
Mr. and Mrs. Perfect

Some people are destined together... Will Serena, a diligent ballet dancer, win the love of her Mr. Perfect or will they fall prey to the malicious traps awaiting them?

UKIRA · Teen
Not enough ratings
56 Chs


Before I knew I was in my friends' house and enjoying a delicious lunch together. They were really happy to hear that I finally patched up with Kyle. Nathaniel was then giving me advice as usual and Tori giggling at them, teasing him. I was so happy to be able to smile freely after such a long period of suffocation. The memories of that sweet night still etched in my head making me blush.

Later, we had a hearty discussion about their wedding which would take place in our hometown where we all spent our school years. I was so excited to meet my other friends too since I had to apologize to them for not contacting you for so long. Although, there was still someone my heart desired to see and I made up my mind to meet him. I bid my farewell to the couple and took a taxi to the museum. I told Kyle that I would come by cab so he didn't have to pick me up. He didn't question much and that was a sigh of relief. I reached the destination in 15 minutes since the museum was not so far away. I paid the driver and walked quickly towards the backyard. There he was with all his glory. Standing there like a magnificent statue. There was something about this boy that made him so peculiar and so appealing. He noticed my presence as his head turned towards my direction, a beautiful boxy smile lighting up his beautiful face. I smiled back and waved at him also earning a wave from him. "Hello Madame, what brought you here?" He was a bit confused at my sudden appearance. "Well, I wanted to bid you goodbye young friend. I'll be leaving in 3 days." As soon as those words slipped my mouth his smile faded as if he heard bad news..."Oh, very well then. Have a safe journey, Madame." He tried to compose his feelings and smile but he failed. "You look so sad buddy. What's the matter?" I asked him genuinely concerned. "I-it's just you were the only f-friend I-I had made h-here and y-you're leaving me too." He was holding his tears back, noticing how his voice trembled when he spoke. I was heartbroken. He seemed so disturbed. "You know when I told you that I'm a tourist too? I lied to you. This is where I live." I was taken aback. He was shaking now. I held his hand and pressed it assuring him that he can trust me. He nodded and we both sat down on a bench. "My past unholds many secrets maybe some may sound too rough to you but well they are a part of me." He gazed into my eyes and I returned him a friendly look telling him that he can continue and he carried on. "My mother was forced into marrying my father who was a drug dealer and would abuse us almost every day. I was a child when my mum committed suicide. I was just 12 when this happened, resulting in everlasting emotional pain. I cried every day. I stopped going to school. I stopped socializing. My father threw me out when I turned 18. He wanted me to be involved with his criminal acts but I refused. Since then, I have started living in this backyard. The owner of this museum hired me as a caretaker of the priceless possessions of this museum and gave me a small room here to live." He was breathless. He sighed making me snap back to reality. "I'm so sorry dear friend. I wasn't aware of your situation. I promise to return soon and meet you." He just smiled weakly in reply. I embraced him making sure that he knows I'll stay loyal to my promise. I want to help this boy. "Your husband is the luckiest man because he has you. You're so kind Madame. Please do return to meet me here I'll be waiting." He then broke the hug and I finally said goodbye to him. I'll miss him and I'll surely return soon.

Next day...

"So we still have two days, why not explore the place more?" Kyle said with an excited smile. I nodded with a loving smile. I was loving this time with him, every moment felt like magic and I wanted to feel every inch of it. We got ready to tour for our outdoor tour. The tour guide was there to receive us but when I saw him my jaw dropped. "Vante?!" I exclaimed with utter shock. He flashed a boxy smile which can make someone melt in an instance. "Hello, Madame! I've started this new job from today and they appointed me to be your tour guide since I know a lot of good tourist places." "Nice to see you again Vante," Kyle said and smiled at him. "Pleasure, Sir. Ok, so these are the sites you're visiting today. Are you ready Mr. and Mrs. Kyle?" We both nodded and he started walking through the corridor followed by us. I knew it will be fun if he was around knowing how of a chatterbox he can be. Gladly, Kyle didn't show many reactions like previously when he got jealous.

The day was going well with Vante continuously talking about random stuff. I kept laughing at his silly talks and Kyle kept smiling. I was glad he was breaking through his tough shell and embracing softness. I was staring at him lovingly. I didn't notice two pairs of eyes staring at me from a distance.

Third person's P.O.V:

He kept on blabbering about the places they were visiting and kept turning back to make sure they were following. He was talking about a famous art gallery and when he turned back to look at the couple and what he saw made his heart beat fast. He saw her eyes staring at her husband with immense love. He was smiling and looking at her. Vance's eyes were fixated at her and her only. If only he was... Wait! Why was he thinking about such stuff?! She was married and loved her husband why would she even look at him. Besides she considers him a small helpless boy who just came into her life randomly. There was nothing fancy about it. He was so absorbed in his thoughts that he didn't notice two fingers snapping in front of him. It was from Serena. "Hey, are you okay? You were talking about an art gallery, right? Are we here?" He quickly jerked his thoughts away and bowed to them in apology and kept walking towards the art gallery.

