
Mr Captain's Unexpected Proposal: A Tale of Love in Schubert

[Mature Content] Inez Cal Buford, the youngest daughter of a count in the capital city, Beetheaven, faced financial troubles when her brother's invested ship was wrecked, almost leading to bankruptcy. To save their family's honor during the war era, it was suggested that Inez marry a famous aristocrat or a wealthy man from the bourgeoisie in a business marriage. However, Inez, an 18-year-old girl, refuses to marry someone she doesn't love. Instead, she attends a ball hosted by a famous countess at Beetheaven, where she meets the crown prince, Lennox Percevil De Schubert, who is rumored to be like a poisonous mushroom. Under the luxurious chandelier lights, Inez falls in love with Lennox, and they become lovers, attracting attention from newspapers all over Schubert. However, their relationship faces opposition from the king and queen, who underestimate its significance, just as they did with Lennox's previous affairs. Inez knows that she is not considered suitable to become a crown princess in Schubert, yet she chooses to remain Lennox's lover, but with a clearer view of the future now. However, their love affair comes to an end when Inez receives a letter from Lennox, leaving her heartbroken. She experiences challenging times as her reputation is tarnished by scandals, leaving no man in the capital city willing to marry her. Unexpectedly, a marriage proposal arrives from a famous Marine Captain, Dante Arthur De Ignacio-the king's prominent nephew and the only successor to Marquess of Verthall on the west coast. Will Inez accept the proposal from the man who once caught her almost kissing Lennox?

Jean_Cadieux · Fantasy
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21 Chs

Under The Luxurious Chandelier



Inez cannot choose the color of the dress, but she will. She had to match the dress with the quality heels she had at the mansion. And her and Anne's choice at the boutique fell on a light green off-shoulder dress that was simple but still looked elegant.


Inez doesn't regret choosing this dress when she sees how it looks in the mirror after Anne has been dressing her up since this afternoon.


"You are the best, My Lady. Gorgeous!" Anne praised, wiping her tears with her handkerchief. She smiled proudly. Inez was a perfect masterpiece.


Inez's brown hair was surprisingly vibrant and matched the dress she was wearing.


Inez smiled beautifully. She spins around in front of the mirror, making Anne hold her breath. "Do I look perfect, Anne?"


"You do, My Lady." Anne nodded enthusiastically. "You are perfect," she added. "Who wouldn't fall in love with you?"


Inez sighs softly as she once again looks at herself in the mirror. "What if I come back without anyone?"


"No way, Lady. I'm very confident that you will find a suitable mate tonight," Anne said optimistically.


Inez chuckles and looks at her maid in the mirror. "If I can't get anyone tonight, then the problem is me."


"Lady..." Anne furrowed her brows in disapproval. She walks over to Inez and grabs her shoulders. "Look in the mirror!" She touches Inez's chin. "If none of the men come to you tonight, then they're blind. It's not your fault. Not at all!" she insisted.


"Hahaha, Anne..." Inez laughs happily. But, thankfully, the worry in her had subsided. "Thank you, Anne." She turned to look at her maid. "Thank you very much," she said again.


"It's nothing, Lady. It was my duty to cheer you up," Anne replied as she straightened the pearl necklace left by the former countess. "You wear this necklace very well. It reminds me of your mom." Anne smiled nostalgically.


Inez touched the necklace and smiled wistfully. "This is one of the necklaces Mom used to wear when she went to parties."


"You're right, Lady." Anne looks at Inez again, and she smiles widely. "Ah, sorry. I made you feel sad."


"No, Anne. You make me feel excited," said Inez, smiling happily. "I think it's time."


"Yes, Lady. Come on!" Anne invited Inez to walk first while she carried the bag containing the equipment Inez might need at the party.




Inez played her fingers in front of her body as she descended the stairs. She felt a little bit nervous when she saw Anthony and Arabella standing in the living room, staring at her.


"So beautiful, Inez," Anthony complimented her as they faced each other. He smiled widely, then turned to Arabella, who gave him a faint smile.


"Yes, thank you," Inez said simply. She glanced at Arabella and smiled slightly. Their relationship had been awkward since that night. Neither of them apologized. Inez didn't even think about apologizing to her sister-in-law.


"Are you sure you don't want company?" Anthony asked for confirmation. He glances at Anne, who is standing behind Inez, looking practiced in carrying heavy bags. "Anne won't be allowed into the ballroom."


"No, I won't. I'm enough," Inez replied firmly. "It's time," she said, then stepped outside the mansion, escorted by Anthony and Arabella.


A black car was parked in the main courtyard, the one Anthony used for work. And the man told Inez to take the car to Countess Turin's ball.


