
Void of Temperature

Translator: Atlas Studios Editor: Atlas Studios

She was abducted the moment she went back to her room to retrieve her phone. There was still a lingering bitter taste in her nostrils and mouth, so she was probably drugged!

Now she suddenly woke up in a stranger's room, on a bed that was foreign to her, with Li Muyang seated beside her…

Even the clothes on her had been removed and changed into a set of silk pajamas. This made Lin Nuan feel as if her blood had coagulated. A "weng" sound kept going off in her brain.

She didn't know what Li Muyang did to her when she was unconscious!

Fu Huai'an had told her… when he wasn't by her side, he wanted her to try her best not to come into direct conflict with Matt De Niro.

Lin Nuan held back the fear in her heart, her lips parting but no sound coming out. Her heart was beating furiously, and it rose up to her throat.