
Mr Hottie Meets His Match

He's Charming and a handsome sweetheart. She's gorgeous and a daredevil. He's rude and sassy. She's bossy and haughty. He's a player. And She's a flirt. She's Blair Virgo, the governor's only child and He's Zane Charming, the heir apparent to the throne of Denmark. * Blair Virgo. An 18 year old spoilt brat but with a twinge of natural cocky bad attitude. She's the only daughter of the governor of Florida. Her mother died while giving birth to her leaving her father to spoil her with the riches of life and as a result, was born with a silver spoon. From birth, she was already treated like an empress, her every request attended to. Although, that made her see others as her minions. Blaire has class, a very high one. It shows in the type of friends she has, the way she speaks, the aura she exudes, the clothes she wears and parties she both throws and attends. Especially with her stunning perfect skin which made her a beauty. That made her a show-stopper at every event. Blair felt she was perfect, had the perfect dad, perfect friends and of course, perfect boyfriend; Jaxx Monroe, the love of her life. But then again, perfection doesn't always last as she crosses path with Zane. > Have you ever met a guy with the cutest face, eyes, nose, flawless skin?? Even his mesmerizing smile is cute. Meet Zane Charles Charming. He's the crowned Prince of Denmark and the heir apparent. His life was the best anyone would ever want, everything he wanted was always available. He had his mother, father and annoying twin sister, Chicago. Zane has the cars, the money, the fame, the sponsorship deals, the handsome looks that every girl yearns for and every material thing that money could offer. And the throne. What happens when these two crosses path and their attitude contrast?

AuthoressKamara · Teen
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11 Chs

It’s not a competition

[Mr. Hottie meets his Match]


Written by Authoress K.


Chapter Two


Blair Virgo

"Yes? What are you still doing here?". I yell at her. "Do my eyes a favor and leave!".

"I'm sorry, ma'am. But Governor Novoa Virgo calls for you".

Shit! Dad never asks to me unless its very important. Did he find out that I locked up his vice-president's daughter in a closet?

"What?!". I exclaim as I stand up from my bed immediately. "Why?!".

"He didn't say why, miss but I'm guessing its something important ".

"Of course, I know its something important so tell me something new". I snap at her.

She gulped nervously. "He only asked to see you, ma'am".

"Just get out!". I yelled at her and she left almost immediately.

I sigh as I stand up straight on the floor, my toes seeping into the plush rug. I put on my fluffy slippers and grabbed my robe.

I tied it around my tank top and take my phone walking out of the room. I stepped out into the hallway to see the bodyguards.

Gosh! They all look scary and huge as fuck.

I headed straight towards my Dad's office and the guards at the way shifted aside for me to pass through.

The glass doors were open and I then went through. Dad looked up from his files and I smiled walking over to him.

"Hey Dad!".

He snapped his fingers and then all the scary looking guards walked away outside the transparent glass.

"So Vanessa said you asked for me?".

"Yes, I did".

Oh shit! He's not smiling. I gotta make him smile or I'm getting punished.

"Dad!". I hugged him pecking his cheeks lightly. "I didn't even get a greeting from you".

"Your highness!". He smiled and wrapped his arms around me.

Okay, this is working.

I giggled as he tickled me lightly before I pulled away sitting on his sturdy desk.

"Dad, you look handsome today. You are so much hotter than Jaxx". I complimented him.

"What do you want ? Princess?".

I pouted cutely. "Daddy. Do I always have to want something before complimenting you?".

"No, my Angel". He pecked my cheeks.


"Now I got a word from Ivy Rolls".

i groaned getting up from the desk as he spoke. Ivy Rolls is my high school for the rich.

"I didn't do anything, Dad".

"You shoved her in a toilet bowl?".

"Now come on, Daddy. She annoyed me and I hate that".

"But angel, that doesn't mean you have to do that. But that isn't all, large complaints have been trolling in because of you".

"But Daddy ... ". My lips protruded in a sulky pout. "You won't punish me, will you now? I'm your angel, remember!".

"I don't want the new of your insolence flying around. You know election comes up in months from now and nothing must soil my reputation".

"I know that Daddy and I'll promise to not do that again".

"Thats what you said the last time". He replied standing up. "But Clarissa landed in the hospital".

"That was her fault".

