

What happens when two individual who could not recognise each other from the past are brought together by fate's little tricks called the contract . (purple flower)

Beckyfaith · Urban
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Opening the door ryan walked inside to be directed to the kitchen by the sweet smell of raman noddles that mia was preparing for herself. " Stop that and go get ready " ryan said making mia shocked because she knew that there is no way ryan would come home by this time of the day "what are you doing at home ? Did you forget something? " mia asked in confusing " if i had forgotten something , I would have asked matt to come get it for me . Now , will you stop what you are doing and go dress, i am taking you somewhere" he said ,his voice evident that there is no time to waste. Mia didn't ask him where he was taking her and just went up to her room to change her dress.

They both got in the car with Ryan being the one to drive with Mia being curious as to where he is taking her. It was still afternoon,she tried to guess where they were going but non of them could actually be right. They stopped in front of a huge mall that was different from the one Ryan had taken her to before."what could they possibly be doing here?"Mia thought before scolding herself for that kind of question knowing you come to shop in a mall. She was glad that she didn't say it out loud as it would seem dumb. Ryan held her hand before pulling her in to the mall. It place was huge and Mia admire it awe.

"Was he going to shop for a dress for her?"Mia asked herself and at that moment one of the staffs came to welcome them while leading the way. She brought the best dresses and Ryan would only decide the one Mia should where for the party after trying them on. "This would take a while"Mia thought. She tried different dress but none of them were good enough,not that she minded Ryan choosing for her. A long while passed and Ryan finally found a choice

It was a beige gown that was wide and up to the floor,Mia looked at her self in the mirror admiring the dress with sparkles on it. Her hands move to feel the texture with a smile. It was slightly heavy but she could still move easily with it

"that gown looks great on you madam"the female staff compliment. Ryan looked satisfied with what she had worn but they weren't done yet. Now Mia had changed back to the previous cloth she was wearing and they were lead again to another part of the mall. It was where all the shoes were and Mia wondered if it had a spa and make up session see how the place is and the room they were in alone was a large one

"May I know your size ma'am?" the female staff asked to Mia"size eight" she simply replied. With the help of the other staffs, different shoes with size eight were brought out and mia sat down when Ryan picked a particular and putting her leg in it. It had a round buckle that would be rapped around her ankle and it suits her perfectly thus, matching the beige dress she had worn earlier. Ryan didn't pick the shoes she would need for that party but he also bought other ones with Mia convincing him not to bye more.

Three hours remained before the party starts,Mia was had just finished in the spa session. Her skin was already smooth and soft and the products they used in her made her gorgeous with the females looking at her in awe. She was made to seat down to her make up. It wasnt one that was heavy and flashy and she she soon put on the beige dress and heels. Standing in front of the mirror,Mia looked at her self ,her gaze moved her hair that was braided to the side that was held by pins. Her hand moved to expensive necklace on her neck. Now she was ready to go and now wondered if Ryan is too"he should be"

The door opened and Ryan came in wearing a black suit,his hair perfectly combed. The staffs left the room with Ryan looking at Mia's new look,he couldn't deny how beautiful she looked. He walked closer to her before taking her hand and putting a bracelet on it

The place was perfectly decorated with light shining on every corner. The place filled few people as at the same time guess we're coming in with there fancy cars with the media's waiting outside to take pictures. The occasion was an important one as influential and rich guests came in their fancy clothes with the ladies putting on a lot of jewelry probably to show off their status.

Away from this sort of the mansion,a middle aged man was busy signing some documents with a few people holding files in their hands.

"You all can be useless sometimes, couldn't you bring these earlier before the day of the party" his angry voice filled the room"we are extremely sorry,we .." a female said but was cut short by the man who raised his hand. He was clearly angry and as soon he was done with the last set of documents he dismissed them before taking a glass of water at the same a lady came in.

"Oh there you are ,all the guests are arriving"she said walking closer to him as she poured another glass of water"don't stress yourself darling,today is an important day I don't want you getting tired" she said holding his arm and he bent down to kiss her "let's go"he said and they both went down to meet the guests who had arrived