
Moving Through Life

This novel is encompassed within poetry, thrillers, romance, and reality. It basically holds the content of my mind. I also write for encouragement and creativity. This book is about what I experience in life: Negative thoughts, bad experiences, and trauma. I use my book to record my dreams and nightmares I’ve had as well, using poetry to describe them. It holds my thoughts and feelings which I feel every day. While I did not intend my novel to be completely understandable, my intentions are to relate and perhaps encourage others who like myself; Experience fierce depression. My plan is to make the reader feel and see some of what I see and feel. As a Christian, I seek to utilize my book to point to Christ in every difficult situation. He has helped and molded me into who I am today. Christ will deliver His children, in need of aid. I sincerely hope this update of the synopsis, helps in your understanding of my poetry. Please let me know if you need more information. I have written some of my backstory and important information within my poems. *For more in depth background info, please read chapter 107. ##When I first wrote this book, I did not plan on writing poetry. If I could change the category out of fan-fiction, I would. I feel like my novel may start a bit slow, but continuing to read, it will build up and intensify. ;) A note: I apologize for chapter 130’s typo. When I proofread it, I saw that it had a misspelled word. I tried over and over again to update it, but there may be a glitch or something. I’m sorry if you see it too. Just to clarify, I tried to write the word as “Indefatigably.” My novel continues through chapters 162-170, which were accidentally published separately; Although they all consist equally with my book: Moving Through Life. ;)

Emma_Heringer · Book&Literature
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171 Chs

Moving Through Life, Chapter 173: Windstorm

Away I go, into the snow. Falling, falling, into your arms where there is no harm.

The white snowflakes fall around us, our sound of laughter fills the snowy air like a pair of two swans swimming. Look at the clouds, they are grey which bring snow. It is cold while we hold each other close, seeking to warm ourselves.

We stand below a hill of snow I leapt from, you kept your arms outstretched to receive me as I descend. Like the steps of a child who trips over a toy, you joyfully reach me through the howling wind; Ascending and whirling around us.

I look into your eyes and feel warmth, though outside it is cold. The inner feelings of love, molding within my heart, like the artist who completes his work. I feel satisfaction and happiness, knowing that you keep me from being alone through the tedious process of life.

I stride, but not alone, as we go home to a fire waiting for us.

We close the door, the wind screaming viciously behind us, the visibility of the outside receding. He grabbed some wood to feed the fire, I look around me to see the small house we dwell in. It was not much to look at, for there was only room for two, but who could posses a place without any animals?

We have two cats living with us. Even a rat had no fear of harm, for we cared for any creature within our grasp.

I clasped my heart in awe, thanking God for all that he has given to me. I am enthralled in gratitude for my husband.

There is food in the pantry to satisfy our hunger. My husband, a lumberer, works tirelessly night and day.

There are plenty of clothes to hang in the small closet of our bedroom.

My husband remains beside me, and loves me through every trial.

I stifled a cry of happiness, while pondering over these things, as he raises himself from bending over the fire; His tired eyes glistening in the light.

"Emma, we may not have much, but such pleasures as you being here with me, are all that I need to succeed while I'm alive."