
Mr Billionaire: falls in love with contract wife

In the heart-wrenching tale of a young cardiologist named Stacy, her world crumbles when she discovers her fiancé entangled with her best friend on the eve of her engagement party. Overwhelmed by devastation, she contemplates ending her life on a desolate bridge. But just as darkness threatens to consume her, a mysterious stranger emerges, saving her from the abyss. Together, they embark on a journey of healing and self-discovery, unraveling the hidden truths that lie beneath her shattered world. This gripping story of resilience and love reminds us that even in the face of despair, there is always hope for a brighter tomorrow.

SilverSkyla · Urban
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114 Chs

Chapter 74 Mr Qin’s Wrath

As tears continued to stream down Stacy's cheeks, a heavy silence hung in the air, punctuated only by the soft sound of her sobs.

Mr. Qin stood before her, a silent sentinel grappling with his own feelings of helplessness. He had anticipated trouble, but never had he imagined that Yuan Yuan would strike with such ruthless efficiency.

Unable to find the right words to console her, Mr. Qin fumbled for his phone once more, his fingers trembling slightly as he dialed a number.

"I want her found now," he commanded, his voice edged with steel. "Find the media that posted this and sue them."

Ending the call, he turned back to find Stacy no longer sitting on the bed. Concern etched his features as he heard the sound of running water emanating from the bathroom.

"Stacy? Are you in there?" he called out softly, rapping gently on the door.