Inez turns to face Anthony before she gets into the car. She is looking seriously at her brother. "You don't have to worry, Anthony. I'll save this family." Inez nods reassuringly. Before Anthony could speak, she spoke again. "I'll bring the best future husband at Beetheaven."


Anthony breathed a sigh of relief, then nodded slowly. "Can I trust you, Inez?" He knew that in the past few days, Inez had not only been reading romance novels but also searching for and studying information about the list of single men who were suitable for her. Inez never said she didn't want to get married. She just didn't want to get married without attention or love.


"You can," Inez replied with a nod. She turned to look at Arabella. "You don't have to worry either."


"Yes, Inez. I trust you," Arabella said with an awkward smile. "Ah, you will probably meet Baroness Hilbert at the ball. Could you send her my regards?"


Inez nodded briefly. "I will," she said. "I'll be going," she said, looking at Anthony and Arabella in turn, then getting into the car that the private driver had opened the door for.


"I hope you bring good news, Inez," Anthony said, stepping closer. Once again, he had made a huge investment. This time, in Inez and he sincerely hoped that it would not end in a loss.


"Yes. Wish me luck." Inez broke her gaze from Anthony. While Anne sat beside Inez, the car left for Countess Turin's mansion in the center of Beetheaven.




"Oh Lord," the driver complained as he passed through the main gate of Turin's mansion.


Inez, who was leaning against the window, immediately straightened up. Likewise, Anne focuses on staring ahead.


"Wow," Inez said when she saw the scenery ahead. She chuckled bitterly afterward. Countess Turin did have a huge reputation in Schubert, but a line this long?


"It's like coming to a royal party," said Anne, shaking her head in disbelief at what she saw.


A long line of cars and horse-drawn carriages. The mansion is still visible at the far end, but the line would reach the main gate in probably less than ten minutes.


"You'll be late at this rate, Lady," the driver said, looking at Inez from the rearview mirror in the center.


"Oh, that can't happen," Inez fumed. "Isn't there a shortcut?"


"I think... eh?" The driver's pupils widened as he saw the car in front of him move out of the line and turn to the right, where there was a road that could fit two cars, but it was dark. It was obvious that it wasn't the main road.


"Whose car is that?" Inez leans in, trying to see any sign of the passengers inside.


"It looks like the Lady of Spencer's car. She's the countess's niece," the driver replied as he noticed the family crest printed on the back stamp.


"Ah, I see." Inez nodded. "Follow that car!" Inez ordered. "Hurry!" she said, afraid of losing track.


"Uh, Lady? Is that okay?" The driver looked back briefly.


"Just follow it! I'll be in charge," Inez said hurriedly.


"Ah, okay." The driver gets out of the line and follows the Lady of Spencer's car. His gaze fell on the rearview mirror on the right side of the car. "Oh?"


"Why?" asked Inez and Anne together.


"We're opening the way for the car and horse-drawn carriage behind us," said the driver, causing Inez to turn around.


The girl chuckles. "Take it easy. It's not us opening the way. It's Lady Spencer's car," she said shamelessly.


Anne chuckles amusingly at Inez's answer. She whispered, "I think you've found a good reason if Lady Spencer asks you later."


Inez nods excitedly. "Hmm, it's good that the reason came quickly." She looks out the window. The road they were traveling on did not have any lighting; the lights only came from cars, unlike the main road earlier.


"But don't act like this again, Lady," Anne warned.


Inez smiles. "Only this time because I don't want to be late."




The car turned to the left and drove for about another 50 meters, then stopped behind Lady Spencer's car, which is stops right in front of the side door of the mansion.


"Ah," Inez smiled awkwardly as she found Lady Spencer getting out of the car and staring at her car, then turning to the row of other cars behind her. "Let's go down now," she said to Anne. She opens the car door herself and gets out without anyone's help.


The evening breeze welcomed Inez's presence. Her hair was blowing, carrying the fragrance of spring flowers in bloom. "Oh, Anne?" She turned to her maid, who had just gotten off and came over to her in a hurry. "Did we make the wrong entrance?"


Inez stole a glance at the Lady of Spencer, who still had not entered the mansion.


"Stop it, Lady." Anne furrowed her brow. "You'd better approach the Lady of Spencer," she whispered.


"Ugh, all right," Inez grumbled. She approached the girl, who was wearing a yellow dress with a square cut. "Good evening, Lady Spencer." Inez makes a slight curtsy to the girl, who is the daughter of the Marquess who lived north of Schubert.


