
Moving Forward .

Dumbledore takes a more active role in Harry's training after the chamber, leading to a stronger, more confident Harry. That's fortunate for him, because his life is about to get VERY interesting in 5th year. THIS STORY WAS COPY PASTED YOU CAN FIND THE ORIGINAL STORY IN THE LINK BELLOW link:https://archiveofourown.org/works/26169631/chapters/101280606#workskin AUTHOR:https://archiveofourown.org/users/MayorHaggar/pseuds/MayorHaggar

mooooooooooow · Book&Literature
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31 Chs

The Beginning

When Fleur stepped through the floo in her childhood home, the Delacour family elf was there to greet her.

"Welcome back, Miss Fleur," the elf said in French. "Miss Gabrielle is with the mistress. Follow me into the sitting room."

Fleur thanked the elf and followed her through the mansion and towards the sitting room. By the time she got close to the sitting room, she could hear that Gabrielle was indeed with their mother, who was subjecting her youngest daughter to a lecture.

"Your sister is very busy," their mother said. "Stay out of her way and do not impose on her while you are there. This is not like when you both lived here under our roof. You are to be her guest, and you will behave as such. Do not make a nuisance of yourself as you usually do."

Fleur heard her father start to speak up in Gabrielle's defense, but he didn't get out more than a couple of syllables before her mother cut him off. "Shut it, Sebastian," she said. "Your opinions are not needed or wanted here."

Fleur walked faster, wanting to try and stop this argument before it could get any worse. She rounded the corner and turned into the sitting room, where Gabrielle was wearing a patently fake smile as she endured the lecture and listened to her parents argue. It was their mother who concerned Fleur most though. Having shot her husband down, she was taking a breath to calm herself. Then she turned back to Gabrielle.

"Madame Maxine tells me that you finally came out of your shell this year," their mother said. "Your grades saw a marked increase, and you finally began to socialize with your classmates." It almost sounded like praise, but Fleur could tell from her mother's tone that something negative was about to follow. Gabrielle knew it too, which was obvious in the way her shoulders tensed.

"I do not know what brought about this chance, but at least you've become less of a disappointment," she said. "You still have work to do though. Even with your improvement, you've barely even made it into the top ten in your class. If you had even a fraction of your sister's talents you would have been the top student in the school years ago."

Gabrielle looked to be on the verge of crying, and Fleur decided it was past time for her to intervene. "Maman!" she called loudly.

The change that came over their mother as she heard Fleur's voice was notable and Fleur was sure the way she brightened did not do any favors for Gabrielle's self-esteem. "Fleur!" their mother called, spinning around to face her. She raced over towards her and hugged her tightly. Fleur accepted the embrace and hugged her back, and made eye contact with Gabrielle over her shoulder as she did so. She gave her little sister an apologetic look, but Gabrielle just shook her head and showed that she understood. Fleur was very uncomfortable with the way their mother doted on her and frequently undermined Gabrielle, but Gabrielle knew that Fleur did not encourage it and generally did not hold it against her.

"I did not know you had already arrived," her mother said, pulling back and looking Fleur over. "How have you been? Is that dirty English air affecting your skin? Have you been getting proper sleep?"

"I've been sleeping just fine, maman," she said. "And the air is…well, it's not any worse than here, I don't think."

"You only think that because you've been away," her mother insisted. "If you actually stepped outside here you would never want to go back to England and its disgusting air. And the food! Do you want to sit down and eat some good French cuisine before you leave?"

"No, I ate before I came," Fleur said. "I really cannot stay. The scheduled time for our international portkey is coming up soon, so we cannot afford to linger."

"That is a shame," her mother said, sighing. "I so rarely get to see you now." She turned to Gabrielle. "Remember what we spoke about." The warmth that had been there when she spoke to Fleur was gone.

"Yes, maman," Gabrielle said stoically. She stepped around their mother and moved towards the belongings she was planning to bring with her, and Fleur shrunk them to make it easy for her to carry them all. Gabrielle nodded at her gratefully as she picked them up. "I am ready to go when you are, sister."

"Prepared as always," Fleur said with a smile. She gave her father a quick hug. "Goodbye, papa. I'm sorry I could not stay and visit."

"Do not trouble yourself," he said as he hugged her back. "It was good to see you, however briefly."

"Goodbye, maman," she said next. "Thank you for agreeing to let Gabrielle come and stay with me for the summer. It will be good to spend time with her."

"Such a good big sister," her mother sighed. "If she does anything to make a nuisance of herself, you just let me know."

"It will be fine," Fleur said. Gabrielle was hugging their father and saying her goodbyes to him. Fleur couldn't help but notice that she did not exchange farewells with their mother, and their mother seemed to have no more interest in doing so. Theirs was a relationship that would seemingly never be what it should have been, and it saddened Fleur tremendously.

