
MR RIGHT (the magnet)

King_Pharaoh · Realistic
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2 Chs


The greatest pride in life is to be righteous, this rang deep down in his frontal lobe, but most times it felt like he was still communicating with his father. Ever since the death of Isuwa Rekwotson,(His father) Kiforo couldnt find peace, this peace he seeksd but lost each time he felt, he came close to achieving it. more distressing was the assasination, after many attempts on his family, they finally got to his father.

few months before the demise and heartbreak, he pushed closed to his dad to learn as much as he could, it was as if he heard the whispers from the angel of death and knew what was coming but couldn't Interprete it, neither share it, even if he tried. Growing up Kiforo had grown to love his dad from a distant, wishing he could say how much he loved him, but the leach of pride sunk deep in his heart, pride not of achieving but paide of trying something he wasnt used to, he knew how to easily talk his way through anything, but looking into his dads eyes he never got a hang on how to express properly his emotions to his father. isuwa rekwotson was a public figure of high esteem and values one that was widely admired by his peer's superiors and subordinates, osuwa was an ideal figure to the community well endowed is morals and values, deligently handsome and dashingly humble, one whoose smile would crack the toughest hearts, being very close to his father in his childhood days, he had mastered the act of confidence even though scared as a shivering cat, he could still stand his ground for what he believed in. Kiforo learnt this and couldn't wait to exhibit this intelligent strategy he had learnt from his father. for a long period in his life he felt there wasn't a single thing he couldn't achieve cause he had seen his dad in such light and wanted to be just like him.

to be right or righteous takes a lot, this discovery Kiforo made just when he got to Junior High his first school a seminary, it was more like his father had seen how influential his son would be and weed to groom himgoteaching his norms, values and their cultural heritage.

SAINT BARTHOLOMEWS HIGH SCHOOL a boarding school set to hold one of the high standards, teaching etiquette and morals, as student in this school, you would be taught leadership and how to properly act until you become a leader and leadership becomes a part of you, now the confidence he needed had come in a platter of Gold, not being able to express true emotions and pride in doing what he wasnt used to, he was appreciative to his parents for the opppourtunity but never showed too much of this emotions as reagrds to how he felt deep within his heart. it took a while almost felt like ages discovering his talents and fading of his timid and shy nature. it wasn't an inferiority defect but a feeling of isolation he couldnt explain, the jovial kid in his estate now, the most quiet and timid, so much that he was noticed by peers and seniors to be a quiet kid. most interestingly kiforo had unintentionally captured the hearts of many of the female students in his school. he was admired and sort as a very cute and intelligent kid, his grades and phonetics stood away from the likes of his class mates, it was obvious he was a magnet a desire that many wish to entangle themselves with.

But, as far as this innocent and timid junior high school student (kiforo) was concerned every prying eye was analyzing something abnormal about him, this very much lead to his silent and quiet behavior. just when he thought everything was going to go for the better, in his little time at Saint Bartholomew's junnior high, he met intriguing, funny and catastrophic charcaters the type that will trade stories on hours end with each otherr, reminiscing about home and how much they missed everything aout their comfort zoness. imaginations was his nature, kiforo was inaginative and had a pound load of ideas swimming in his mind. his biggest dream was to be his father and greater at best, he wanted to challenge his faghers reputation by being splifik(splendidly fantastik) to his peers just as his father had done. carrying out every challenge with stiz and completing endeavors with values, dignity and simplicity. humble as can be he could help but wonder into the eyes of ZILLA. zilla was noticed as the hottest and another magnet of herself, unlike every other leadin act to catch the fancy of a school she wasnt proud neither was she a talkative, zilla maintaininined a stizz close knitted to the type of kiforos exuberance unknowingly to her she had become a positive energy he wanted. his only challenge was how to approach and share an amazing conversation, the type he imagined to have gone awesomely being his biggest accomplishments, datjng the hottest girl in saint batholomews junior high. zilla had become his biggest target and all kifork needed now was a bait to get the fish in his hook. despite his inability to socialise, neither pride or ego was an adversary but love was one adversary he had very much hoped to win.

His story now had beenme that of a kid who was shy and timid found was he later understood to be love, tries to do right as much as he could but never seems to stick with it, despitee the twist and changes he had undergone In life, expected to derail he stood awe and exemplary, so much that he was sort after by many and hated by a wholesome. despite the indecisiveness of fate he exhumes his fate and destiny to become his greates ally. Kiforo turns out to persevere in all situations carrying as much as he could in his enormous heart, the magnet is also known as MR right could never do any wrong intentionally.

urban story of a kid who tries to do right as much as he could but never seems to stick with it, found love met a twist and had undergone a huge changes innnnnn life, expected to derail he stood awe and exemplary, so much that he was sort after by many anf hated by many. despite the twists and turns in fate and destiny, he turns out to persevere in all situations carrying as much as he could in his enormous heart, the magnet also know as me right could never do any wrong intentionally.

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