

"Welcome our dearest sister-in-law!"

The first person who jumped in front of her was Feng Kai.

His surprised face was suddenly even more surprised. He pulled Ai Xiaoqi to Bo Xize and said loudly.

"Well, I said it was the girl who was taken away by Brother Ze last time. How sharp my eyes are! I recognized it at a glance!"

Bo Xize hooked his lips, which was extremely charming.

Looking at Ai Xiaoqi appearance, he was inexplicably in a better mood, and the corners of his mouth could not hide the playful taste.

As she approached, she suddenly smelled a disinfectant.

"Did you really have a car accident?"

Bo Xize frowned, got up and hugged her in his arms, and checked her up and down.

"Yes, there is also Weiyang, that person is--"

As soon as Ai Xiaoqi wanted to complain, she saw Bo Jinxin sitting next to Bo Xize, so she didn't say anything.

She looked around.

If Bo Jinxin was there, there was no reason for the woman to be absent.

As soon as Ai Xiaoqi thought about it, the door of the high-end box was pushed open by Qiao Xin.

She saw Ai Xiaoqi and Xia Weiyang standing on the side of Bo Xize, and their beautiful eyes contracted.

"That's the woman. This woman hit my car and hit me!"

Qiao Xin was not the kind of person who could endure. She immediately got up and pointed to Ai Xiaoqi and pointed to her nose and scolded.

"And her friend, yes, that's it!"

She pulled Xia Weiyang over and pointed to her.

"And she, it's the two of them who crashed my car!"

The box, which was originally lively, instantly calmed down because of Qiao Xin words.

"What did you say?"

Bo Xize lowered his voice.

"Did you hit her with your car?"

"No, Master Bo , it was the two of them who drove into me and slapped me."

Qiao Xin became more and more aggrieved, and the other side of the two faces was shown to Bo Xize.

"But I think this girl face seems to be much worse than yours."

Feng Kai looked at Xia Weiyang and interrupted.

"In fact, there is no need to quarrel. We can investigate the camera at the intersection and we will know who is right and who is wrong."

Ai Xiaoqi was extremely calm and said to Bo Xize.

"Uncle won't be wronged by us because she is the director daughter, will he?"

This little girl.

Bo Xize hooked his lips. During this period of time, she didn't know that Ai Xiaoqi had such sharp claws.

"Of course not. You can know which one is right at a glance."

When Bo Jinxin saw that the situation was not right, she knew in her heart that it was Qiao Xin fault. She hurriedly rounded the scene.

"Brother, things are already like this. Since Xiaoqi is your wife, Qiao Xin was also slapped. This is a misunderstanding."

Bo Jinxin words are quite useful, especially for Qiao Xin fire-sting personality.

That sentence, since Xiaoqi is your wife, she he also gave Qiao Xin a good hint.

However, this really makes Ai Xiaoqi a little difficult to do.

It's as if she's suing!

"A misunderstanding? Is it really a misunderstanding?

Bo Xize frowned and asked, unhappy.

"It's a misunderstanding. This is a misunderstanding. I don't need their compensation if my car is scratched. After all, it's my fault for me to hit it."

Qiao Xin changed her previous attitude and took Xia Weiyang hand by the way.

"I'm sorry, I didn't mean to. I won't be so impulsive in the future. Since we don't know each other's situation, we will make each other misunderstanding--"

"You don't need to apologize to me. I know which one is wrong."

Xia Weiyang shook off her hand and leaned on Ai Xiaoqi side.

Qiao Xin was face-foiled by them again and again.

In fact, she was already very angry, but because of the rich and young people in the city, she did not dare to attack.

In addition, Bo Xize looked a little angry, and it was even more difficult for her to vent her emotions.

"Okay, okay, we don't know each other if we don't fight."

Master Yu came to round the field and took two glasses of wine.

"Let's drink and it's all over!"

Ai Xiaoqi doesn't want to care about her anymore, otherwise it will be unfavorable to Xia Weiyang.

After all, she was indeed born in a poor family. It is easier for Qiao Xin to kill their family than to kill the ants all the time.

The atmosphere of the three people after drinking and drinking did not seem so embarrassing.

Ai Xiaoqi leaned on the sofa and was still in a bad mood.

"What's the matter? Are you dissatisfied? Aggrieved in your heart?

Bo Xize, who was sitting aside, asked.

The girl joys and sorrows are written on her expression, and he can see it at a glance.

"No aggrieved. She is the director daughter. No matter how wrong it is, it's the fault of our little poor."

Ai Xiaoqi took a sip of wine and said lazily.

"You are not a civilian. You have me. If someone bullies you, don't bear it.

Bo Xize seriously sideways and corrected her.

"Don't forget that you are already Bo Xize wife."

"So why did you bring so many people together this time? Is it public?"

Ai Xiaoqi opened the topic. She didn't want to get entangled. She had Bo Xize as a backer, but Xia Weiyang didn't.

"You don't let me make it public?"

Bo Xize said, reaching out and hugging Ai Xiaowan in his arms.

"But they are my friends, you can know."

All right.

As long as the uncle is happy, she will be angry if she refutes again.

"Little sister-in-law, what's your name?"

Feng Kai approached Ai Xiaoqi and asked curiously.

"My name is Ai Xiaoqi, a small little qi."

"How old is that little sister-in-law? She looks younger than me."

Young Master Yu, who was beside him, also came up and asked.

"21 years old." Ai Xiaoqi smiled.


He is 10 years younger than Brother Xize.

Oh, my God, Brother Xize eats tender grass!"

Master Yu drank a little too much and couldn't even speak clearly. He was pushed by Feng Kai beside him.

"What are you talking about? This shows that our brother Ze is charming, and the little sister-in-law also has vision!"

The way they sang and did a good laugh at Ai Xiaoqi, and also made Xia Weiyang, who was sitting on the side, laugh.

"Well, this little sister is also very beautiful."

Master Yu came forward and sat next to Xia Weiyang, and then grinned and approached her.

"It's so beautiful. I don't know if this little sister has a boyfriend?"