Fleur held Gabrielle's arm and brought her to the French ministry building via side along apparition, and Gabrielle exhaled deeply once they were out of Delacour Manor. Fleur could tell that she was struggling to maintain her composure though, so she steered her little sister into the bathroom.

Once Gabrielle looked around and saw that the bathroom was empty, she threw herself into her sister's arms and hugged her tightly, seeking comfort from her older sister. Fleur sighed, rested her cheek on top of her head and rubbed her back soothingly.

"I am sorry I did not make it sooner," she whispered to Gabrielle. "I'm sure you could not wait to escape." Gabrielle said nothing, but just clung to her big sister tightly. Fleur was happy to hold her and console her for as long as she needed to get herself together. Her only big regret in moving out and leaving France behind was that she hadn't been there to look after Gabrielle in person as much, and she wanted to make up for it as much as she could now that they were back together again.

Gabrielle eventually pulled back and took a deep breath, seemingly having calmed down now. "Sorry about that," she said. Fleur waved her hand dismissively.

"Do not worry yourself over it," she said. "I'm happy to help however I can. Now would you like to eat?"

"I am kind of hungry," Gabrielle admitted. "Don't we need to hurry to catch our portkey though?"

Fleur giggled. "We have several hours before we must use our portkey," she said. "I only said we had to catch it soon so I would have a reason to get you away from maman." Gabrielle smiled and shook her head.

"Then yes, I would love to eat," she said. "Being lectured all day and told what a disappointment I am can be exhausting."

Fleur led her younger sister to the ministry cafeteria, which was open to anyone who happened to have business there in addition to actual employees. They claimed a table towards the back and Fleur put up some minor privacy charms so their conversation would not be overheard.

"Now then," she said, "Let's talk about the summer."

"You know that's not what I want to hear about first," Gabrielle said after swallowing a big bite of her fruit. "You met with Harry and his girlfriends, but you've been vague in our letters about how it went. Now that we're face to face, I want you to tell me how it went. And be honest."

Fleur sighed and swirled her spoon around in her soup. "I do not believe it went well," she said. "They were…well, I won't say they were rude, exactly. But they were wary of me, for certain. I believe that seducing them will be very difficult."

"We have to try," Gabrielle said, biting her lip as she looked up at her pleadingly. Even if Fleur had been of a mind to refuse, she'd never been able to say no to that little pout on Gabrielle's face. Their mother had not shown Gabrielle the affection she deserved, so Fleur had always gone overboard in spoiling her.

"Do not worry," she said, shaking her head. "I have seen this happen many times. While I was at Beauxbatons, many girls became intimidated and felt threatened by me because of my veela heritage. They feared that I would steal their boyfriends away from them and claim them for my own, and even if Daphne and Tracey weren't as obvious about it as most others, I could tell that they had many of those same fears. But many of those same girls who hated me at Beauxbatons at first went on to become some of my closest friends."

"Yes, I know," Gabrielle said, nodding. "You spent quite a bit of time teaching me how to dispel those fears and turn enemies into friends. That's why I suggested going this route in the first place once Harry was no longer single. We can't hope to steal Harry away from them, but we can convince them to allow us to join them."

"It will not be easy, but I have taught you well, sister," Fleur said fondly. "And as you already know from my letters, I've arranged it so you'll be able to spend plenty of time around both Harry and the girls. If you really do believe you can charm your way into all their lives, you will have your chance this summer."

"I will not waste that chance," Gabrielle said, looking as determined as Fleur had ever seen her. "I will take what you have taught me, and I will adapt it depending on how they treat me. Before the summer is out, they will want me to join them and be part of all of this."

Fleur smiled at her sister's determination. She dearly hoped that Gabrielle could make this all work, because she wanted only the best for her sister. "I will support you however I can," Fleur promised.

"I know you will," Gabrielle said with a grin. "You always do, big sister."


After finishing their food they'd gone to the waiting area for international portkey travel and taken a seat to wait out the remaining time. Gabrielle, whether fatigued by having to put up with their mother or overexcited about coming to live with her for the summer and hopefully getting close to Harry and his girlfriends at the same time, had nodded off quickly. When Fleur felt her little sister's head bump against her shoulder as she fell asleep, she gently lowered her slender body down across the chairs next to her and positioned Gabrielle so she could lay her head on her lap as a pillow.

Fleur smiled down at her sister's peaceful sleeping face and brushed some of her soft silver-blonde hair back. While she watched her sister rest, Fleur passed the time by letting her mind think back on all the changes her life had undergone over the last year, and who was responsible for pretty much all of them.

