
Mr handsome and miss feisty P.S I WILL ALWAYS LOVE YOU

Everything was great for Kim na-ra , well at least good, that was until Justin lee showed up,the heir to lee corp's,and also her best friend kid brother. "don't look at me like that , what if someone comes in" Kim na-ra says with her tumbling voice giving her away "but I thought you where not affected at all,it was just one night right?", Justin replied with his face not leaving any expression,his hands in pockets,even though he was not touching her he made his eyes take all over her body not leaving a part out then he took slow and deliberate steps toward her "Justin, Justin what are you doing, Justin I am telling you now, you know my parents hate yours and there will be here anytime soon, so for your safety" but before Kim na-ra could finish her words a voice of a child interrupted them "mommy, mommy,see what I drew at school today",it was her son's voice ,running with his small legs with Justin half sister hyun-a trying to catch up to him then the door opened "Justin what are you doing here". hyun-a asked in surprised with no response from him she turns to look at what caught his attention. Justin wasn't looking at her,he was looking at the innocent boy looking at him,it was as if he was looking at his younger self "oh, no, no ,no, this can't be happening"Kim na-ra thought ___________________________________ The novel cover does not belongs to me

Cassandra_George_0312 · Urban
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51 Chs


Hyun-a sat at the bar of the club with a drink in hand ,mixed by the bartender,she had left the happy couple to celebrate just had the others have,that's the reason she decidedly to go clubbing this night,alone,not that she was not happy for the wonderful couple but for some reason tonight she felt lonely,taking the remaining drink she poured it down her throat in just a go,ordering for another one but this time a hand stopped her,the hand she detested by the number one person she hated most in the world,looking up to see the face which was none other than the person who broke Kim nara heart ,not broke technically but atleast attempted to break.it was none other than sang ook .

Trying to ignore him hyuna orders another glass which sang ook signals the bartender not to bring seeming like she already looked a bit drunk

What do you want?,why are you pestering me,does nara knows you are here, right now , talking to her best friend instead of apologizing to her for pulling such a stunt that you are getting married with your supposedly pregnant girlfriend ?

hyuna says trying to pick up the drink which sang-ook immediately raises up above her reach

Hyuna you are drunk let me get you home ,

he says in an authoritative voice ,as he tries steadying the already rising hyuna ,who pulled her hands from his hold this action making her fall back on her seat

Don't you dare touch me,what do hell were you thinking to break my best friend heart like that when you know you aren't truly getting married sang ook

How did you know ?

I am not a fool you know,I could obviously see there is no wedding band except the fact that you got divorced I see no other explanation ,besides I know you to be a faithful lover

Hyuna says looking sad ,sang ook looking so frustrated drank down the drink he took from hyuna ordering another one but this time something stronger ,after the second drink he finally showed an expression but this time it was anger

So why did you decide to give me to her hyuna ?,why did you when you clearly know I am a faithful lover,

Not knowing where the strength came from hyuna stood up and walked out leaving the club ,walking fast to meet her sang ook stoped her as they almost got to the exit taking her to the place only few people passed by

What are you doing let go of me,let me go this instant

I will not let go until you tell me the reason why

His grip to her arm becoming tighter ,the look on hyuna face so obvious that she had never seen him this angry before ,losing control she finally spoke tears falling from the mighty hyuna eyes

I THOUGHT THE LETTER WAS FOR HER,I seriously thought the love letter you sent in high school was seriously for hyuna,

Looking confused sang ook looked at hyuna

are you seriously kidding me,did you seriously think I will kiss one friend and the next minute write a letter to another


Let's not go back to that again hyuna,you clearly knew I thought that was your bag,besides why did you two have the same bag to start with,hyuna was a rich girl and could not use such cheap bag

I gifted it to her a day before you sent the letter,I wanted her to get the same bag as me,she is my best friend

But you should have known it was for you ,hell I followed her to see you everyday even before the kiss,you know what ,we will discuss this later let me take you home you are drunk,

So are you,you drank earlier sang ook

I came with my driver

Well too bad I am not going anywhere with you ,

before hyuna could say another word she found she was already lifted up by sang ook on his shoulder her head facing his back downwards as he strolled to where his driver waited for his like she weighed nothing ,not minding the fact that his friends were still at the bar.

Kim Nara could notice that Justin wasn't eating much of his food but rather staring at her ,not even minding the fact that they eat in a very expensive restaurant

Justin if you keep staring at me your food will get cold or aren't you hungry anymore

I am hungry alright but for something else

Stop saying such someone might hear you ,besides I don't know what you are thinking

Looking around at the restaurant which he rented the whole place except from the waiters who where around

Why, let them hear if they want to ,

Then Justin says in a low voice ,

i have been celibate for so long now so if you say you don't know what I am thinking noona that's to bad because I am very,very hungry

He says picking up a cherry with his bare hands to put in his mouth,slowly biting on it as the water stains his lips and hand while he slowly chew on it using a tissue to clean his Mouth and hands his eyes fixed on Nara as he watches all expressions play on her face ,his mouth crook at the corner lifting in a lazy seductive smile but Nara mind was somewhere else her eye on his lips as he slowly bit on and chew the fruit which she wished was her not noticing the smile that crisped up his face ,finally looking back at Justin who didn't fail to hid his smile

I think we should head back home it's way past night already

With this they left the restaurant

Kim Nara quickly changed her shoe as she ran inside going for her escape which was her room ,knowing she was planning on escaping Justin drew her hand pulling her towards his as her back rested at the back of the sofa her leg stopped by the sofa,in a low whisper Nara says looking away

What ?

Look at me ,noona ,Justin says as he drags the band which she always uses to hold her hair up away from her hair making it fall to her shoulders gently pulling some hair behind her ear in a gentle manner. With this Nara shyly looks up at him wondering how a person could be so perfect,slowly Justin head lower as he tries to kiss her but nara pushes him at his chest a little

I have not prepared yet

It doesn't matter Justin say as he tries placing his lips on hers but was stopped by Nara

Justin I might not be the same as before,I am now a mother

It doesn't matter

Justin says again as he bends his head to kiss her but was again stop by nara beautiful little soft hands

Justin I,I

Shhhhhh,noona i am hungry

And with that Justin lips claimed hers,and Kim Nara responded,Justin hand raising up from where he held her hostage to rest on her hair pulling her face to his as he fed on her lips finally loosing control nara raises her hand to pull Justin closer to her like she wanted their bodies to become one.