
Mr. Billionaire's Ex-Lover

Due to an incident of harassment by her superiors on her, Rachel Lee who worked in one of the branch offices had to be transferred to the head office. Rachel thought things would get better. But it turns out that working at the head office makes her meet her past lover, someone who just disappeared for ten years and made her unable to move on. When her ex becomes the boss where she works, chases her and wants to get back with her when the man has another woman he will marry, where will fate take Rachel's heart, which is now restless?

Missara08_ · Urban
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156 Chs

Chapter 20

The afternoon breeze blew the black hair of a woman who was sitting alone on a bus stop bench.

Rachel smoothed the hair that was flying over her face, then glanced at the watch on her left arm. The woman exhaled slowly, as soon as she realized it was four o'clock in the afternoon.

Those honey-brown eyes sometimes squinted, as soon as the afternoon sun shone right on her beautiful face. Even though it was late afternoon, the sun was still so hot in the midst of the hot weather in New York City.

Rachel glanced around the bus stop which was a few hundred meters from the office building where she worked, it looked deserted.

Most of his office colleagues have been home since a few hours ago, considering today is Saturday. Work on Saturdays is only half a day, almost all of them have to go home as soon as two o'clock this afternoon.

Rachel and several people in her division were forced to go home late, considering that next Monday is the first day the interns' students start working, so this Saturday is a coaching or orientation day for all their preparations.


Rachel reflexively turned her head when someone called her name. Nancy in her old car was waving her hand, then slowed down until it stopped right in front of the bus stop.

Nancy said, "Are you seriously don't want to come home with me?"

"No, thank you." Rachel smiled slightly as she shook her head slightly. "Today you want to go home to your parents, don't you? You'll come home late at night because we're traveling in opposite directions."

"Your home isn't on Mars, Rachel." Nancy chuckled softly.

Nancy lived in a small apartment not far from work, and every weekend would return to her parent's house in suburban New York.

Even though Nancy was her best friend, Rachel was too shy to bother the fussy woman.

"No, Nancy, I'm fine," Rachel still refused. "Besides, the bus will be here soon."

"Okay, it's up to you." Nancy just rolled her eyes, then she started the car again and shouted, "I'm going first. Bye, Rachel!"

Rachel waved as the old yellow sedan sped down the street leaving her alone.

The woman reflexively rubbed her arms as the strong wind blew again against her. The bus he was waiting for was still about an hour away. If her phone hadn't run out of power, Rachel would have ordered a taxi online a long time ago and maybe she'd be relaxing at home by now.

Twenty minutes later, a white car suddenly pulled over and stopped right in front of her.

The car window slowly moved down, revealing the handsome figure of Dimitri looking at her with dark glasses perched on his nose.

"Did you just go home, Rachel?" asked Dimitri casually.

"Yeah, there was a briefing from the personnel team for interns student who will work next Monday," Rachel explained with a light nod.

"Alright. Come on! I'll take you home," offered Dimitri with a smile.

Rachel waved one hand quickly in refuse. "No thanks."

But instead of going like Nancy before, the man turned off the car engine while saying, "If you don't want to be driven, I'll be with you until the bus—"

"No, no, Dim!"

Rachel suddenly stood up, her hands stretched out in front of her in a gesture to prevent Dimitri, who had already opened the car door will from approaching her.

Even though working hours had passed a few hours ago, it is possible that some employees who might have just come home caught them alone together. Rachel couldn't let the slightest risk of creating untrue gossip, if that happened her calm in the office would end right then and there.

"O-okay, I'm going home with you."

Dimitri's lips curled into a perfect smile, showing his dimples. The man then closed the driver's door again while chuckling quietly, and waited for Rachel to get into his car. In fact, Dimitri did that on purpose knowing that she would rather accept her offer than risk being caught by a colleague from her office who had not yet returned.

Rachel seemed to straighten her skirt for a moment, then reached for the bag and several folders that she had put next to her. Then she made her way to the passenger door of Dimitri's car.

"Are you afraid you'll be the subject of gossip at work?" asked Dimitri with a smile.

Rachel who had just sat down and closed the car door then turned around, "I've had enough of that at the Seattle branch. I'll never want to experience that a second time."

A bitter smile was evident on Rachel's face. Dimitri knew very well that the incident at the branch office had left a lasting impression on her. The big scandal not only damaged Rachel's reputation but also made her the butt of her co-workers.

Not only satire and insults, she even got bullied by employees, especially the women where she worked.

Even the men there didn't hesitate to do obscene things to her, to women who were considered cheap because they teased their superiors to do embarrassing things in the office.

Even though what actually happened was an attempted rape, it still didn't erase the image that had already been damaged. Especially after Mr. Rega's wife made a fuss by bumping into Rachel and accusing her of being a slut and a seducer.

So, it's only natural that people don't believe this case was coercion or attempted rape, right?

Especially nowadays, people always take sides and give strong support to legal wives, and simply judge women who are considered harlots or seducers, without the slightest hearing or knowing the actual situation and events.

Even though a lot has happened, we have given support to one party, then flocked to judge those who are considered guilty, without examining it in its entirety.

Sometimes Dimitri thinks, why are people so judgmental as if they are the most righteous human being on earth?

Not wanting to make Rachel reminisce about her bad memories, the man chose not to talk about it anymore. Dimitri restarted the engine and the car drove at a light speed through the streets of the Capital.

Unbeknownst to the two of them, a luxury sedan pulled up and pulled up under a tree some distance behind watching them like wolves stalking prey.

Xavier's gaze turned dark. The man gripped the steering wheel so tightly that the veins in his hands protruded.

Emotions that had been on the verge of bursting almost exploded, seeing how Rachel casually got into his cousin's car as if they were already close.

Unlucky! Xavier punched the steering wheel with his jaw clenched in anger.

Xavier knew Dimitri too well. His bastard cousin wasn't a benevolent angel who liked to casually offer a ride to a stranger, even a woman.

It was certain that Dimitri knew Rachel, or perhaps they had a special close personal bond.

The man hurriedly started the engine and started driving towards Rachel's residence, intending to ask for an explanation as to how the woman who was now his ex knew and was even close to Dimitri.

Xavier was completely frantic, his mind was racing…

How did Rachel know his cousin so well?!

Even they look… familiar. So familiar that Dimitri bothered to get out of his car to meet Rachel at a bus stop.