Really it had all started that night when Harry Potter's name had come out of the Goblet of Fire, as the unexpected FOURTH champion in the Triwizard tournament. She could still remember the way her blood had boiled when she learned that some child (or so she viewed him at the time) had cheated his way into the tournament and stolen what she'd believed to be her moment of glory. Regardless of how famous he was or whether he was the apprentice of the one and only Albus Dumbledore, he'd had no right!

She'd carried that mistaken view of Harry Potter well beyond the night of the choosing. It wasn't much later, just after returning to Hogwarts from her New Year's holiday with her family, that she'd begun to learn who Harry really was.


Early January, 1995

Fleur made her excuses to her friends and took a walk through the snowy grounds of Hogwarts on her own. Right now she felt like being alone.

Going home to spend the holiday with her family in France should have been a happy experience for Fleur, but it had been a very frustrating time. Their mother had ignored Gabrielle's general existence the entire time, unless it was to criticize her for some perceived fault. Her mother, who had always been so kind and attentive to Fleur, had unfortunately never shown that same kindness to her younger sister.

Fleur knew where their mother's bitterness towards Gabrielle came from. While she'd been happy to have Fleur, for her second pregnancy she had been determined to defy the odds of veela women and the scarcity with which they gave birth to boys. She had performed some rituals during her pregnancy that had very clearly worried her father at the time, and now that Fleur was old enough to understand the precise rituals she'd used and the danger they carried, she was shocked her mother had put both herself and her unborn child in such peril. But her mother was a prideful and determined woman, and she had assured her family that she would give birth to a son.

Gabrielle had been born instead, and her mother had never stopped resenting her. She viewed Gabrielle as a sign of her own failure, and that the rituals she'd put herself through had left her unable to have any more children after her had only made it worse. It was horribly unfair to Gabrielle, who had done absolutely nothing wrong. Unfortunately their father had been very little help there. He was a decent man and he did care for Gabrielle, but their mother had dominated that relationship for as long as Fleur could remember.

For her part Fleur had done her best to look after her sister and show her as much love as she could, but she hadn't been there as much once she'd started at Beauxbatons. It had been a lonely time for Gabrielle until she too had started at Beauxbatons, and now with Fleur spending the year at Hogwarts for the tournament it seemed that the loneliness had returned.

Fleur trudged her way through the snow, seeing pretty much no one else outside braving the temperature as well as the snow. But as she neared the courtyard she saw a lone figure sitting on a bench that he'd obviously cleared free of snow using magic. When she got closer, she recognized the second, younger Hogwarts champion, Harry Potter. Briefly she considered walking on and leaving him to his solitude; he wouldn't have been sitting out here by himself unless he'd been in the same mood she'd been in as far as wanting to be alone. And it wasn't like they were friends or anything.

She wasn't sure exactly what possessed her to approach him. Maybe it was simple curiosity, or maybe it was guilt over obviously having misjudged him upon their first meeting. Maybe she wanted to get to know him better after seeing what he could do in the task against the dragons, or maybe she didn't actually want to be alone as much as she'd thought she did. Whatever it was, Fleur found her feet leading her towards him.

"May I sit here?" she asked. Harry seemed surprised that she would approach him, but he shrugged his shoulders.

"I'm not going to stop you," he said. He nodded to the spot on the bench next to him, and then pulled out his wand and cleared that open spot free of snow. Fleur smiled. She could have done that herself just as easily, but there was something to be said for good manners. Yes, she'd definitely misjudged him when they first met.

"Thank you," she said, sitting down. After sitting there in silence for a few moments, she decided to give him something that she felt was overdue. "I owe you an apology for my comments after the choosing. I believe I was wrong about you."

His eyes widened and he shook his head. "That's okay," he said. "I understood why you'd be upset about someone else swooping in on what should have been your moment." His lips suddenly tightened into a bitter smirk. "And people who've known me for years and should have known better doubted me too when I said I didn't put my name in the goblet. I can hardly blame you for thinking the same thing they all did."

Fleur had definitely noticed some of the Hogwarts students wearing those 'Potter Stinks' badges, though it seemed to have died down considerably since his performance against the dragon. Whether he'd put in his name or not, his fellow students could no more doubt his worthiness to be in the tournament than Fleur could after that.

"Then we were all wrong about you," Fleur said. She rubbed her hands together in her lap and then looked over at him again. "Shall we talk some more? Champion to champion? Or would you like me to leave so you can have your privacy again?"

"I'd like that," he said with a smile. "The talking, I mean. Most people just point and stare at me. Either that or they gawk at me like an animal in a zoo."

Fleur laughed. "I understand exactly what you mean."

