
Congratulatory Drink


I’m thankful Julia took the day off to accompany me to the gown house. As what Jiego and I anticipated, Aaron confirmed his attendance to the said event. To quote his own words, he said, “I wouldn’t miss it for the world.” Please.

Not that it affected me in some way. I know the last days and the recent words he has spoken to me were unsettling and I should be careful with my next moves, but then that’s him. That’s Aaron. Wipe that annoying attitude off his face and he becomes a nomad. No identity there anymore.

“Are you sure this is the place?” – Julia and I were standing under an umbrella. It’s 9:30 in the morning and it’s drizzling. Behind us, cars were driving slowly, careful not to splatter their tires with rainwater.

I looked up at the sign arch in front of us. On it were the huge words, “Bridal Choices” then the name Augustus Veincard on the bottom. I guess that’s the owner of the place?