
Mr Lawyer, be careful with my heart

"I miss you" he said with his hoarse voice as he gazed at her. her heart was screaming I miss you too but instead she said. "It's okay, you'll get used to it".

Felicity_Uhomonye · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
62 Chs


Throughout the rest of the drive neither of them spoke to each other as their mind wondered off to different thoughts.

The car stopped and the duo alighted from the car. Aliya walked behind Skyler as her mind wondered what he had planned as her punishment.

She didn't want to ask as she thought that it would lead to him teasing her about what happened in the car.

Skyler stopped at the front of room fifty and Aliya passed him a confusing look as she looked at the door carefully wanting to know if maybe her eyes were deceiving.

"What are we doing here?" Aliya asked as she looked up to the man.

Skyler who had his hand placed on his pants pocket stared at her with a neutral expression as he answered with ease.

"To get your things" Skyler replied and then nudged his head towards the door as his eyes asked her to type in her passcode.

Aliya looked at him as she tried to figure out what he was planning. His face was not giving anything and his eyes were still calm, without further questions Aliya typed her passcode and then she opened the door.

The apartment was dark as usual but it was not difficult for one to find their way around. Aliya walked towards the switch and then brightened the light a little.

Skyler walked around as his eyes scanned the apartment, he noticed that unlike his apartment hers was smaller with only two rooms. His eyes focussed on the wall and furnitures.

Unlike him Aliya's furnitures were blue in colour, everything that had to do with paint was blue and it gave the apartment a neutral vibe.

"Why blue?" Skyler finally asked as his eyes stopped looking around and focused on her.

Aliya who had been watching him since was stunned when she heard his question but still she answered.

"Why not" Aliya said in more of a statement than a question.

A smirk appeared on Skyler's face as his eyes stared at her in amusement.

Not wanting to spend more time with him as she didn't know if she would be able to control herself, Aliya walked pass him and headed to her room. Skyler who had noticed her movements quickly followed her.

Aliya's room was not as big as Skyler's own but it was still big. She had a normal size bed and a side drawer by it, there was a small couch and a table at the other end of the room.

While facing the bed was an open terrace were one could enjoy the view from inside.

Aliya's room was also painted in blue, Skyler who had seen this wanted to ask why but he then remember what she had said the last time so he decided to keep shut.

Skyler watched as she began to remove her things from the wardrobe and then he saw that all her clothes were either black or blue. Infact everything about her was either black or blue, she seem to like dull colours.

Aliya could feel his gaze on her but she didn't mind as she pretended not to see him, she had recovered from that kiss scene and now she was back to her expressionless face.

Aliya was almost done with her clothes when she noticed that she hadn't picked up her underwear, without much thought she began to pick all her undies and placed them on the bed.

Skyler who was watching her tensed up a little when he saw what she brought out.

His body seemed to be raging again but not with anger or jealousy, this time it was lust.

He tried to distract himself so he quickly grabbed the bag that Aliya wanted to take and he himself started placing the clothes in them, one by one.

Aliya just watched him and without thinking much about it she left the room and headed to the kitchen.

Skyler who saw her movements guessed that she was going to get her things in the living room so he let her be.

He used his hand to touch every fabric she brought out like he was trying to memories the texture of the material.

He fiddled with her blue laces and after some time he placed them back in the bag. He carried the luggage and then went to meet Aliya in the kitchen.

"Why didn't you bring out all your clothes?" Skyler asked as he made his way towards her. She was in the refrigerator packing foodstuffs he guessed.

"Because I won't be staying with you forever, I'll return back soon" Aliya said without looking at him.

"Aliya our deal is that you stay with me forever" Skyler corrected as he looked at her in a challenging way like he was right.

"yes" Aliya confirmed to his words as she continued to pack the items in her fridge.

"So how do you plan to leave?" Skyler asked as his eyes zeroed on her intensely this time.

"That's for me to know and for you to figure out" Aliya then said as she left her fridge and walked towards him with her business smile on her face.

"Mr Walker, is there anything else I should take along?" Aliya asked as she looked at him.

Skyler's gaze just watched her face and he was lost, she was smiling but when he looked at her eyes what he saw was pure emptiness and it made him want to kill whoever had done this to her but he knew that he couldn't because if he was to do that he would be killing himself.

Skyler just shook his head as he removed the unwanted thoughts but Aliya took that as the answer to her question so she walked out of the living room with Skyler behind her.

Aliya dimmed the lights as she and Skyler exited her apartment. They both made their way to the elevator and when they were inside Aliya asked the question that had been bugging her ever since.

"What's the owner of a multi billionaire Law firm doing in a rented apartment? Why didn't you live in the Walker mansion?" Aliya asked as her eyes trained on him waiting for an answer.

Skyler who had been quiet ever since sighed and then answered.

"You re not ready to here the answer" Skyler replied as the elevator stopped and they both came out.

Aliya was really not interested she just wanted to know but since he wasn't willing to tell anyone, she wasn't going to force him.

They both headed to the door when a familiar voice called out.

"Mr Walker" The voice called to which both Aliya and Skyler turned in unison. Skyler had a displeased look on his face while Aliya was still as expressionless as ever as she looked at the man.

Lim who was about entering his own apartment stopped when he noticed the pair and so he decided to say hello.

"Mr Lee" Skyler said as he tried to control his annoyance when he saw Lim reaching his hand out to Aliya to which Aliya took without much thought to it.

"I didn't expect to see you here, aren't you in room fifty?" Lim asked as his eyes looked at Aliya.

Before Aliya could answer Skyler had already interrupted.

"She's living with me now" He said and without waiting for Lee to answer he dragged Aliya inside and shut the door.