Maybe she and Harry Potter had more in common than she thought, beyond just being Triwizard champions.


So they'd talked. They'd talked far longer than Fleur had expected, and before she'd even realized it the light of day had faded and it was time for her to return to her carriage to sleep. And that had been far from their last conversation. They met up several more times in the ensuing days, and she'd gotten to know her fellow champion much better. She'd found him to be very pleasant company, and pretty quickly had started spending less time with her Beauxbatons friends and more time meeting up with her fellow champion. The initial hesitance to share their thoughts with each other had faded by the time they headed back to their beds that first night, and with each ensuing conversation Fleur felt like she was being given glimpses of the person behind the legend that none but his closest friends had been allowed to see.

Over the course of these conversations, she'd learned why he had been sitting out alone in the snow. He'd been frustrated in the fickleness of his classmates as it pertained to him, and had needed to get away with it. One day his classmates looked at him like their hero and savior, and the next they treated him like he was an attention-seeking brat and a pariah. She'd been observing him more closely since that day in the courtyard, and she'd seen that fickleness for herself.

Having seen an awkward interaction between him and a blonde-haired girl from Hufflepuff who still seemed to think Harry had stolen the glory from her housemate Cedric Diggory, Fleur followed him out of the Great Hall. She was unsurprised to see him sitting in that same spot she'd found him in the courtyard. It seemed to be a place that he frequented when he wanted to get away from his classmates.

"Hello, Fleur," he said, not even looking up as she sat down next to him. She didn't bother to ask how he knew it was her. After the past several weeks she was the most likely to seek him out, especially here.

"Do you want to talk about it?" she asked him. She knew that asking him if he was okay was pointless, because he would just say that he was fine. It was better to be more direct, and to give him a chance to vent his frustrations. A few weeks ago he wouldn't have told her what was on his mind, but they'd gotten comfortable enough with each other that he heaved a deep sigh.

"I'd thought we were past all of this, you know?" he said. "Everybody looked at me like I was Slytherin reborn during my second year, but after I brought Ginny back out of the chamber I thought that would be the end of it. Last year it was better for the most part." He chuckled without mirth. "I mean, aside from the whole having to worry about an alleged mass murderer breaking out of Azkaban to try and kill me. But once we got that sorted it was actually a pretty good year."

Fleur said nothing. She knew that story; word of Sirius Black's escape from Azkaban and later the Ministry clearing him of all charges with the capture of Peter Pettigrew had traveled to France. Harry had since told her the details far fewer people knew; about how he had studied the names on his magical map of the castle and brought Pettigrew's to Dumbledore's attention, leading to the capture of the rat and the exoneration of Sirius. The details of how his godfather had gotten his freedom were known to Fleur, but it was more recent events that had Harry feeling down, and it was those events that Fleur was concerned with.

"But as soon as my name came out of that damn goblet it's like everyone forgot all about what I did before," he continued. "They're right back to thinking I'm some glory hound again. Like I want to steal Cedric's moment or something."

"Is that what that girl was accusing you of?" Fleur asked gently.

"Yeah," Harry grumbled. "She bought into the Heir of Slytherin rubbish, but apologized for it once she realized I wasn't behind any of it. Funny how quickly she forgot that as soon as the goblet spit my name out."

Fleur could hear the bitterness in his voice, and it brought out her protective instincts. Listening to him complain about the unfairness of it all, something she knew he wouldn't allow himself to do around most people, reminded her of her sister Gabrielle and the pain caused by their neglectful mother. "I am sorry, Harry," she said softly.

He laughed weakly. "You're the last person who needs to apologize to me, Fleur," he said. "You've only known me for months—or weeks, really, as far as actually talking to me goes. And you've been more understanding than most of the students in this school who have been here with me for almost four years now." He sighed. "Even Ron doubted me, at least before he saw me tangle with a dragon. I'd thought if there were two people who I could count on for unconditional support it'd be him and Hermione, but I guess not."

He sounded even more pained as he talked about his previous strife with his best friend, and Fleur's desire to protect and to comfort was overpowering. She moved closer to him on the bench; closer than she'd ever been. He stiffened in surprise as she leaned her body against his, but did not resist as she quite literally offered him a shoulder to lean on. She had a strong belief that he was not used to this kind of physical contact and comfort.

That made it an even greater shock to him when she brought her hands up and began to run them through his hair, not unlike she did for Gabrielle at times. For a moment she thought he might brush her hands away or ask her to stop, if not get up and leave altogether. But feeling her hands massaging his scalp, however unexpected, seemed to be as soothing for him as it usually was for Gabrielle. He relaxed, and she smiled as he allowed his head to rest on her shoulder.

