
Mr handsome and miss feisty P.S I WILL ALWAYS LOVE YOU

Everything was great for Kim na-ra , well at least good, that was until Justin lee showed up,the heir to lee corp's,and also her best friend kid brother. "don't look at me like that , what if someone comes in" Kim na-ra says with her tumbling voice giving her away "but I thought you where not affected at all,it was just one night right?", Justin replied with his face not leaving any expression,his hands in pockets,even though he was not touching her he made his eyes take all over her body not leaving a part out then he took slow and deliberate steps toward her "Justin, Justin what are you doing, Justin I am telling you now, you know my parents hate yours and there will be here anytime soon, so for your safety" but before Kim na-ra could finish her words a voice of a child interrupted them "mommy, mommy,see what I drew at school today",it was her son's voice ,running with his small legs with Justin half sister hyun-a trying to catch up to him then the door opened "Justin what are you doing here". hyun-a asked in surprised with no response from him she turns to look at what caught his attention. Justin wasn't looking at her,he was looking at the innocent boy looking at him,it was as if he was looking at his younger self "oh, no, no ,no, this can't be happening"Kim na-ra thought ___________________________________ The novel cover does not belongs to me

Cassandra_George_0312 · Urban
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"I thought you are going to stay indoors today

change of plans,I need to visit the old man',

"how is your relationship with mr lee"

"you shouldn't ask,still the same,it's like as day passes he is becoming more like grandfather"

Justin replies moving around his place as he prepare himself some cereal,

"what about you noona any plans that is of course except from in-su birthday of course"

"nothing really"

kim na-ra says over the phone to Justin then lowers her voice

"we plan a surprise birthday for him so I am going to get him out of the house as distraction, for my family to get everything prepared before we get back"

watching as in-su walks back into their room like with a sad face thinking

"is he inside the room"

"yes he is"

"if that's the case then bye, don't want to ruin the surprise"

"adult are bad,no one wish me a happy birthday"

"mommy, have you forgotten something"

in-su asks in his little voice

"and what can that be?"

Kim na-ra pretends not to know what her son was talking about,as they walk up the street to their house

"mommy, don't worry about it",

in-su says as they walk into there apartment after going to get fruits with his mom,how can everyone forget that today is in-su birthday,he thought,how can the grown-ups forget after telling him yesterday that today is his birthday, not even a birthday wish this morning as he and his mom went to the market,at that moment he notices dong-ju's car outside, in-su runs inside thinking uncle dong ju will remember, running inside leaving his mom to follow behind,

on getting inside in-su saw no one wondering what was going on,and how of nowhere they all came out

"happy birthday in-su!!"

they all screamed coming out of their hiding places,

"momma today is in-su"

birthday I thought you forgot

"how could I forget my baby boy birthday "

Kim na-ra says lifting her son up to give him kisses all over his face,

"it's my turn now"

dong ju says swinging in-su around

"see what I got you big man",

dong ju says finally putting him on his feet giving him an avatar collection of his favorite hero

"thank you so much uncle dong ju"

in-su says turning to show his mom, grandma, grandpa and aunt which is kim na-ra younger sister,her brother's girlfriend going to get the cake as they all fuse around the house

"which cake should I get ?"

she asks her boyfriend confused on seeing two cakes who pointed at Justin cake

"bring this"

settling down to cut the cake,mrs Kim says to in-su thank me dong-ju for the cake,it's wonderful,she says to dong-ju himself

"sorry but this is not the cake I bought"

"probably noona bought it" kim na-ra younger sister says which made dong-ju say to kim na-ra sister

"but it's not possible,we bought another one last night together,she was planning on baking a cake once she got home but I insisted on getting one because it was already late and I didn't want her to be stressed"

dong-ju says turning over to face Kim na-ra who was just enter the sitting room after going to get a knife to cut the cake

"didn't you say you forgot to get a cake for in-su so who brought this?",

but froze on see the cake on the table

"a friend brought it over"

she replied awkwardly as she walked over to were in-su stood

"which friend is that ?"

Mrs Kim asks curious because the only friend she knows is hyun-a which she still does not approve of by the way

"no one you know mother"

ignoring her Mrs Kim asks in-su in a playful way

"in-su do you know the friend that might have bought you a cake"

"I know it must be uncle stin grandma "

uncle stin is the name in-su calls Justin,Mrs Kim then says to Kim na-ra

"oohhhhh, okay help us thank him will you, you should have invited him over na-ra that's not polite of you "

this got no response from na-ra

"enough of all the questions today is in-su's day and it is all about my favorite grandson "

"grandpa I am your only grandson" in-su says innocently

"that is true for now,until my girlfriend gives birth" ,

with this they all laugh in-su cutting the cake and making a wish,dong ju looking at Kim na-ra all day ,time for opening presents the first on in-su picked was the one she helped Justin wrap the previous night, opening it ,in-su was so impressed

"wowwww momma see, uncle tin must have bought this,this is what big boys play",

'how are you sure it's your uncle tin and not someone else"

mr Kim asks playfully

"because uncle tin and I are alike,he thinks like me ,he knows I am now a big boy and play with big boy things now, momma can you help me call him I need to thank him"

"calm down big man, open the rest of the gifts first before you give him a call"

Kim na-ra says to her son urging him to open other gifts , smiling as the thought

"here is the gift I thought was not suitable for in-su,but in-su loves it,"

after some time Kim na-ra excuses herself saying she needs to get a call, going outside to give Justin a call

"Justin, have you gotten to you parent place yet",

"just driving into the driveway,what of in-su ?"

"he's inside, celebrating with the rest"

"is dong ju there?",

"you know he's here with me Justin ,

"I know I just wish I could celebrate in-su birthday with you both"

"you are making me feel bad now"

"how bad so I can use it to my advantage" Justin says taking being sad

"wow you just killed it,the little bit of guilt I feel"

"don't feel guilty, we have all the time in the world with many more birthday to be Celebrated",

with a lengthy silence Justin finally ask

"did in-su like what I got him ?"

"he loves it ,even asks me to thank you",

"nara what are you doing outside come inside so you don't catch a cold"

Justin could hear a man's voice call out to kim na-ra from the other side of the call, guessing it must

"I will be right there in a minute",

Kim na-ra responded after a brief bye, disconnecting the call to join the rest of her family

"momma was that uncle tin?"

yes dear it is,

"who the hell is uncle tin "

dong ju wonders

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