The day was almost ending and so was Vante's happiness. When he was told he was going to be their tour guide he was so happy like never before. He was so happy to see her again and to be with her again. That embrace felt so warm. Her sensation sent shivers down his spine. Someone cared for him. He knew it was so wrong to think of a girl who's married and loves her husband but his mind won't stop replaying the day he met her. Why did it have to be the wrong person? Why did it have to be the person he can never have? But he was contented. At least she saw him as a friend. At least they can be friends. That's the only thing that matters. Besides, he got dreams to fulfill. These jobs were enough to feed him well. His main dream was to be a ballet teacher. His long lost desire was returning and he was suddenly feeling optimistic. Yes, he will achieve his dream no matter what.

Next day...

We stood at the airport waiting for our flight. I was talking to my mom on the phone telling her that I'll be back tomorrow. I was really happy to be finally meeting my family after all those restrictions. I was waiting for Kyle who went to bring snacks for us and spotted him walking towards me with two paper bags. Well, I was really hungry so I quickly logged in earning a chuckle from him. Music to my ears. After all these days, our honeymoon did bring us closer. His dad was right. Maybe he knew his son wanted some time and he trusted me too. I'm glad I have such a good and wise father-in-law just like my own father. Well, I'm happy that I'll be meeting everyone soon because I was becoming homesick.

Time skip~

I was standing in front of my parents' house as we decided to meet them first. This is the first time I'll be properly meeting them after marriage and also having Kyle by my side. I was feeling more confident and more satisfied imagining how my parents would be so happy to see me with him. I rang the doorbell. A few minutes later, the door was opened by my mother. Seeing me so suddenly made her gasp in surprise and then moments later we were in each other's embrace. She gave Kyle a warm hug too. We both went inside and a feeling of nostalgia hit me. This house held many of my memories and mostly good ones. I looked at the staircase which led to my bedroom. Father was gone for work and mother went to check on the food she was preparing for us. "Since you told me that you'll be coming today, I couldn't help myself from staring at the clock and counting every minute. I'm so glad you're here my dear daughter. And Kyle, thank you for bringing her here." She gave us a warm smile as she came back with a tray of biscuits and fruits, making me teary. I missed that smile so freaking much. "It's my pleasure, Mrs. Park. Besides, consider me as your second son." He smiled gently which made me look at him with love eyes. Then suddenly I noticed a person's absence. "Speaking of which, where's Henry?" My eyes scanned the room waiting for him to jump out and scare me as usual, but mother just smiled and told me he was out with his friends. I was a bit sad since I wanted to embrace him so badly. The door was knocked and we all turned to look at it. "I'll get it," Kyle said and walked towards the entrance door.

Third person's P.O.V:

He opened the door and saw Henry standing there, but he wasn't alone. There was a girl beside him and when he noticed her presence, his senses went numb. She was clinging onto Henry as if they were close. "Maria?" His voice felt like a whisper which faded away in the wind. But she didn't turn her head to look at him. She stayed there looking anywhere but him. He wished he was dreaming. He wished he was hallucinating. No way in hell, would all of this be real. But her ignorance and sheer nervousness gave him his answer. He wished he wasn't alive to see this whole scenario. He wished she was dead and didn't show up with another man who happened to be his wife's brother. She lied to him. She wasn't dead. She...she...

"Hey, brother! When did you guys arrive? Where's Serena?" Henry said and quickly hugged Kyle interrupting him from his thoughts."She's inside." He managed to smile but his heart was pounding too loud. "Oh let's go and meet her shall we Rei?" He looked at the girl with a gentle smile and she nodded with a small smile. "Oh, I forgot to introduce you to my girlfriend. This is Rei and Rei, this is my beloved sister's husband, Kyle." She managed to spit some words out of trembling mouth. "Hello, Mr. Kyle." He stood there not being able to speak and just bowed. "Well, let's go inside. Serena would be waiting for us impatiently." Henry chirped and they all went inside praying in their hearts that their interaction remains minimal.

Serena's P.O.V

I was starting to get nervous as to why Kyle was taking so long when suddenly I heard someone giggling. I knew that giggle. It's none other than my brother. Oh, I'm so relieved to see him. He popped his head inside the living room making me jump. "Gotcha!" He laughed and before we knew it we were in each other's arms feeling the times we've been apart. "So when did my baby sis arrived?" He smiled. "Well, we just came and were waiting for you and your father. Where have you been?" He just chuckled and said, "Well I want you both to meet someone." He turned towards the door. "Rei you may come in now." And with that being said the door opened and appeared a beautiful girl with long blonde hair and in a pretty red dress. Behind her was Kyle standing there like a statue. I furrowed my eyebrows in confusion and concern as to why he seemed so lost. He looked at me and gave me a weak smile but I was sure he wasn't smiling at all.

Well, we chatted all day long and soon father joined us too. It was now time to leave as it was getting late. Kyle's parents knew we would come home late so it wasn't a big of a problem. We bid our farewells and drove off to his parents' house.

To be continued...