She wasn't entirely sure why she'd decided to do this for him, but she was glad that she had. Much like Gabrielle, Harry seemed like someone who was in sore need of comfort and companionship. She continued to gently run her hands through his short, messy hair long after his eyes had closed and he surrendered to a much-needed rest.


The more time that Fleur spent around her new and unexpected friend, the more the similarities between he and Gabrielle continued to present themselves to her. She also thought back to Gabrielle talking to her over the summer about how lucky Fleur was to be able to meet Harry Potter when she went to Hogwarts. Her little sister was rather fond of the Boy-Who-Lived stories, and even though Fleur now knew that those stories told a very incomplete picture of the actual young man, in some ways he and his flaws were more compelling than the storybook hero he was often portrayed as.

At some point, Fleur's brain began to think that it would be perfect to set her sister up with her new friend. They could offer each other the comfort and devotion they both needed. Fleur could introduce Gabrielle to someone else who would care about her and look out for her aside from herself, and she could set Harry up with a woman who would show him the loyalty, the trust and the love he so deserved. The more she thought about it, the more convinced she was that they were a perfect match.

But she would have some work to do before they would be ready for that. Harry was earnest and kind, but he had no real clue on how to act around girls. He didn't seem to have anything resembling meaningful conversation with any of them aside from herself and his friend Hermione, but a romantic relationship would be something else entirely. She would have to train him on that, for his own sake as much as for her sister's.


"I would like to teach you something new, Harry," Fleur said.

"Oh? What's that, Fleur?" He looked openly interested. She knew that she had his trust, and her little lessons on how to talk to people (particularly women) and how to behave like a gentleman had been better received than she could have hoped for. Fleur had taken on the role of not just instructor but source of comfort with relish. She tried to be a source of relief and comfort for him much like she was for her sister. It was almost a motherly role she had adopted with him, but today she was going to take things in a very different direction. If she wanted to get him trained up so her dreams of setting him up with Gabrielle could come true, he needed to know how to do more than just talk to a woman.

"I want to teach you how to kiss," she said.

Harry's face immediately broke out into a blush, and he stared at her in shock. She'd already known he had no experience with this sort of thing, but it had never been more obvious than it was now. "K-kiss?" he stuttered. "You want to teach me how to kiss? Really?"

"Of course," Fleur said, smiling. "It's an important thing for any young man to learn. We need you to be ready to sweep a young woman off of her feet. By the time you meet the right girl, you're going to be able to leave her breathless with nothing but a kiss."

"So are you just going to tell me how I'm supposed to kiss, or is there going to be, uh…"

"Practice?" she said, finishing his thought. He nodded awkwardly. "Of course there will be practice, Harry. Kissing is just like anything you learn in your classes. Learning the theory behind it is important, but you haven't truly mastered it until you've put the theory in practical use."

"And you're going to practice it with me?" he asked. He sounded nervous about the idea, but also looked excited. His eyes flicked down to her lips more than once, and Fleur decided to tease him a bit. She stuck her tongue out and licked her lips, knowing she had his full attention as she did so.

"Oui, Harry," she said. "I will be both your instructor and your partner with whom you will practice." She gave him a little pout. "Why? Do you not want that? Would you prefer that I find someone else for you to practice with?"

She'd only been teasing him, but was absolutely delighted when his eyes widened and he shook his head quickly. "No, no, that's okay," he said, trying to sound nonchalant about it. "I'll be more comfortable if it's you. I trust you."

Her smile widened. "Good," she said. "Then trust me to teach you well, Harry. You might even enjoy yourself." He gave her a short, jerky nod as he tried to fight off his obvious nervousness. Fleur would help him there. This was exactly the sort of thing she was here for. She was going to teach him what to do and make sure that he worked past any nervousness or anxiety. By the time she set him up with her sister, he would be able to kiss Gabrielle with confidence.

She put her hands on his shoulders and leaned her head in towards him slowly. "Before I give you some more specific tips and advice on how to do this, I think a little demonstration would be helpful."

Harry licked his lips as she got closer, and then she pressed her lips against his. He sat there frozen at first, unmoving as Fleur kissed him, but eventually his lips started to respond to hers. They moved slowly and timidly, but Fleur smiled all the same. There would be plenty of time for her to teach him and practice with him until he'd perfected his technique. For now, just him kissing back was good enough.

He looked dazed when she pulled back. "Not a bad start," she said to him. "Not a bad start at all."


Harry got much better at kissing throughout that first lesson, and after their second bout of kissing practice she could find no fault with his efforts. From there it had been time to teach him more about the female form, and how he should treat it.

