
Being Honest


“You can trust me on anything, love. I’ll be your wife shortly. That’s kind of a big thing. I’m not going anywhere. I’m just here for you.”

I hate that the light causes her to be more radiant. It’s not just the color red, it’s the fact that she’s wearing it that made breathing normal seems a struggle.

I haven’t thought of it twice but I reached for her hand and kissed it. I looked up and she looked surprised. Her eyes checked from left to right, checking if there’s someone around to see that. I, too, realized that there are none. And I guess that’s alarming because I’m being sweet… even when nobody’s looking.

“Good night now, Tina. I’ll be there in the room shortly.”

Tina looked stunned. Damn it. I think I confused her with what I did. I didn’t mean to.

“Good night.”