
Employees chattering

Bryan laid down on his bed in his room. But Bryan wasn't feeling good at all. He was getting restless. He wants to know if something bad has happened to Veronica in this two years or not.

Bryan was getting too much anxious. He was getting too much curious. He doesn't know why, but he was getting impatient. "Calm down, Bryan! Why are you getting so impatient, it's her life. You can't just start digging her past. So don't!" Bryan made himself understand this.

Bryan couldn't take it anymore and called Lavis. It was now midnight. Lavis answered the call in a sleepy voice.

"Hello," Lavis said from the other side.

"Hello, Lavis. You have to do a work for me!" Bryan said in a serious tone. There was no sleepiness in Bryan's eyes. His voice was clear.

Lavis understood from the other side that it must be something important. Because Bryan never calls this late. And Bryan said that he has some work for Lavis. So is that any investigation related?