

"Rule one. Look at me when i talk to you. Rule two. Don't bite your lip around me or else..." he paused. I stared at him waiting for him to continue. I strangely enjoy what his touch is doing to me and and i wanted more. " else?" I asked and his grip on my tigh tightened causing me to unintentionally gasp. Before i could comprehend, his lips crashed into mine. I let out a low moan as his tongue slipped into my mouth and began exploring every coner of my mouth. He lowered me so as our crotch are on the same level. He pressed his body against mine, and my legs rapped around his back. His warm lips found their ways to my neck and to my colar bone. He gently kissed and nibbled on my skin as he gently let me go. I stood on my feet but leaned on him for support as my knees were still weak. He let go of me after i gained my stance and made his way out of my office.. "Now you know" he said before closing the door shut.

D_anonymous · Urban
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34 Chs

chapter 8

Chapter 8

Evita's Pov

"What is this feeling? I've never slept so comfortably in a long time, it feels like I'm laying on clouds" I thought. Suddenly, yesterday's incident flashed before my eyes and I jolted up. "Where am I? Lilly" I yelled. The last thing I remember is Mr. Lockewood taking me home but where did that man bring me? "Lilly where are you?" I called one more time trying to stand up on my feet but I couldn't. Ugh, stupid sprain. I hopped towards the door trying to find Lilly. As I opened the door, I saw Lilly coming towards me.

"Vy, you are awake"

I stood at the door as Lilly hurriedly went to get the wheelchair. She made me seat and said she'll take care of me until grumpy man comes. I guess thats mr lockewood.

"where is Rolland?" I asked her as she sat on the bed in this luxurious room.

"He's in the living room with kayden and jayden" she said

" do You know that kayden and jayden are home-schooled and that mr grumpy man said I'll be home-schooled too? I'm really happy i won't have to go to real school.I'll get to stay at home all day" she said with a huge smile. I'll confront mr lockewood about it when he gets back. He can't keep making decisions for me.

"Oh i had no idea" i answered her, wheeling my self towards the bathroom.

" You don't know a lot of things vy. Like kayden and jayden both shaved their heads because jayden started it and then kayden got his revenge on his brother, and that killian promised to get me new things and also a phone and jayden is...." i listened to her while she kept talking. How did she find out all these things in just 2 days? I chuckled quitely and stood up

"Vy what are you doing you'll get hurt again" lilly literally screamed.

"I can't just sit here all day. Go now, i need to get ready. I'll come out when im done okay?"

" okay, I'll be in the kitchen" she said as she skipped out happily.

" im so hungry" i heard her say right before she closed the door. Guess i need to hurry up. I limped as quickly as i could into the bathroom and i was faced with the fanciest and biggest bathroom ever. I opened the closet expecting it to be empty, but it was filled with different clothes and shoes, i also noticed my travel bag at the corner. It was still packed.

" i wonder who stays here." I looked to my left hand side and saw a make up table which had tons of make up and lotions. This bathroom is exquisite. I walked over to the tub which has different kinds of body wash and scrubs right above it, close to the shower. I quickly got in the shower and after that brushed my teeth with a new toothbrush. I got dressed and went out of the room to find lilly. I decided to limp and not use the wheelchair, its extra weight.

"Lilly!" I called and in no time her small figure appeared from behind the double staircase.

"Im here" she muffled with her face stuffed with something. "I guess i won't be cooking then" i murmured as I walked over to her and she directed me towards the kitchen.

"Morning beautiful" someone suddenly said from behind, startling me.

" Sorry I didn't mean to scare you" Rolland laughed and I smiled.

"Are you hungry?" He continued

"Um, yes" I said, tucking some loose strands of my hair behind my ear. I packed if into a rough and loose ponytail because it's the fastest way to get my hair outta my face. I looked over at Lilly who was now taking her plates to the sink. She must have felt I was looking at her because she turned around gave me a big smile and left.

"Come on, I made pancakes" I nodded and followed him to the dining table.

"Do you want chocolate or honey?" He asked as he set them both on the table.

"Um honey please" I said with a smile.

"Oh i love honey too" he said as he passed the honey to me. "You do have great taste buds" he said and started to eat.

"This is killian's house, I take care of his kids and all....I know you have questions but you can ask killian when he comes"

"Okay, why do you take care of his kids? I mean he is the richest man in this country so why don't he just get a nanny or something?"

" Well let's just say he loves his kids too much to entrust them in someone else's care" he said with a smile.

" here, orange juice" he handed it over to me and stood up. " Well miss valkov, its nice talking to you again, your phone is in the living room, you can tour the house if you get bored, and please ensure to rest well, I certainly don't want to get butchered by killian" he smiled and left before I could reply. Oh well.


Evita's pov

"And now I'm here pacing around waiting for him to come back" I said to Rosaline. I just finished explaining everything that had happened..... too many incidents just within two days. This man has turned my life into chaos.

