
Jason was looking vulnerable!

"I think someone doesn't want us together! Someone wants to apart us, Bryan!" Nancy said while weeping and crying loudly.

"How can a person be so much shameless!" Bryan said in his mind.

"I see" Bryan said to Nancy.

Bryan's whole family was watching the whole drama. They didn't find any words to say. They were couldn't understand, what to believe and what not!

"But Nancy if I say that I believe all these pictures, then?" Bryan said.

"Huh?" Nancy said, being dumbfounded. Then she came to her senses and said, "No, Bryan! Why would you believe these pictures when I, your girlfriend is saying that they are photoshopped!!!" Nancy said making a crying face.

"Hahahaha" Bryan chuckled. "I see my girlfriend is saying to trust her! But Nancy who would plot against us tell me? Also, I think that the guy in the photo is from our University, don't you think so?" Bryan added.