
Mr. Bai's darling wife

Rose Liu. 25-year-old Chinese American with a heart-wrenching past and a cloud of darkness over her head. She thinks she is too far gone but will she see the light? Aaron Bai. 26-year-old Chinese businessman desperately in need of a wife. A man with a big heart and a lot of love to give just in need of the right woman. Excerpt: Looking at her I felt my heart skip a beat, she was the most beautiful woman I had ever seen. Her long black hair, the subtle smile on her lips, and her beautiful blue eyes, I could not stop myself as my legs moved of their own accord... I looked up when I felt the piercing gaze only to lock eyes with someone I can only describe as perfect. I quickly looked away as I saw him start walking in my direction. "He can't possibly be coming to me," I thought but I couldn't help the small smile playing on my lips as I entertained the possibility.

Siminlove_12 · Urban
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4 Chs



Rose Liu

"Peaches" he called out to me and snapped me out of my shock. "Aaron?"

He stood up and walked over to me giving me a bear hug "What are you doing here?"

"I am here for an interview with Mr. Bai" I replied "Peaches I am Mr. Bai" he said, and I was left speechless.

The man I had been going out with every night for the past week was Mr. Bai. I guess that explains all the special treatment we got every time we went out. I had just agreed to be his girlfriend the night before after the most romantic candlelight dinner and confession. And today I was in his office interviewing to be his personal assistant.

"You are Mr. Bai" I voiced "Sorry l did not tell you, it just never came up. Don't be upset okay?" he said nervously "I am not upset just surprised"

"Cough Cough" Yan Cheng coughed to get our attention "Er Boss about the interview..."

Aaron looked at me and asked, "Do you still want to work with me" "Yes, why wouldn't I?"

"Great!!" he said excitedly holding my hands

"Cheng get the contract for Peaches oh and increase the number of time it is valid for to 50 years" he instructed.

"Yes sir" Yan Cheng answered before he bowed and took his leave.

"What about the interview?" l asked "You are hired Peaches" he pulled me over to his desk, never once letting go of my hands.

"But you don't even know if l can do the job" I protested

"I will teach you all you need to know Peaches. Don't worry about a thing". He continued "Ah how nice this is to have my girlfriend working with me that way she won't have to worry about where am at"

l laughed at his childishness "Who said I would be worried Mr. Bai"

"Oh I just know" he replied with a silly smile

"I missed you Peaches"

"Mr. Bai, this is an office"

"Yes Peaches and l am the boss" he smiled as he spoke

"Why do you keep calling me Peaches?" I asked

"Because I love Peaches and I love you"

I blushed furiously at his bold declaration "We have only known each other for a week" l said softly.

"Yes, and I have loved you since the first-time l laid my eyes on you when you crashed into my arms Peaches. I know you don't love me yet but thank you for giving me a chance"

I nodded still blushing.

"Peaches" he called "Can l kiss you"

I hesitated for a second and nodded looking into his eyes as he moved closer to me.

Aaron Bai

"Peaches" I called "Can l kiss you"

I saw her hesitate for a second, my heart beating crazily in my chest. I was trying my best to look calm, but l couldn't help looking at her red plump lips that seemed to be inviting me as she bit on it. I saw her nod and slowly leaned in. The moment our lips connected it felt like fireworks exploded in the background. I gently kissed her seeking entrance into her mouth which she gave. Our tongues intertwined as I greedily sucked and savored every part of her mouth.

She moaned breathlessly and pounded against my chest. I gave her a second to breathe before crashing my lips against hers once again. I felt her snake her arms around my neck as l pulled her closer to me trying to melt her body into mine.


The door sounded which pulled us both out of our trance. We stood in each other's embrace as we caught our breath. I looked down at her lips that seem to have gotten even redder resisting the urge to kiss her again. We pulled apart and l gave audience to whoever was outside the door.