Hugging and light touching had led to her pulling off her top and teaching him how to worship a pair of breasts with his hands and mouth. She would not soon forget the look of joy on his face when he got his first look at her bare breasts; though she would never admit it to him, she had pictured that exact look when she went back to her carriage and masturbated that night.

Tonight, though, it was time for them to take their largest step yet.

"You have done so well with your lessons, Harry," she said as they sat side by side on the bed in her carriage.

"I've had a great teacher," he said with a smile. He'd come a long way from his initial nervousness when these lessons started. All of his time under Fleur's pleasant tutelage had not just taught him what he was supposed to do but had also given him the confidence to do it.

"Merci," she said. "And since you have done so well, I think you are ready for another step forward. It will be our biggest yet." She got up from the bed and stood directly in front of him.

"Hard to imagine any step bigger than you letting me play with your boobs," he said, chuckling. The chuckle turned to a groan when she pulled her shirt over her head and unhooked her bra, baring her breast to him once again. Fleur loved the way he looked at her. He'd seen her tits several times by now, but he still stared at her naked chest with the same sort of awe and lust that he had that first time.

"Then your imagination is lacking," she said. Her hands went to her trousers and began to undo them, and Harry finally stopped staring at her breasts to take note of what she was doing now. "But I will give you much more to imagine now."

While Harry had seen her topless several times by now, and had been given the pleasure of becoming very familiar with her flawless upper body, they'd stayed away from anything below the waist. He'd touched her legs and squeezed her arse through her clothes while they practiced deep snogging and groping, but this was the first time he was seeing what those clothes had been hiding from him.

Fleur bent down at the waist to slip her trousers over her feet, and turned her back to him as she did so in order to give him an alluring view of her bum in only the light blue lace knickers she was wearing. She slipped off her socks while she was down there as well, so when she turned back around to face him those knickers were all she was wearing. But even those didn't remain in place for long. She stood there for a few seconds, knowing that his eyes were on her and wanting to draw the anticipation out as much as possible, but eventually she gave him what he was waiting for.

She slid the knickers down around her ankles, then hooked them in a toe and flung them to the side. Now she stood in front of Harry fully nude. She left her hands at her sides, not trying to hide herself from his probing gaze at all. Some women might have shied away at the intensity of his stare as his eyes roamed her body, but Fleur remained calm and confident. And why shouldn't she be calm and confident? She knew how perfect her body was. Harry was welcome to ogle her as much as he liked.

"Do you like what you see, Harry?" she asked. To her mild surprise, he actually chuckled.

"That may be the dumbest question I've ever heard in my life," he said while staring between her legs. Every part of her body was stunning, but it made sense that he was transfixed by her pussy this time. He'd seen and even played with her perfect breasts several times before now, but the treasure between her legs was a brand new marvel for him to behold. "You're so beautiful, Fleur."

"Very good, Harry," she cooed. "Those are words every woman loves to hear." It was as true of her as it was any other woman. She might be a veela with no shortage of confidence in her beauty, but having a man praise her still pleased her, particularly if he did it the way Harry just had. He hadn't been lewd about it; it was just open admiration of her beauty, simple but honest. "Look as much as you like."

He did just that. Harry stared at her in awe, and Fleur smiled and stood still to allow him to take her in. She wanted him to be comfortable around a beautiful naked veela before she set him up with Gabrielle, and this felt like excellent practice. His eyes were drinking her body in and committing it to memory. Fleur did not feel the least bit uncomfortable about it, but eventually decided that it was time to stop having him merely stare at her naked body. There was a greater purpose to this lesson, after all.

"Now that you've had a chance to get used to seeing me naked, it's time for the real lesson," she said.

"You mean that wasn't the lesson?" he asked.

Fleur giggled. "Not at all, Harry," she said. She sat back down on the bed next to him, then moved onto her back and spread her legs. "You're here to learn how to please a woman."

Some men considered doing such to be a chore, or something to be done only if their partner promised to go down on them in return. But Harry earned major points for himself with how he reacted to Fleur's statement. He didn't even think to extract some kind of quid pro quo guarantee from her, and he clearly was ecstatic about the idea of pleasing her. He nodded his head eagerly.

"I'll do whatever you want," he said, looking between her legs as he did so.

"Perfect answer, Harry," she said with a grin. "Just keep that attitude from now on and you'll make all your lovers very happy. Now just follow my guidance, and I promise you're going to know how to make a woman fall for you using only your tongue." And she would get tremendous pleasure out of it too, assuming Harry would be as good at carrying out her instructions as he had been up to this point. It was really a win for everyone, including Gabrielle.

She had Harry get into position between her legs, and after letting him rub her vulva with his fingers for a bit to give him a little hands-on experience with an area he was about to become very familiar with, they moved on to the licking itself.