"I told you, didn't I? That man is crazy. So are you going to stay at the house he gave you or in his mansion?" she asked.

"Neither, I'm coming to stay at your place tomorrow. I'll inform Mr. Lockewood when he's back, and I also have something to clarify with him" I answered

"Uhh, I think there might be a problem with that. I am out of town right now" she said she said with a low voice.

"What? When did you leave? You didn't inform me you were leaving Rosie, where did you go to?" I asked simultaneously

''well I got a call from a very famous artiste known as NR, he said he was interested in my work and wants to see me in L.A. We'll be meeting early tomorrow morning, I had to leaving today, so I could settle down. I'm so sorry I didn't tell you, it all happened in a rush" she explained

"Oh my gosh, that's great news, I understand why you didn't remember to tell me, you must have been very happy and In shock too. You, my dear friend, are forgiven. And besides I can just get a spare key from your brother" added the last part with a shrug. I'm so excited for Rosie, she deserves the best out of the best.

"Yeahhh that's the problem. I took the keys from my brother, he was planning to host a party and I don't want them destroying my house like the last time. He will be staying with one of his friends till I'm back" hearing this, I lost all hope. I don't want the house Mr. Lockewood gave me and I don't want to live with him either, that is my worst night mare.

"Okay, its fine, but I don't really know what to do now" I said as lay on the super soft sofa in the sitting room.

"Why don't you just accept the house, from what you described, it's really beautiful and expensive. Just accept it" she said with a hint of excitement in her voice.

"It's too late for that" I heard that familiar voice which always send chills down my spine, and didn't fail to this time. Mr. Lockewood.

"I… I'll call you later" I said and hung up. The phone was on loud speaker so he had heard what Rosie said. I wonder how long he has been standing there

"What do you mean by its too late? What is too late?" I asked him with my hands folded across my chest

"Miss valkov do you remember you came to my office less than 24 hours ago to spit rubbish in my face, and part of that rubbish was " Mr lockewood I don't want your fucking house or cars" he said sternly except the last part, which he said in an extremely high pitch.

"So I sold the house I gave you" he continued

"What?" I asked utterly shocked. How could he? And when did he have the time for that?

"You heard Me. I assume your things are still packed, if you wish to leave, then I'll have my driver drop you. But if you don't, you are welcome to stay" he stated and walked off ,leaving me speechless. Half way through the stairs he turned around and said " And resume by 5 am tomorrow, its obvious you are okay" and with that he left.

"Oh my God, this Man is impossible. How dare he? He has sold two of my properties without my permission, how is he even doing that?"

"Mr lockewood " i yelled as I went up the stairs. I was faced with series of doors and open lounge.

"Which could possibly be his room? I'll just take this time to tour this mansion" I said to myself. I walked into different empty rooms, all majestic in their own way, a library filled with different books, an office- obviously his, kayden and jayden's room and Rolland's room;he has his name engraved on the door. Then i got to the last door down the hall. The door was black and slightly bigger than the rest.

"I should have known its his room" I murmured and walked towards the door.

"Mr lockewood?" I called and knocked on the door but I got no response. I slightly opened the door and put my head into the room "Mr lockewood " i said louder this time but still got no reply. I entered into the room and closed the door behind me. The room was dimly lit by a lamp on the nightstand. The walls painted white and all the furniture were black. The bed stand, the coffee chair and table but the black rug has streaks of white. The wardrobe and the doors in the room were also black. "Typical" I scoffed and walked towards the bed covered in white sheets, that was when j noticed his phone on the table, and it was unlocked. Although I know it's not right to go through people's phone but this man is not a person, he's an animal. And so I started going through his phone, through his gallery, his contacts and his messages. Tho most of them were business related, a few were from some of his admirers. "Nothing interesting here" I said to myself. As I was about to drop the phone, a message entered from "R"

"Does she know?" It read. Does who know what.

"What?" I replied

"You know, does she know I am the one Rosaline is meeting up with? Did she figure our plan out?" He replied within seconds. Suddenly the phone was snatched from my hand.

"What are you doing?" Mr lockewood asked.

" What does it look like?" I snapped

"Invading my privacy, I didn't ask you to come in here" he Said.

"And you are invading my life, it was your plan all along, you made Rosy go away cause you knew she was my only option. Why Are you doing this?" I answered loudly

"Isn't it obvious? I want to be in control of your life, I want to make your life more miserable than it already is" he said taking few steps towards me and now he was staring right into my eyes, tho it felt like he was staring into my soul.

"Now get out, I need to get dressed you stalker" he said and then it clicked. He was in a towel, just a towel. I couldn't stop myself from staring at his well toned muscles and his arms and his packs and his v-line...."Okay okay not so fast evita" I thought to myself.

" You are such a shameless man" I huffed and started walking towards the door.

" Yes a sexy shameless man who you were just drooling for" he called behind me, causing me to glare at him and storm off, without closing the door, I left it wide open, hehehe.

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