"Good evening, Lady of Buford," the girl replied, watching Inez as she smiled faintly. "Have I opened the way for you and others?" She looks suspiciously.


Instead, the girl wearing a light green dress looks back and pretends to be surprised. "Oh! Well ...."


"No need to be surprised, Lady." The Lady of Spencer smiled a simple smile. Only Inez dared to get out of the car, unlike the other guests who were still in the car and carriage. "Would you like to come in with me?" she offered.


Inez smiled a perfect smile. "It would be my honor, Lady of Spencer." Inez walks side by side with the marquess' daughter.


'Ah, this is a good start,' Inez thought with satisfaction, even though she had to be a little shameless to avoid being late for the ball. Fortunately, she dared to get out of the car first and say hello to her. Plus, the Lady of Spencer chose not to bring up the embarrassing matter further.




This is a very large and luxurious ballroom. The floor is made of white marble that can withstand hot and cold temperatures; red velvet curtains are attached to every large window; and there are antique displays and rare paintings by famous painters in every corner.


Inez knew that Countess Turin had lovingly decorated the ballroom because it looked like it.


"I would like to say hello to my aunt. Would you like to come with me, Lady of Buford?" offered the Lady of Spencer humbly.


"Yes," Inez replied cheerfully, "of course, Lady."


"My aunt is over there," said the Lady of Spencer, pointing to Countess Turin, who was surrounded by several important figures.


'Ah." Inez felt small. She swallows her saliva for a moment, then quickly follows the Lady of Spencer's lead.


"Auntie!" called the Lady of Spencer, easily reaching the countess' position.


"Ah, Clarissa!"


'Their relationship is very good,' Inez thought. She would pay more attention to her manners from now on.


Inez remains silent as the Lady of Spencer warmly embraces Countess Turin.


"This is a very good ball!"


"Oh, thank you, my dear. How was your trip?"


"It's fine, Auntie." Clarissa's gaze fell on Inez, making Countess Turin and her important guests stare at that girl.


"Oh?" Countess Turin raised both eyebrows. She looks seriously at Inez. "Lady of Buford," she called out.


"Greet to you, Countess." Inez curtsies to that woman. She stands up straight again and smiles confidently. This is indeed not the first time she has greeted the countess. But this is the first time she has been taken directly by the Lady of Spencer.


Countess Turin smiles at her. She approaches Inez. "It's good to see you again, Lady of Buford."


"So am I, Countess." Inez stares at the woman wearing a red ball gown. Countess Turin is the star of this ball, exactly. "You are gorgeous in a red dress. And the ball is perfect."


"Oh, thank you, Lady Inez. A sincere compliment from you," Countess Turin said happily. "You came alone?"


"With my maid," Inez replied.


"Oh, I thought Countess Buford would come too," Countess Turin said.


"Countess Buford is recovering from childbirth. I'm sorry she can't come," said Inez humbly.


"Ah, that's okay, Lady. I understand." Countess Turin glances at her niece. She smiles, then looks at Inez again. "I hope you enjoy the ball."


"Yes, thank you, Countess. It will be a good ball," Inez said with a curtsy. She nods briefly and smiles sweetly at the Lady of Spencer, at least as a thank you for now. Then she turns to leave. Inez could not linger with the countess because all around her, several men were insulting the almost bankrupt Buford but looking at her with great desire.


Inez could hear faintly and noticed the sassy stares. It was disgusting.




The girl wearing the light green dress stood alone in the corner of the room. She had no idea that finding a suitable husband would be this difficult. She sighs softly as she looks out into the crowd.


The current situation gave her deja vu. Inez had come to the wedding season last year. She even got a fiance, a lowly soldier in the Navy. However, their marriage fell apart when her fiance died on the battlefield.


"It's not my fault," Inez said to herself, just like Anne had said before they left. She chuckles in annoyance.


Many jerks of all ages approached her and openly expressed interest in her face and body. Some of them also mocked Buford and Anthony indirectly. To a lesser extent, when Inez felt fit, those nice guys politely turned her down to be her future husband. And now, on second thought,


"Who would want to marry the daughter of an almost bankrupt family?" muttered Inez, turning her back to the crowd. She almost banged her head against the wall if she didn't realize someone was calling her.


"Lady Inez."


'Male voice!" thought Inez, who immediately turned around and was surprised by the handsome man in front of her. She observes the man and swallows saliva nervously. "Yes?"


Inez quickly regained her rationality, and the man smiled, seeming to realize her surprise. 'Who?' She was not familiar with that face.


"I thought you wanted to bang your head against the wall," the man said.


"Ugh," Inez complained softly. She laughs as a distraction. "How could I?" She squints at the man. "I've never seen you before."