Fleur was pretty excited already; she'd been looking forward to this ever since she'd made the decision to take this step after their last lesson. She probably would have been fine with him jumping straight into the really good stuff, but this wasn't just about her pleasure. It was about teaching him how to be a good lover as well, and so she taught him the art of building a woman up. She had him lick, kiss and rub along her inner thighs, and Harry followed her instructions dutifully. Even when long past the point when Fleur was all but throbbing with need, she still had him keep it slow. It was a difficult thing for her to do, because seeing Harry's handsome face between her legs as he prepped her for what was to come had her more excited than she'd been in a very, very long time.

"Okay, Harry," she said when she finally could wait no longer. "It's time to lick me for real now. Do note that all women are different in how they like to be licked and touched, so whenever you have a new lover you shouldn't assume that she'll like the exact same techniques I do. You'll need to experiment, try out different approaches and figure out what works best for her." She pictured Gabrielle in her head, though obviously she did not say a word about that. "This will be good practice for you. Just start out with some simple licking and go from there."

Harry nodded, and stuck his tongue out to take his first true lick of her pussy. She sighed softly, enjoying that simple sensation, and Harry seemed to take that sigh as an indication that he should do it again. He moved his tongue slowly at first, and it was obvious to Fleur that he was easing himself in and getting used to all of this. But she admired his nerve, because he didn't outwardly panic or doubt himself at any point. Fleur had experience with men (and women, even) who were so desperate and insecure about doing a good job that if she wasn't screaming with intense pleasure right away, they would panic and start moving uncomfortably fast or apply too much pressure for it to feel good for her. And Fleur would never offer them any sort of fake moans or exaggerated signs of pleasure, because in doing so she would be cheating both them and herself. That had gotten the best of more than one lover's confidence, resulting in less than satisfactory oral sex.

Even though it was his first time going down on a woman, Harry did not fall into those traps. He remained patient in his consistent vertical licks along her pussy lips, and the simple, repeated and reliable pleasure had Fleur moaning louder and louder as time went along.

"Good, Harry!" she said. "Very good! You're getting me excited!"

It was true, but it was also something of a subtle hint. During his crash course between her legs she had told him that many women would be uncomfortable with direct contact on their clit too early and it was often best to wait until they were well into the heat of the moment. Though she hadn't outright told him that it applied to her, she was curious to see if he would remember that word of advice now and attempt to pay attention to her clit for the first time.

The answer to that came when Harry's fingers teased her clit, and having that touch in addition to his licks of her pussy had Fleur moaning even louder. "Oh, oui, Harry!" she moaned. "That's good!"

He could have kept going just like that and it would have been good enough for her. But Harry decided to take a chance and do a little experimenting. She'd told him that some women would love having their clits rubbed or licked towards the end, and Harry took a chance on her fitting into that category. It was a good chance to take, and Fleur groaned loudly as soon as she felt his tongue bat at her clit.

"Oh!" she groaned. She grabbed onto his hair and writhed against his face as he succeeded in making her cum. She'd had high hopes for him, and had believed he would be attentive enough to be able to get her off, but he'd gone well beyond what she'd expected. He hadn't just made her cum, but made her cum hard.

Harry continued to dutifully lick at her clit throughout Fleur's climax, but when he kept doing so even after her body began to come back down she whined. "Please, no more, Harry," she said, patting his head. "I'm too sensitive now."

He listened to her, stopped licking her and pulled his head back from between her legs. When she came to her senses and looked over to him, he was sitting back on his knees.

"Did I do okay?" he asked her. Fleur chuckled.

"Harry, if that is how you performed on your first attempt, I cannot wait to see how you do once you've had more practice," she said, an arm flung over her forehead as her body gradually came back down from the incredible highs he'd just taken her to.

"Will I get to have that practice with you?" he asked, not bothering to pretend he wasn't hoping desperately for her to say yes.

"Naturally," she said, nodding her head as she sat up on the bed. "By the time we have finished our training, you will be an expert on making a woman lose her mind with pleasure using only your mouth." Gabrielle would thank her for her efforts in the future, and until then Fleur would reap the benefits of the training process.

"Sounds brilliant," he said.

"If you think that sounds brilliant, what would you say if I told you I want to reward you for your success by, as you say, returning the favor?" she asked, raising one eyebrow at him. His green eyes widened and he stared at her open-mouthed for a second or two before he shook himself.

"You mean you're going to suck it?" he said hopefully.

"If that's something you'd like," she said, pretending like she couldn't tell just how much the idea excited him. "It's not really necessary for your training, but if you'd like me to—"

"Yes," he said, cutting her off. "Bloody hell, yes, I would like you to!"