He faced me. "Honey. You really need to stop all this, you are a girl".

"I know that, you keep drumming it into my ears all the time. But Daddy, its not my fault that I keep getting pissed off by some dumb ass set of people".

"Blair!". He shouted at me.

I flinched a little shocked that he'll raise his voice at me. He never does that.

"You are supposed to act like a girl but you don't. You are tough, uncooperative and aggressive".

I bit my lips slightly. "Dad?".

"I changed your school already. I'm tired of the complaints, Blair. You look like your mother but you don't act like her".

"Daddy, please don't". I rushed over to hug him. "Daddy, you can punish me but don't change my school, please".

"I've already made the decision, Blair. You are changing to Marigold Royals next week Monday".

"But Dad ... ".

"No buts".

He pulled away from me and went over to sit back on his chair going through files and again.

"Dad. I can't change my school, I'm the queen there, I can't go to a new school".

"Until you learn manners and how to behave humble. I won't listen to any of your requests".

I stomped my foot angrily. "Dad!!".

"Angel, you act disrespectful towards all of the workers in the mansion. You only act nice to people of our affluence and only for the media".

"Well 'duh'. You don't expect me to start talking to the poor. They are lowlives, Dad".

"Leave, Angel. I have work to do". He turned back to his files.

"I don't want to change schools".

"Well you should have thought of that before bullying students. Now go call back the bodyguards in".


"You can sulk all you want, Angel. You are changing schools".

I frowned angrily and stormed out of his office walking out the glass doors. I got to my room and yell out immediately.



Blair Virgo

I shouted into my pillow for the umpteenth time still pissed off that Dad would change my school.

Fucking damn it! I don't want to go to some Marigold Royals school.

A knock sounded on the door. "Ma'am".

"Who the fuck is that?". I yell immediately.

"You have friends over ".

I look up from my bed and the door opens revealing my two best friends looking all dressed up for a smashing party.

Ivy and Ana.

"Hey guys". I said lowly.

"What the heck?!". Ivy yells walking over to me. "Babe. The hell, why are you still in the fucking bed?".

Trust Ivy to cuss always.

"Whats happening?".

"We are going for a party". Ana replied excitedly. "The best ever".

I frowned. "The best ever! I always throw the best parties ever! Don't you dare even compliment another person over me!".

"Sorry, Blair". She mumbled looking down.

I turned to Ivy. "Whose party is it?".

"Zane Charming".



Chicago Charming

I sigh as I watch the girl being led out by the bodyguards as she cried tearfully while screaming Zane's name.

Oh Gosh! These naive girls. They never do learn.

I only wish that they'll understand that Zane can never settle down with one of them.

"Zane!". I called out his name as I walk down the hallway ignoring the workers's greeting.

I got to his room and pushed open his door just in time to meet him coming out from the shower room.

"Whats up. Sis".

"Whats up?". I scoffed. "Who was that girl?".

"Some bitch. And to be honest, I don't even remember her name". He replied me chuckling.

"Zane!. Seriously? Why do you keep doing this? You promised me you'll stop".

"Well I did stop not until she kept throwing herself on me".

"And you had to hurt her?".

He shrugged. "She isn't the first anyways".

"Zane Charles Charming!".

"Zeya Chicago Charming". He rolled his eyes imitating me. "Sis. Don't reprimand me, just tell those bitches to get their claws off me and thats it".

Zane had always been the troublesome twin between us. He isn't responsible at all, all he ever does is to chase girls making him a full-time playboy.

And the sad fact is that these girls always fall for him and sometimes I wished Zane were more ugly.

Oh! My brother! His looks always make him more proud, cocky, obnoxious and arrogant.

Zane was considered perfect and a greek god with his perfectly sculpted face and his beautiful dreamy oceanic eyes to fit it.

And I had to end up with the soft pastel blue eyes which was no where compared to his charming eyes.

"Zeya!". He said softly picking out a shirt from his wardrobe. "I don't even know why the heck you give a damn about all these girls".

"I give a damn because I'm a girl. Come on, bro, you seriously need to stop doing this, how would you feel if a guy treats me this way?".

He put on his shirt and then laid back on his bed grabbing his iPad ignoring me.

I sighed knowing that he won't respond to any of my conversations again for today.

