
Mr lu, In the End I am the Winner

Hell with all the bad people,hell with all the bad organization. You care so much about your loved one's that you needed to loose yourself, you are not who you were before, you've to change, things doesn't always go by the plan you've predicted. Not poor nor rich I'm the girl from a mediocre family, got big dreams... But. My whole life got changed after the incident that very incident......... Waking up in the bright room with white ceiling disinfectant smell all over, feeling a throbing pain in my head I saw nothing but the strangers around me...... . . ." Hey dear are you awake? "said a polite gentle voice . There I get to know it's changed every thing is changed... . From then, she became a gamer, code breaker,a genius doctor fastest learner and a big name in business, like a female tycoon her name was every where... . One day she got challenged by an arrogant man. She's not afraid, if it's the end so be it, Mr Lu in the end i am still the winner. .. ... In the game of cat and mouse both male and female chase each other ending in being together forever. . .. .... "Hey wifey ,Nice to meet you" He said while smirking "I'm not your wife." She said angrily "You are not but soon you will." saying this he encircling his arm around her . "You beast" she said looking exhausted . "Only for you baby ." He smiled while saying . Later a little bun kept calling her mother and shamelessly help his evil father in concurring his beautiful mother. "Belive me or not without my help my father would still be sleeping alone in this cold chamber hummmph this old man is ungrateful."little bun says trynically. ..... Its not like a reincarnated female lead novel, nor a typical type. Follow Rina in her journey of black and white. For people who are allergic to grammatical mistakes should beware. Picture for the novel is not mine copyright not issued taken from the web

bb_mangoo · Fantasy
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63 Chs


Everyone was waiting for her to remove her mask and make fun of herself but all in vain .

Before the students get to mock her again .

Teacher entered the door, after the attendance the class starts .

It was English class and everyone wants to learn and speak English fluently, as it makes them look rich ,classy and cool .

well that's what they thought .

Rina was sitting silently, looking at the board ,she felt bored out of bordem she decided to take a nap for a few minutes.

But just as she was about to close her eyes ,she got in the eyes of teacher .

English teacher was a strict one and also haughty on the other side .he felt superior from other teachers, she pointed her and ask her to translate the paragraph.

Rina lazily stood up and gazed at her

Then she said:" okay .."

"Once was a man with dignity ,lay down unspoken ,he was punished without any reason and teared to pieces, but he doesn't loses his sight and knew what's he want in the rule of tyrant he doesn't loses his faith ."

Teacher said : "What are you saying,it's not written in the book so what the hell are you saying ".

"I meant to say that this paragraph summarize dignity is essential and the paragraph you've given me is also not a part of syllabus ,but the person have given me the paragraph,that has no dignity. "

She said loud and clear I'm fluent English, everyone was gasping ,it was so cool that even there English teacher could barely speak like this .

But only few understood this one and the one included was the teacher.

he was fuming in anger .

He said loudly :"How dare you ?" he was as red as tomato .

"How dare I !" Rina repeated 'WORD by WORD '.

"Well I dare it because,you were crossing your boundary as a teacher."

"Do you know ,it's against the rule to make student read such a paragraph."

"WHAT about this paragraph".he asked angrily.

"Check it out yourself" she said calmly.

When teacher looked at the paragraph ,he was astonished,surprised ,and then ashamed .

Because it was non other then his Se*ual content research ,extremely deep and totally not suitable for children under eighteen.

He glared at her and pointed .

"You .."

and went out of the class fumingly.

In class,

"Wowwww rina , how can you speak English so fluently.."

"Omg that was so cool ."

"hehe ... what was written ."

There were various voices out there .

But rina didn't bother with all of them.

Because , she got an unexpected text and her face color immediately changed after reading the text.

Her phone notification states that:


' What the he'll ' rina murmured.

and dashed out of the class leaving gusts of cold wind.