

 Ai Xiaowan led Xia Weiyang to Shengge, but Xia Weiyang had to tell her about petty bourgeoisie.

Then the two rented a bicycle and rushed to Sheng club.

"Hey. Ai Xiaoqi, what should I do if I'm a little nervous about meeting those rich second generation?"

Xia Weiyang hands left the bicycle and clenched into a fist.

She can ride a bicycle without holding the handlebars with both hands, so she can ride well.

But Ai Xiaoqi has always felt very dangerous.

"Look. Do you think you are the other make you nervous or the uncle?"

It's really funny to think of Xia Weiyang saying that the uncle was bald in the restaurant that day.

"Hey, hey, isn't that all your fault? You. Didn't tell me earlier!" Xia Weiyang said angrily.

"Actually, I just knew about it."

Ai Xiaoqi looked at the endless traffic on the road and said worriedly.

"Weiyang, don't ride like this again. It's dangerous to have so many cars."

"I know, I know." Xia Weiyang said and put her hand on the handlebar.

As soon as the voice fell, a car suddenly ran through the red light and turned on the non-motor vehicle. Xia Weiyang accidentally rushed to the car.

Fortunately, she braked in time, otherwise the car would be broken.

"Weiyang, are you all right?"

Ai Xiaoqi immediately got out of the car to check whether Xia Weiyang was injured.

Fortunately, she just broke a little skin on her leg. It's okay.

Suddenly, a bright red sports car rushed out.

The woman in a red dress and a V-neck rushed down from the car, looking in a hurry, and her face was in a bad mood. She opened her mouth and scolded.

"How did you ride your bike? Don't you want die!"

"This lady, it's obviously your reason. You came over at the red light. I just saw the camera flash!"

Ai Xiaoqi thought how could there be such a person, and then said.

"Now that you have been hit by everyone, why do you still blame us?"

"What are you talking about? You've scratched my car like this, and you're still arguing over there!"

The woman in the red dress frowned and said aggressively.

"Do you know how much this car is? A little scraping of a poor person like you can make you ruin your family!"


The woman stamped her feet and shouted.

"Jinxin, come and see. The car I just bought was wiped away by two poor girls!"

Another woman in the car heard the words and came down. She was slightly stunned when she saw Ai Xiaoqi.

Bo Jinxin.

Ai Xiaoqi pupils shrank.

What a coincidence?


Bo Jinxin was surprised. She was half a head taller than Ai Xiaoqi beside her in high heels, and she was a little condescending.

"Jinxin, do you know this woman?"

Qiao Xin looked at Ai Xiaoqi and Xia Weiyang with disdain, and her tone softened a little.

After all, the women Bo Jinxin knows are generally rich.

"Yes, they are our alumni." Bo Jinxin smiled and replied.

Alumni. Ai Xiaoqi took a look at Bo Jinxin.

After all, she had not let Bo Xize make it public. She said that it was understandable that she was an alumnus, but she was still a little uncomfortable.

"It turns out to be Yan Da. Yan Da can't escape the procedure of compensation if something happens!" Qiao Xin snorted coldly.

Ai Xiaoqi was also angry and said.

"Then let's call the police. Let the monitor see who is the fault."

"Xiao qi, it's not good to call the police."

Bo Jinxin stepped forward and said.

"Qiao Xin's father is the director. Even if you call the police, there will be no result."

"Xiao Wan, it's not good to call the police."

Bo Jinxin stepped forward and said.

"Qiao Xin father is the director. Even if you call the police, there will be no result."

"Oh~" Xia Weiyang rubbed her injured arm and said.

"Everyone, come and see. The director daughter hit someone and still wants to lose money!"

"What nonsense are you talking about!"

Qiao Xin was angry and raised her hand and slapped Xia Weiyang in the face.

She was still scolding.

"You poor girl, I recognize you. You are the Xia Weiyang who studied computers as a a top year. You apply for scholarship from Yanda every year."

When Xia Weiyang heard this, she felt inferior and covered her face. Her eyes were full of anger. She stretched out her hand and wanted to hit the slap back from Qiao Xin face.

Sooner or later, Ai Xiaoqi arm Xia Weiyang fell on Qiao Xin face faster.


Qiao Xin looked at Ai Xiaoqi in front of her in conceivable, covered her face and burst into tears.

She has been spoiled since she was a child, and her father is the police chief, so she has not suffered any grievances.

Now an ordinary woman dares to hit her, and her new car is broken. Ai Xiaoqi action surprised Bo Jinxin slightly.

After all, she had hinted that Qiao Xin was the director daughter.

"Don't think that you are the director daughter and you can bully ordinary people like us. How good do you think you are?"

Ai Xiaoqi moon eyes were deserted.

"It's obvious that ypu knew that there was a red light and ran a red light. Now you didn't admit your mistake and even hit people. Do you really think you are a invicible daughter? Let me tell you, no one flatters you outside!"

Ai Xiaoqi almost applauded herself, but she was still a little confused. She never dared to do such an arrogant thing, and the opposite side was indeed a rich daughter.

But she didn't know where the courage came from, but she couldn't swallow it.

"Little girl, wait for me, I'll let someone come, you wait for me!"

Qiao Xin took out the phone and her hands trembled in anger in the face of more and more people around her.

"Qiao Xin, have you forgotten to have a date?"

Bo Jinxin reminded her.

If Brother Xize came forward to solve this matter, I'm afraid it would be more complicated.

"What's the date, Jinxin? This woman dares to hit me, and as soon as I bought my car, it was scratched. Do you think I'm angry?"

Qiao Xin stamped on the high-heeled shoes.

"It costs tens of thousands of yuan to paint."

Bo Jinxin walked to her and said in a voice that Qiao Xin could hear.

"But think it's rare for my brother to invite someone to go today. Don't you always want to see my brother? Besides, it's true that you ran a red light. If your father knew about this, he might have confiscated your car."

Finally, she added.

"Think about it, some things will take a long time. They are in Yanda. You can ask them for money whenever you want, but not now."

Qiao Xin full anger was comforted by Bo Jinxin.

It really made sense. It was more important to see Brother Xize.

"I won't care about you now, but you wait, and I'll sue you with the video! Wait for me!"

After Qiao Xin finished speaking, she went away with Bo Jinxin.

Xia Weiyang took a look at them, rubbed her ankles, and said.

"I'm sorry to bother you again, Xiaoqi."

"What are you talking about? They bully people too much!" Ai Xiaoqi said.