
Mr Lawyer, be careful with my heart

"I miss you" he said with his hoarse voice as he gazed at her. her heart was screaming I miss you too but instead she said. "It's okay, you'll get used to it".

Felicity_Uhomonye · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
62 Chs


Within minutes Skyler was already done making soup. He then brought a bowl of soup to Aliya.

Aliya sensed his presence and she shifted her gaze to look at his face, he still had a calm expression as he sat next to her on the couch.

Aliya watched as Skyler took a spoonful and then brought it to her lips.

"Ahh" he said as he opened his mouth signaling her to do so.

Aliya watched and she didn't know why she found his behaviour funny as she tried to hide her giggle.

But Skyler had already seen it and he then dropped the spoon back in the bowl.

"What's funny?" He asked with his eyes fixed on her face.

Aliya just shook her head as a response as she tried to reach out her hands to grab the bowl but Skyler didn't let her.

"I can eat by myself you know" Aliya said as she adjusted herself on the couch.

In the process her shorts went higher and more of her thighs were exposed.

Skyler eyes followed her shorts and he gulped, when he saw her exposed milky thighs, he was itching to touch her but he didn't want her to think that he only wanted her body.

He took deep breaths and then he shifted his gaze back to her face.

"I know" Skyler replied as he then took another spoonful and brought it to her lips.

Aliya looked at him and then looked at the spoon, she could see some vegetables and her insides turned. She opened her mouth and accepted the soup.

"Hot" Aliya screamed and then stood up from the couch and head to the sink.

Skyler cursed as he realized that he had forgot to blow the soup as it was still hot, very hot.

Aliya rinsed her mouth when she was done and she could still feel the burn on her tongue.

She cursed herself for forgetting to blow on it before accepting it.

Skyler quickly rushed to her to help but Aliya was already done.

"I'm sorry...I should've made sure it was cold first." Skyler said with his voice lowered.

Aliya could still feel the burn on her tongue but she tried her best to hide it as she didn't want him to be feeling more guilty.

"It's okay" Aliya said and then took a sit on the chair around the kitchen counter. She grabbed a bottle and gulped it down in one go as she tried to ease the burn.

Skyler could only curse himself inside for not blowing on it before giving her.

Aliya could see his expression clearly written on his face as she was able to read him very well, he was like an open book to her.

"Really.. it's just a burn, I'll be okay" Aliya tried to reassure the man even though she knew that her tongue now had a red big mark on it.

Skyler just gave a nod and then he brought back the bowl of soup, but this time he blew on it several times and Aliya had to tell him that it was enough before he stopped.

"Why aren't you eating?" Aliya asked as she received a spoonful from him.

"I'm not hungry" He replied and readied another spoonful of soup for her.

Aliya didn't bother to ask again and just continued to enjoy the feeling of being fed by him.

Aliya continued to eat in silence and when she was done Skyler then took the plate and washed it in the sink. Aliya did nothing but watch the man, he seem to be very good in the kitchen.

Aliya's mind wondered off without her knowing, she couldn't erase the dream she had that night, she hasn't told Skyler about it yet as she still thought that maybe it was just her mind playing tricks, besides he hasn't asked her yet.

Bishop, the name kept ringing several times in her mind as she tried to recall if she had ever been in contact with someone with that name.

It made her wonder why someone would try to kill her, though she had offended lots of people but she didn't think any of them would go as far as to do something like this.

It all didn't make sense, and the more she tried to connect the dots the more lost she is.

Skyler had just finished washing the dishes when he caught sight of Aliya. Her face was calm and she was staring intently in one direction. He could see the distant look in her eyes and the way her brows crease Everytime.

"Aliya" He softly called as he reached his hand to smoothen her brows.

Aliya jolted back to reality when she felt his touch, she looked up to him but he wasn't looking at her, his eyes were focussed on her brows intently trying to fix something.

Aliya just continued to look at him as she wondered why, she had woke up that night screaming and he didn't care to ask her about it. It made her wonder if he already knew but that couldn't be possible as she hadn't told anyone yet.

"What is it?" Skyler asked as he placed his hands back on his side and he looked at her blue eyes that seem to be holding a lot of untold secrets, he had noticed that a lot about her. Her eyes were always calm and still like a treasure chest under the sea, it hardly opens but when it does it closes immediately.

He has noticed that she didn't like to talk about her problems, she liked to keep it all to herself as she didn't believe in the word sharing. She was very self reliant and he loved her for that, he didn't mind that she was hiding something's from him.

"Aren't you going to ask?" Aliya asked as her gaze fixated on his face.

"About what" Skyler replied as he then grabbed a bottle of water and then pour it in a glass for her.

Aliya took the glass and continued to look at him before she finally finished her statement.

"Don't you want to know what's going on, the screams...the nightmares. You just act like it's nothing, aren't you bothered with what's happening?" Aliya asked as her eyes looked at him with curiosity

Skyler looked at her for a brief moment as if trying to capture her image right now in his memory before he answered.

"Believe me Aliya, I do want to know, I want to know everything." Skyler said as he used his hand to caress her cheek.

"But I'm not going to force you to tell me anything" Skyler said as he dropped his hand back.

"We can talk about everything when you are ready to talk about it." He reassured her with his still water expression.

Aliya didn't say anymore word and just drank the water all the while her mind was still in highway.

"It's still early, what do you want to do?" He asked as he glanced at his wristwatch before he looked at her with his grey eyes.

Aliya thought of where to go and there was only one place on her mind right now.

"I was planning to go meet Harry" Aliya said and she saw the change of expression on Skyler's face.

"Why would you want to go meet him?" Skyler asked as he felt his anger rising again.

"I..." Aliya tried to explain but the man wasn't giving her a chance to

"He tried to kill you Aliya, why will you want to go meet him again. Do you really want to die"He said half yelling as his gaze sharpened, anger course through his veins as he remembered the nights he had seen her lying on the ground helplessly.

He couldn't remove those images from his head and the idea of her going to meet someone who tried to kill was making him loose control of himself.

Aliya didn't say anything more, this was the first time that Skyler had ever yelled at her. Even in the past he always spoke to her calmly, hearing him shout at her was something she hadn't experienced before.

Not wanting to continue the discussion, Aliya spared one glance at him before she then left the kitchen and entered the bedroom.

Skyler was back to his senses when he saw her leaving. He cursed as he then followed her but Aliya had already shut the door, he then heard a click sound and he immediately tried to open the door but she had already locked it from the inside.

"Aliya" He called severally as he hit the door gently.

"I'm sorry for yelling" He said as he continued to try to open her door. He could just kick the door open but he was afraid that she was in front of it and he didn't want to hurt her in any means.

He could remember the look in her eyes before she left, she was holding back the tears that wanted to roll down her cheeks. He could clearly see the hurt in her eyes when he yelled at her.

He continued to bang on the door for several minutes but still there was no response.