
Mr CEO Chasing The Aloof Beauty

[COMPLETED} "Overcoming her ugly past, she rose from ashes to start a new life." ====== Phoenix Li, an aloof, distant woman who has secrets, lay in the dark. Her past scarred her physically and mentally. But despite those setbacks in life, she refused to give up and is now willing embraced her future as a new person. When life gives you lemon, turn it into lemonade. Guided by her sister's words and wisdom, she lived the life that she thought was impossible. From his sister, she learned about friendship, from his best friend, she found a family, from him, she found….. Everything. A friend, a family and Love. This is a reborn story. But not the one where Phoenix Li literally died and was reborn to her past. This is a story of Phoenix Li, who was reborn as a person, discarding her tragic past. But did she really survive her past? Or will it come and haunt her? Jeopardizing her new life, friendship, family and love? **** This is my first novel, and first time writing. I never write anything anywhere before. I’m still learning and will try my best to write a good story. Your understanding and support are appreciated. Commissioned cover. Instagram: aleeqac_books TikTok: aleeqac_author Twitter: aleeqac_author Facebook: AleeqaC Buy me a coffee: https://ko-fi.com/aleeqac

AleeqaC · Urban
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375 Chs

Work is important, so is life

Intan Jewellery City M Office.

Phoenix was walking out from the elevator and headed towards the waiting area in the lobby. Intan Jewellery employees who were in the lobby all moved aside to make way for her. Her position as the head of the office gained her respect from others, while her personal aura made people involuntarily frozen in their place in a trance while looking at her.

It was right on time for workers to clock out. Many of them were already on the ground floor and many more were coming out from the elevator to join the rushing crowd out of the building, to go back to their respective homes.

It was unusual for Phoenix to punch out right on time, normally she would make sure that all Intan Jewellery employees had gone home before she went back herself. As a leader, she gave herself that responsibility, she hoped that everyone would have a balanced work-life. In every meeting, she would always stress the importance of it and told them she would not allow overtime, unless it was really necessary. Overtime meant that they didn't use the time given to them wisely and she wouldn't tolerate that.

Don't get so busy making a living that you forget to make life.- Dolly Parton.

Everyone needed to find that balanced within themselves.

Phoenix sat in a poised manner on the waiting area sofa, her eyes fixed on the glass window looking at people walking outside rushing to come back to their loved ones. Roads were packed with cars, bumper to bumper.

Her eyes then caught a familiar silver Audi headed towards her company entrance. She stood up and picked up her bags and walked towards the entrance.

A few Intan Jewellery employees were looking at the eye-catching Audi. They wondered who the car belonged to, and why it was coming towards their company.

Ashton was the one who drove the car, he had let his driver and assistant to go home first and insist that he would be fine driving himself. Ashton knew that Phoenix was uncomfortable with strangers, he wanted to make Phoenix comfortable whenever she was with him. Ashton saw Phoenix walk out from the lobby elegantly, and he could not help but to smile widely.

"Look at that car. My dream car," A male employee said with sparkling eyes.

"Whose car is that? Who did he come for?" The female employee who was with him asked.

"How should I know?" The man said.

The car was tinted, they only managed to see a silhouette of a man but couldn't see his face clearly. It must be someone who has money for sure, or maybe an import figure. Who knows? As a middle class worker, it was better for them to know their place.

Phoenix, who was at the entrance, walked towards the car. She didn't wait for Ashton to get out of the car and opened the car door for her. She opened the door of the front passenger seat herself and entered the car gracefully. She was uncomfortable with the probing eyes of her employees, but she still wore the stoic mask on her face.

She sat comfortably and waited for Ashton to start driving.

Ashton, who saw all of Phoenix's action, looked at her in mirth. He leaned in to Phoenix, making her widen her eyes when she saw Ashton face an inch away from her face. She could see his long eyelashes and she could smell his natural musky smell, mixed with a hint of bergamot and white musk, probably from his cologne.

"What are you doing?" Phoenix asked.

"You didn't wear your seat belt. Let me help you," Ashton smiled mischievously.

"I can do it myself."


"It's done." Ashton smirked at her, making his already gorgeous face more dashing in her eyes. He backed away from her, put on his own seatbelt, and started the car. Without delay, he drove away from there.

Phoenix looked outside the window while trying to calm her racing heart when Ashton was leaning close to her.

When the Audi drove away, the people who were at the entrance started to talk.

"Ahh.. we should have guessed. This is the first time I saw Ms Li coming out on time. She usually stays until everyone is gone from the office," a female employee said while looking at the watch on her wrist.

A male employee scoffed upon hearing that, "Aren't she a hypocrite? She didn't let us take overtime, but she herself would be the last to leave the office," he said.

"She had more responsibilities than us, and she is still new in that position, she must have taken her time to adjust to the work," the first male employee who was admiring the Audi before, said.

"Tch. She is still young, but already holds the top position. If I didn't know that the Big boss is a lady, I might think she slept her way up to be the head of the office for City M. Maybe the one who picked her up is her sugar daddy," the second male employee said. He was just bitter because his boss was a pretty lady and he had tried to work his charms on her but was ignored completely by Phoenix.

Lilian Si, who was also standing outside the entrance, heard what they said. She couldn't accept the insult that the male employee said about her boss. She was the one who was working closely with Phoenix, and she knew all about Phoenix's working style.

"Don't run your mouth when you don't know anything. She doesn't let anyone take an overtime because she doesn't want her staff to be tired and lethargic. Tired body not only affects the body but also the mind. How will one do their work properly with a tired mind? Besides, she doesn't want to disturb her employee's time with their families. Work is important, so is life. And YOU, don't you dare insult Ms Li. Haven't you heard of her achievement from the main HQ in Country B? She had worked in this company since her intern days and she had proven her worth. You are just bitter because she is not interested in you." Lilian said in a sharp voice, reprimanding the male employee.

The two guys and the other female employee were surprised when they heard Lilian's voice from behind them.

The male employee who had talked shit about Phoenix shut his mouth while the others gave him a disdainful look and walked away from him.

The others had no problem with their boss. Phoenix was a strict leader, but she was kind and compassionate, and they all had received her kindness. She put her employee's well being before everything else, and they appreciate her for that. Who liked a boss who made them work to the bones? They had more time to spend with their family and their significant others, and those single people have time to go to the bar and pub to mingle. So why would they complain about that?

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