"Really?" The man smiled sweetly. And Inez is weak with sweet things. She smiled too.


"I think so," Inez said, looking away briefly. "Or have we met before?" She looks at the handsome man again. If they had indeed met, it seemed like it would be difficult to forget a man with a face like that.


"Perhaps my existence is not attractive enough in Lady's eyes," the man said moodily, making Inez raise one eyebrow.


"So, has my presence caught your attention, Sir?" Inez asked confidently.


"Ah..." The man looks away for a moment while covering half his face with his hands. "It seems so."


Inez holds her breath. There was a momentary awkwardness between them. 'I hope this is the last time,' she thought as the dance was about to begin.


"May I join you, Lady?" the man asked, looking straight at Inez.


"Well," Inez glanced at the space beside her, "go ahead." She cleared her throat briefly as the man took a position that almost touched her arm. "Looks like that side over there is still spacious?"


"I'm comfortable here," the man replied, not taking his gaze off Inez. "On your side," he added.


"Hmm..." Inez glances back at him. "This feels unfair."




"You know me, but I don't." Inez looks strangely at the man who smiled awkwardly. "Who are you?"


"Can we skip that part?" the man asked.


Inez immediately broke her gaze and sighed softly. 'Ha, what a waste of time,' she thought. At the same time, the beginning symphony played. The Count and Countess Turin were the first couple to arrive on the dance floor. Inez began to look to her right and left. Some of those guests had gone to the dance floor as well.


Inez hopes that a man will ask her to dance. 'A good man from a good family. Please,' Inez thought as she closed her eyes.


"Lady Inez."


The girl peeked out. A hand was extended to her. She looks up to find the man who had been beside her now in front of her.


"Would you like to dance with me?" the man asked politely.


Inez feels silent for an instant. "I don't even know your name yet, Sir."


"Is that necessary?"




"I'll answer it on the dance floor. How about it?" the man offered. Honestly, it sounded tempting.


Inez looks at his hand once more.


"Lady Inez?"


The girl sighs softly, then accepts his hand, and the man smiles happily. Inez had no other choice. At least she wouldn't be embarrassed to be dancing at the ball.


"It's my honor, My Lady." He kisses the back of Inez's gloved hand, giving her a small gasp.


However, Inez immediately took the man's arm and went to the dance floor together.


The second movement of the symphony played. A gentle melody for the opening. The couples faced off and made matching patterns automatically.


"Can you dance well, Sir?" asked Inez, looking at the man in front of her. She will be prepared if this man can't dance well.


"I'm sure you won't regret having me as your dance partner," replied the man, who bowed in respect.


Inez did a brief, elegant curtsy. Their hands intertwined, and when the third verse of the symphony played, they were immersed in the soft melody of the beautiful violin playing. Their bodies had become one under the luxurious chandelier.


One step, two steps, and more than five steps later, Inez was quite surprised by the perfect dance moves. Usually, when dancing with men, they are a little stiff. But the man in front of her wasn't.


"Who are you?" Inez asked suspiciously. She had never heard of a man who was good at dancing other than Count Turin, Viscount Hesse, and the poisonous mushroom in Schubert, the crown prince.


The man in front of her might have been Viscount Hesse because Inez had never met him.


"Hm?" The man embraced Inez. "I think it is not yet for you to know."


"Oh, really? Did you just break your promise?"


"I never made a promise, Lady. I only made you an offer," the man retorted, which made Inez stare at him. "Did you know that the Edenbel Kingdom has a boat festival in the summer?" She changed the topic.


Inez decided to be less suspicious. "Yes, I know. Have you ever seen?"


"Every year," the man replied, which made Inez look straight into his bright blue eyes.


For some reason, of all the blue-eyed people at Beetheaven, Inez was reminded of Captain Dante Arthur De Ignacio's picture on the front page of the newspaper. Inez shakes her head, pushing the thought away.


"What are you thinking about, Lady?"




"Hmm." The man suddenly moved aggressively toward Inez, making her almost fall.


"Ah!" Inez grabs the man's suit. And the gazes of the people around them were instantly drawn to them. "What are you doing?" protested Inez.


"Sorry, My Lady. I made the wrong move," the man replied, immersed in the melody again.


But Inez knew it was a lie. He's a good dancer. Inez doesn't understand this confusing situation. 'I want to end this immediately,' she thought. However, the voice behind her had awakened her to reality.


"Isn't that His Majesty the Crown Prince?"


"His Majesty? Where is he?"


"It is."


Inez glances around. While the man who danced with her smiles happily.


"The one who danced with the Lady of Buford"



