
Mr CEO’s Pregnant Wife

Aruna, the beloved wife of Mr. CEO – Mahendra Hadyan Wenceslas, has repeatedly received death threats. the Mistress is pregnant, the threat scares Mr. CEO every time “Where is Aruna?” She was not where he last time left her.  Mahendra and Susi searched for all the possible places as far as their views could reach. "Don't make me crazy, Aruna! WHERE ARE YOU?!!" Seeing her master yell, "Master, let me get other guards," She dropped her umbrella and brushed off to the main house for help. “ARUNA…!” Mahendra screamed and threw his eyes to the farthest he could reach, “NO JOKING PLEASE!!” he ran off here and there, panicked. "Damn it!" there were other foot traces, not his nor hers. No other people walked into this area unless Aruna and himself were bare feet. Shoe foot traces, male shoes as the size and shape were typical male ones. "Whoever could find my wife will get the best car!" Hendra shouted in great fear and panic, running wildly to follow his feet. The group of aides was running faster, scattering everywhere, and some were going into the water, in case their valuable Miss was drowned.  Let’s follow Aruna and Mahendra's struggle to maintain their love story in [Mr CEO’s Pregnant Wife]

dewisetyaningrat · Urban
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130 Chs

37. Facial Structure

The space under the five-star hotel is brightly lit. A man with a small face and a pointed nose was caught just getting out of the elevator. He ran across the hall. It didn't take long for the man to arrive at the room that presented a group of people. A collection of people who are working hard to match the facial contours of hundreds of people with a specially designed artificial application.

The runner touches the arm of the bespectacled man, the leader of the workers. He shows a 10-inch tablet that presents various scenes of the attack on the leader's wife, including sketches. So far, this has never been done by investigators who are under the auspices of Vian.

Vian has just been allowed to conduct a detailed investigation. And the permit only dropped yesterday, after the president finally gave his mandate.