
Moving Through Life

This novel is encompassed within poetry, thrillers, romance, and reality. It basically holds the content of my mind. I also write for encouragement and creativity. This book is about what I experience in life: Negative thoughts, bad experiences, and trauma. I use my book to record my dreams and nightmares I’ve had as well, using poetry to describe them. It holds my thoughts and feelings which I feel every day. While I did not intend my novel to be completely understandable, my intentions are to relate and perhaps encourage others who like myself; Experience fierce depression. My plan is to make the reader feel and see some of what I see and feel. As a Christian, I seek to utilize my book to point to Christ in every difficult situation. He has helped and molded me into who I am today. Christ will deliver His children, in need of aid. I sincerely hope this update of the synopsis, helps in your understanding of my poetry. Please let me know if you need more information. I have written some of my backstory and important information within my poems. *For more in depth background info, please read chapter 107. ##When I first wrote this book, I did not plan on writing poetry. If I could change the category out of fan-fiction, I would. I feel like my novel may start a bit slow, but continuing to read, it will build up and intensify. ;) A note: I apologize for chapter 130’s typo. When I proofread it, I saw that it had a misspelled word. I tried over and over again to update it, but there may be a glitch or something. I’m sorry if you see it too. Just to clarify, I tried to write the word as “Indefatigably.” My novel continues through chapters 162-170, which were accidentally published separately; Although they all consist equally with my book: Moving Through Life. ;)

Emma_Heringer · Book&Literature
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Moving Through Life. Chapter 123: Exercises

In my days where I really had a hard time, I used to mostly sit; In doleful thoughts.

My mother came to me and she said very gently: "Emma, I don't think this is very helpful to you. Why don't you use a better coping method?"

I sat there and thought for a few minutes, and came to a realization.

She was indeed correct, mental health doesn't become better by moaning and groaning within your pain.

I decided to utilize my talents to capture my thoughts, where I could understand them more easily.

But how?

I mulled over it, practicing my violin helped very much, but something was still missing.

My mind needed more exercise and attention.

One day I decided to pick writing back up.

I had taken a few month's break, but thought maybe I would create a story.

I wrote some, but still, I found a piece wasn't there.

It was poetry.

After thinking some, I happened to scribble some poems I thought were coming from inside.

I read them over and over again, and found them to be very pleasing to not only me; But everyone I showed.

It was then, I wanted to make a career out of it.

This satisfies and takes so much of my time.

In my troubles, I write.

They all come from my heart and mind.

It doesn't judge nor belittle me, but sees me as its creator.

They accompany me when I'm alone, and need help.

Honestly, poetry are my feelings, they guide and propel me to write.

They speak lovingly to me, and reach for my hand, so that I may place them upon paper.

The sadness sings gloomily, exclaiming its doom and imperfection.

It reminds me how I've failed and fell down, where I thought I could stand.

Nervousness asks me what I'm doing, and I answer: "Nothing" ; And sit staring at the floor disconsolately.

Like a choir, my feelings sing, each different emotions, taking their turn to tell their stories.

Aroused by their harmonies in my ears, I feel the urge to write them down in my thinking.

Singularly describing and recalling each message they ring.

In the end, a surge of happiness overtakes me; I see before me, my work written as musical instruments of the heart.

I've yearned for a satisfying coping method so much.

God gave me these poems.

These along with music, are the best hobbies I could ever ask for.

I do like going outside, the sunshine is warm and calming.

But I felt the need to mostly exercise my mind and emotions over my body.

I do have a job, which is very hard work, and I required poetry to soothe the hectic anxiety.

Inside me, is where everything works the hardest.

Thanks to my writing, I can pull from within, what my mind is trying to say to me.