"I'll be downstairs". I told him calmly and walked out of his room.

Trust Zane to not always listen to me.

We are totally opposites anyways. I'm the nerd, the brainy one, the geek while he's more like the social, outgoing one who is loved by everyone.

Like I said, total opposites.

I descended down the grand stairs nodding lightly to every greeting from the servant when I stopped seeing him walk in.


Just like his name, he sounds hot with his dark spiky hair and big brown eyes. Then this tattoos that run down his right arm to his chest.

I've seen it only once. At a pool party that Zane had like months ago.

Arthur wore a white tracksuit and then his diamond earring which fitted well with his sparkling diamond rings on his fingers.

He's one of Zane's very close best friend and unfortunately, the guy I'm crushing on.

"Hey, Chic!". He beamed brightly walking up to me.

"Its Chicago". I corrected him. "I always have to correct you all the time, please get it right".

"I'll get it right if you send me all of the answers to the Maths test".

Well he and Zane always take me as their answer machine during tests and practical.

"No way".

"Please!". He said softly pouting cutely.

"N-No". I manage to say trying very hard to slow my fast heartbeat rate.

"Okay. I'll stop calling you Chic if you give me a kiss".

And that one word made my insides melt instantly.

"Dude!". Zane showed up from nowhere slapping Arthur lightly. "She's my sister. A no go area, got that?".

"Yeah!". Arthur replied rolling his eyes as he winked at me without Zane knowing.

I watched as Zane turn to go to the kitchen and he followed me. I decided to go as well with them.

"So what time is the party?!".

"What party are you talking about?". I ask glaring at my brother. "Huh?".

"Only the biggest party of all time". He grabbed an apple from the fruit bowl as he bit into it.

"What? Mom and Dad aren't here, Zane, you can't go around throwing parties".

"Chill, Chic!". Arthur butted in. "Its just a simple party to celebrate end of summer".

"Simple! I don't do simple". Zane snorted laughing out loud.

"You plan on throwing a big party?". I shrieked. "You can't do that. What if the media takes note of it?".

"Then the headline will be 'Zane Charming throwing the biggest summer party ever'". He replied dramatically.

"You know if you want to throw a big party, the one to be in the headlines then you gonna beat Blair Virgo". Arthur said.

"Blair Virgo! Who's that?".

"Governor Novoa Virgo only's child". I told Zane. "Don't you know your governor?".

"I don't care about this 'Blair' bitch or who she is. All I know is that I'll throw the best party of a lifetime and she's going to be invited".

"Oh boy!". I muttered rolling my eyes.



Blair Virgo

I turn to Ivy. "Whose party is it?".

"Zane Charming".

"Who the fuck is that?". I ask scrunching my face up due to the unfamiliarity.

Ivy gapes at me. "For real? Seriously, you don't know who the fuck is Zane?".


"What?!". She screams staring at me. "I do not believe this. How can you not know who Zane Charming is?".

"Okay, the way you talk seems like he's some kind of celebrity".

"Oh Em Gee! He's popular, Blair and you don't know him?".

"More popular than me?". I ask clicking my tongue.

"Yeah. He is like a greek god and just like his last name, he's obviously charming. I just love everything about him, I drool over his abs all day on Instagram".

"Thats it about him?". I ask bored already.

"He 's more than that, Blair, he's a fucking prince". Ana says as she talks about him dreamily. "I only wish I can get laid by him ".

"I wish I could ride his damn hot face". Ivy adds too.

"Okay, this is officially eww!". I gagged at the sight of them drooling over a guy. "Is he hotter than Jaxx?".

Jaxx Monroe is my boyfriend and one of the hottest models in Florida. We are like the ideal couple in the media's eyes.

"So hot!".

I roll my eyes standing up. "He can't be that hot. You two are just exaggerating".

"Okay then, go with us to his party and you'll see for yourself how cute Zane is".

"I'm not ... ".

"Come on, Blair". Ana pleads. "You are the queen of highlights, you need to be there as the show stopper ".

Hm. She is right. With one appearance at that Zane Charming's party. I might be the main deal there anyways.

"And besides, we are dressed already so you've got to come with us". Ivy says as well.

"Hm. Okay then, I'll show up at this Zane Charming's party and see if he's a greek god like you said".

