
Moving Through Life

This novel is encompassed within poetry, thrillers, romance, and reality. It basically holds the content of my mind. I also write for encouragement and creativity. This book is about what I experience in life: Negative thoughts, bad experiences, and trauma. I use my book to record my dreams and nightmares I’ve had as well, using poetry to describe them. It holds my thoughts and feelings which I feel every day. While I did not intend my novel to be completely understandable, my intentions are to relate and perhaps encourage others who like myself; Experience fierce depression. My plan is to make the reader feel and see some of what I see and feel. As a Christian, I seek to utilize my book to point to Christ in every difficult situation. He has helped and molded me into who I am today. Christ will deliver His children, in need of aid. I sincerely hope this update of the synopsis, helps in your understanding of my poetry. Please let me know if you need more information. I have written some of my backstory and important information within my poems. *For more in depth background info, please read chapter 107. ##When I first wrote this book, I did not plan on writing poetry. If I could change the category out of fan-fiction, I would. I feel like my novel may start a bit slow, but continuing to read, it will build up and intensify. ;) A note: I apologize for chapter 130’s typo. When I proofread it, I saw that it had a misspelled word. I tried over and over again to update it, but there may be a glitch or something. I’m sorry if you see it too. Just to clarify, I tried to write the word as “Indefatigably.” My novel continues through chapters 162-170, which were accidentally published separately; Although they all consist equally with my book: Moving Through Life. ;)

Emma_Heringer · Book&Literature
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171 Chs

Moving Through Life. Chapter 126: I’ll Sit Alone, Thank You

"Hi Emma. It's me again. You missed me?"

My self doubt busts into the room speaking lies.

It comes over to the couch where I'm sitting, and plops down beside me.

Turning and staring me in the face, it smiles contemptuously, waving.

I roll my eyes and lay my head down on the couch, using a pillow to cover my visage.

"Don't lie down now. We're supposed to spend the day together, remember?" Doubt removes the pillow, and hovers over me.

"I never asked you to", I answered, pushing it away from me, and sitting up despondently.

"Well I came anyway. Aren't you happy to see me?" Doubt says as it grabs eyeshadow from the counter beside the couch; And wipes some on its hand.

"I'd rather just sleep. Hey, what are you doing that for?"

I shouted as Doubt smeared the makeup over my eyes.

"You've been crying yourself to sleep again. I thought I'd wipe this here to recall your pain", It answered, as it finished wiping the eyeshadow onto my face.

"Now let's go. I have a lot of places to show you", Doubt said, rising from the sofa.

I sigh dejectedly and shake my head "No."

Grabbing a stroller for a toddler, Doubt then picked me up, and placed me inside it.

"Now that's better", It said, opening the door, and rolling me outside.

Around the neighborhood I rolled, sitting within the humiliating stroller, frowning.

"Isn't this fun? It's better when I'm in charge", Doubt spoke laughing.

Still frowning, I replied: "No. I think I'm done."

Getting up, I rose out of the stroller and walked away.

"Hey, where are you going? I'm not yet finished with you!"

I turn around to face it, wiping the makeup off my face.

"Hey do me a favor and listen to my needs. You better leave now, or I'll knock you out", I said looking straight at the Doubt, standing in front of me

Surprisingly, it just stood there, staring wide eyed at me.