
Mr handsome and miss feisty P.S I WILL ALWAYS LOVE YOU

Everything was great for Kim na-ra , well at least good, that was until Justin lee showed up,the heir to lee corp's,and also her best friend kid brother. "don't look at me like that , what if someone comes in" Kim na-ra says with her tumbling voice giving her away "but I thought you where not affected at all,it was just one night right?", Justin replied with his face not leaving any expression,his hands in pockets,even though he was not touching her he made his eyes take all over her body not leaving a part out then he took slow and deliberate steps toward her "Justin, Justin what are you doing, Justin I am telling you now, you know my parents hate yours and there will be here anytime soon, so for your safety" but before Kim na-ra could finish her words a voice of a child interrupted them "mommy, mommy,see what I drew at school today",it was her son's voice ,running with his small legs with Justin half sister hyun-a trying to catch up to him then the door opened "Justin what are you doing here". hyun-a asked in surprised with no response from him she turns to look at what caught his attention. Justin wasn't looking at her,he was looking at the innocent boy looking at him,it was as if he was looking at his younger self "oh, no, no ,no, this can't be happening"Kim na-ra thought ___________________________________ The novel cover does not belongs to me

Cassandra_George_0312 · Urban
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51 Chs


"nothing mother probably we all have something on our minds,how about we ask noona what she has been up to lately"

"what do you mean by that ,what does ji-ho mean by that na-ra"

"nothing mother do not mind ji-ho,do not pay much attention to what he says"

"yes mother don't mind what I say, na-ra seems to be the only sensible one among us I am sure "

"oppa it's enough,do not forget that in-su is here, please can you help take in-su outside the bus will be arriving anytime now"

she says to ji-ho girlfriend

"no problem about that you know I will ",

ji-ho girlfriend responded taking in-su with her

" you know what I don't have the time to argue with you ji-ho "

"me too noona ,but make sure you stop whatever it is you are doing,dong ju will be your fiance soon do not forget it"

ji-ho says already on his feet no one needed to say the breakfast was cancelled because it had already become so obvious

"do not talk to your sister like that ji-ho, what is going on between you two"

mr Kim says on defense of Kim na-ra

"ask your daughter that and not me"

with that ji-ho walks away.

"ji-ho ,ji-ho apologise to your sister right now" on getting no response

"nara what is going on here ? "

mrs Kim asks but got no answer from Kim na-ra with

"mother, father please excuse me I am already late for work" ,

with that kim nara left the house

mr and mrs Kim later turns to kim na-ra sister thinking they can get an answer from her on what is happening but she was quicker taking her hand bag and leaving the house.

it has been a long day for hyun-a ,longer than most days,she had so many things to do today,she just hope everything goes smoothly today in their collaboration with the other company,it is known to be one of the best fashion company in the whole of Korea and Liverpool also,the meeting will be ending in about anytime soon, maybe she should just stop by to say hi, walking towards the meeting room,hyun-a was greeted by the few workers who passed by,hyun-a could only nod as she was making a phone call, before she got there the meeting had already ended with them leaving the meeting room, hyun-a could only stop and wait till they got to her ending the call she was receiving, putting on that killer business smile that has won them many contracts.

" mr su ,mr Chang "

hyun-a says giving them a handshake

"miss lee you still look as beautiful as ever,seems like age isn't anywhere near you"

mr su flatters hyun-a

"mr su you flatter me, you still speak like the young man you are "

this made them all fall into laughter ,mr su and mr Chang definitely look like the above fifty they are

"oh miss lee you and your jokes"

mr Chang says

the other members came walking towards them,

a deep voice saying

" what is the joke about",

hyun-a face immediately harden ,the look of murder in her,the person she saw was the last person she expected,he was suppose to be in Liverpool by now it was no other than sang-ook kim na-ra ex boyfriend ,

"hyun-a you are still the same as always ,full of life" ,

hyun-a just walked off leaving his hand on the air, everyone wondering what was going on ,sang-ook Run after hyun-a catching up with her at the elevator, elevator was almost closed when , when he got there using his right and to stop it from closing ,On entering the elevator hyun-a Tries to leave but was drawn back by him Stopping her from leaving till the door closes ,

"Let's go with me you bastard let me go ,How could you do this to na-ra how could you Betray her you fool with everything that she has done for you you've been together for ten years and you cheated on her finally letting go of her sang ook didn't expect what was coming next hyun-a slapped him",

pressing the stop button and walked out leaving sang-ook stunned .

kim na-ra palms had been sweaty all through that evening she had called dong-ju earlier that day that she needed to talk to him,And here she is sitting down in a fancy restaurant Waiting for him her only hope being that tonight's goes well ,kim na-ra waves at dong-ju from seeing him from afar.

"Sorry i am i was a bit late, there was a bit of traffic " ,

,"Have you ordered anything yet ?"

" not at all i was waiting for you"

she cleans her palms on her dress Picking up the glass of water the wet up brought over and drinking them in one drink

"Why do you look so nervous ? "

"I want to talk to you about something "

"hold on For a minute" he says Then calls the waiter over, ordering Dinner for of them which was low in fats ,

"do you like the meal if not,is it not up to your taste?"

"it is very nice thank you"

Kim na-ra says as they kept on talking about different things,kim na-ra still trying to process in her head how she should tell him about why she wants to see him,she wants to end the relationship or what ever it was between them but don't know how,this dinner one could see it has been specially made for her, finally she decides to wait a little before telling him what she was here to say.

"I am very happy to be here with you today ,kim na-ra thank you for being in my life,that is why I am very sure of what I am about to do right now, you know very well how much I love your family,how much you and in-su mean to me,so I think ,,,,,,,"

dong ju says trying to stand up from where he sat, kim na-ra cutting him short

"dong-ju I think we should give each other some space"

"excuse me?"

dong ju felt like he heard it wrong among all the things he was expecting to hear this afternoon,this was not one of them,

"I mean it dong ju,I have been thinking over the past few days and I don't want to hurt you"

"how will you hurt me, kim na-ra I know you have been pressured lately with things at home and everything, your brother told me"

"told you what",

" he, just said that you have been feeling pressured lately and that you might be lonely and need someone to talk to "

"is this for real "

kim na-ra thought her smile making dong-ju feel something was wrong,the ring of a phone call interrupting them,kim na-ra picks up the phone,it was a call from hyun-a

"where are you ? "

"hyun-a what is wrong why are you sounding like this"

"na-ra ,it is your mom,I mean my mom

"what is going on my mom your mom " ,

"hyun-a what is it ? " dong-ju asks looking worried

from the few things kim na-ra said dong-ju could see that something was going on,he quickly called the waiter and paid the bill

"i got a call that my mom is going over to your house right as we speak na-ra"

kim na-ra didn't wait to hear the rest getting up to leave

"what is going on Kim na-ra"

dong-ju wanted to know holding her hand to stop her

"this is not time for questions dong ju take me home,I need to get home fast",

at that they both left in a hurry, entering dong-ju car as they drive for Kim na-ra home.