
Mr Billionaire: falls in love with contract wife

In the heart-wrenching tale of a young cardiologist named Stacy, her world crumbles when she discovers her fiancé entangled with her best friend on the eve of her engagement party. Overwhelmed by devastation, she contemplates ending her life on a desolate bridge. But just as darkness threatens to consume her, a mysterious stranger emerges, saving her from the abyss. Together, they embark on a journey of healing and self-discovery, unraveling the hidden truths that lie beneath her shattered world. This gripping story of resilience and love reminds us that even in the face of despair, there is always hope for a brighter tomorrow.

SilverSkyla · Urban
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113 Chs

Chapter 85 The rescue

Yuan stood rooted to the spot, the blood draining from her face until it was as colorless as a sheet of paper.

Time seemed to slow, her heart pounding in her chest like a frantic drumbeat. The reality of the situation crashed over her like a tidal wave, drowning her in a chilling dread.

It was over. He had found her, cornered her, before she could even think of an escape.

Mr. Qin's eyes, cold and unyielding, bore into Yuan's. Without warning, his hand shot out, grasping her delicate throat with a force that left no room for resistance.

The world around Yuan blurred as panic overtook her. Her eyes, wide with terror, reflected the raw, unadulterated fear that consumed her.

The pressure on her neck intensified, a vice-like grip that robbed her of breath and voice. Each second felt like an eternity as Yuan struggled, her chest heaving, desperate gasps for air escaping her lips.