
Mr Lawyer, be careful with my heart

"I miss you" he said with his hoarse voice as he gazed at her. her heart was screaming I miss you too but instead she said. "It's okay, you'll get used to it".

Felicity_Uhomonye · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
62 Chs


They both stayed like that without a word, the apartment was silent, there was no word that needed to be spoken, they both knew what their heart wanted and at this time it was to be this close.

"Aliya" Skyler called her name in the most gentle tune she had heard for a long time.

"I need to go back to my apartment" Skyler said which made Aliya pull back from the hug as she looked at him with her blue eyes asking for explanation.

"It's not that I'm angy or anything, it's just that it feels like I've been moving too fast. Don't mistake my actions and think that I don't love you Aliya, I do love you a lot more than I can tell but I believe I should take things step by step. Living together will only bring us closer and I fear that the more closer I get to you then it would be a lot harder to restrict myself from doing the things that I wish to" Skyler said as he took deep breaths to try to calm himself before he continued.

"I'll move to my apartment but I'll still come visit and you are free to come stay as long as you want but don't do it because you feel you are indebted to me. It may be a long wait Aliya but I will wait till you accept me back, and then everything could be as it was before."

Hearing him talk about how they were before made Aliya rethink about her past. She couldn't deny that she too missed their past time when they were young and stupid. Knowing how she was so deeply in love with him then was stupid but till now nothing had changed. These past few years that he had left Aliya still had love for him, she never opened her heart to anyone else as she believed that he would come back one day. Though there were times that she would fool herself into thinking that she hated him but now that he's back Aliya can now realize that nothing really had changed. But apart from that Aliya still had fear in her heart, she was afraid of putting her heart on the line as she was afraid of what would be the outcome.

"Do you still love me?" Aliya finally asked as she lifted her eyes to look at the man's eyes but she couldn't get a good look before she felt his lips on hers. And not like those needy kisses, this one was gentle and it was as if he was trying to pass a message to her.

Aliya couldn't help but respond to him, she too missed his gentle kisses, his lips were like a drug that she was addicted to. She could never get used to them and she didn't plan on ever getting used to them.

Lost in the kiss Aliya hadn't realized that her hands were already encircling on his neck as she pulled him closer. Skyler who saw her advancing move pulled away as he took a deep breath with his eyes closed.

When he opened them Aliya could see the restraint in his eyes that soon left. Aliya knew he was trying to be gentle for her sake but she too couldn't deny that she wanted him to continue but she couldn't say it out so he won't get the wrong impression.

"I'll be leaving now" Skyler said as he touched her cheeks lovingly. "Will you like to take your things today or tomorrow?" Skyler asked as he dropped his hand to the side.

"No, I think they should remain there, after all it's OUR apartment" Aliya said to which Skyler's eyes twinkled in delight.

"Will you be going to work tomorrow?" Skyler asked the question which had been bothering him for so long. He still wasn't comfortable with the idea of Aliya leaving the building as he feared something might happen.

"Do you want me to?" Aliya asked as she looked at his eyes.

"No" Skyler answered truthfully.

"Fine I'll stay" Aliya said and to which earned a satisfied look from Skyler.

Without wasting more of her time Skyler left but not without glancing back one more time.

Aliya watched as the door close and a sigh left her lips. She knew that she was risking it all again, she was playing this game of love and she feared what the outcome would be this time.

Aliya entered her bedroom and the coldness enveloped her, this past few days she was used to meeting Skyler in the room. But tonight she was going to be sleeping alone in her bedroom, she couldn't help but feel a little downhearted.

Aliya entered the bathroom and took a quick shower before changing to a pair of shorts and top.

She laid down on her soft comfy bed but still she didn't feel sleepy, She closed her eyes but sleep refused to come.


Skyler couldn't help but sit in his living room waiting for Aliya to come in or so he hoped that she would want to spend the night with him.

It's funny how years back he was able to go to sleep alone without company but after spending these few days with Aliya, he didn't want to sleep alone.

Knowing that she wasn't going to come Skyler then left his living room as he made way to his bedroom. He quickly took a shower and put on his grey robe showing little of his well sculptured chest.

Skyler looked out the window as he gazed at the sky, everything looked so calm and peaceful there and he could only wish his life could be like that too.

As he looked out the window he wondered if Aliya was already asleep and he couldn't resist the urge to check up on her so he grabbed his phone and dialed her number.

Aliya picked the call at the first ring and the line became silent, Neither of them said anything.

"Did I wake you up?" Skyler asked in an apologetic tune as he broke the silence.

"No, I wasn't sleeping" Aliya answered which was the truth as she was finding it hard to sleep.

"You should get some sleep it's late" Skyler said to which Aliya hummed in reply. Silence reigned again as they both stayed silent. Neither of them was wanting to cut the call as they both found the Silence comforting, but Skyler knew that if he was to continue the call then he might loose control and just go to her apartment right now.

"Good night Aliya" Skyler muttered under his breath.

"Good night Kyle" Aliya replied before she ended the call.

Even after hearing the beep at the other line Skyler still left the phone by his ear as his eyes continued to look at the stars.

Seconds passed by before Skyler removed the Phone from his ear and placed it by the window terrace.

Skyler knew that he wouldn't be able to sleep without Aliya, he didn't know how but this past few days he had gotten so use to her being around and he didn't want that to change.

Skyler looked down his window as he made some calculations, Aliya's room was just a few floors below his and so without waiting any longer he jumped down as he placed his hands on the terrace so as not to fall.

He did that as he jumped from floor to floor trying not to make a sound until he got to Aliya's room and then he placed his legs by the window and then sat by the terrace with one leg resting on the floor and his back leaning on the frame.

Luckily Aliya was already asleep and she was facing the window so he was able to get a clear look of her face.

He couldn't help but smile when he saw how calm she was, she looked so beautiful under the dimly lit room. Her hair was still damp and some strands were still on her face and he could feel the urge to pull them back.

Not able to control himself Skyler walked towards the sleeping beauty on the bed as he lifted his hands to remove the strands. He did it all the while not allowing his finger graze her skin.

Now that he was closer he could now get a good view of her as his eyes scanned her from her face down to her legs. He had just noticed that she was wearing shorts and his eyes fixed on her milky laps and he found himself loosing control again.

Skyler took a deep breath with his eyes closed as he tried to keep his cool. He opened his eyes and looked at her face one last time before he left her room and headed for his apartment.

This was just the first day and he was finding it hard to got to sleep, he could only wonder how much torture he would have to go through in the coming days.