Hey. Are you at home yet?”

My eyes widened. Oh no, was I gone that long?

“no, sir. I apologize. I’ll be home right now.”

“no, no, no. It’s a weekend. I didn’t call for work. Are you out?”

I sighed, relieved.

“yes, sir.”

“send me your location, I’ll pick you up.”

Wow. Again with the signals.