Fleur smiled. She loved how expressive he was about what he wanted, and how he didn't try to hide his attraction to her like he seemed to try and hide so many of his emotions from his classmates. "Then get on your back and let me give you your reward."

He was flat on his back in the middle of the bed immediately, and Fleur crawled into position between his legs and started to work on getting his trousers off of him. She had always been planning on doing this for him, truth be told, as long as he didn't try and barter for it like some people might have in his position. She thought Harry was cute, and sweet, and she felt that he deserved some pleasure and fun amongst all the frustration of the world's fickleness towards him and the anxiety of the tournament. But when she got his trousers off and pulled his cock free from his underwear, she began to think that this might be something of a reward for her as well.

"You have a very, very nice cock, Harry," she breathed, biting her lip as she got her first look at what Harry had to offer. She was not exaggerating or boosting his confidence in the slightest. What was in front of her now was the largest cock she had ever seen in person, both longer and thicker than any previous lover.

"Thanks," he said, blushing as he looked down at her head between his legs.

"I'm going to have a great deal of fun with this," she said. Gabrielle was going to be very fortunate to have a cock this large in her life, particularly if Harry took to sex as well as he had with going down on her. For now, however, this cock was all Fleur's to play with.

She was as confident in her sexual skills as she was in her physical appearance, and it would be her genuine pleasure to show Harry that skill now. She wrapped her hand around his erect cock and slowly pumped it while moving her face in close. She planted her lips against the head of his cock in a slow, soft smooch, making eye contact with Harry as she did so. He moaned, and licked his lips as she gave him a second kiss.

For a moment she just rested his cock against her forehead, letting him take a second to adjust to the reality of the situation, that the most beautiful woman he'd ever seen was about to suck his cock. Then she brought her tongue out and swirled it around the sensitive tip, getting him warmed up and worked up. She was deliberately drawing out the moment, giving him pleasure while not actually taking him in her mouth just yet. She wanted him to crave her and be desperate to be in her mouth before she actually took him in.

"Do you want it, Harry?" she whispered. "Do you want me to part my lips, take you into my mouth and show you what I can do?"

"Yes." He groaned, and she saw his hands clenched into fists at his sides. "Oh, Merlin, yes. Please, Fleur. Please, I need it!"

She smiled, and made him gasp when she smacked herself across the cheek with his cock. "And you shall have it," she promised. Then she made good on that promise, ended the teasing and took the head of his cock between her lips. Harry groaned again, only it was much deeper now that Fleur had moved beyond the promise and was actually giving him the pleasure of a veela blowjob.

As opposed to all the teasing she'd done leading up to this point, Fleur held nothing back now. There was no slow suckling or licking of his cockhead, no slow and gradual bobbing of her head or twisting of her lips. While she had every intention of treating him to a long, sensuous blowjob one day in the future, this was not the time for it for multiple reasons. Eventually she would honor him with an extended period of worshipping his cock with her mouth, but tonight she wanted to establish her skill and show him just how quickly she could get him off.

Aside from wanting to blow his mind with an immediate rush of pleasure that would leave him amazed with her, she knew that this wouldn't have been the best time to plan for a marathon. This was the first time any girl had ever gotten his dick out, much less sucked on it. Most men struggled to last very long their first time out if their partner had the slightest clue what she was doing, and he was not getting sucked off by some inexperienced witch. His cock was in the mouth of a veela. Harry was no ordinary man, but he was still human. There was no chance he would be lasting for long.

Fleur did nothing to help his staying power, because she put her all into assaulting him with the full brunt of her oral skills right away. She bobbed her head on his cock quickly, sliding her lips down his shaft like a woman possessed. There was no need for her to work her way up to taking more of him in; she went straight to swallowing him whole. Her mouth took him in deep, and her silvery-blonde hair came undone under the force of her bobs and hung down over his legs. She stroked the bottom of his shaft every time her lips slid back up, and then her hand squeezed at his balls. He moaned louder than ever the first time she did that, and she took note of his reaction for later. If he enjoyed having his balls played with that much, maybe he would have a weakness for a firm ball sucking too.

That could wait for another time though. Tonight was all about bobbing her head on his cock and showing him that she could handle all of him despite his size. She was proud of herself for sucking this large cock so effortlessly, and she relished in the control she had over him.

Fleur always found something very rewarding about using her mouth on a man and seeing how the pleasure affected him, and watching Harry now was the purest form of satisfaction she'd ever gotten from sucking a cock. His handsome face looked shocked and overwhelmed by how good she was making him feel taking his cock into her mouth, and he was grabbing onto the sheets of her bed as desperately as Fleur's friend Claire held onto a broomstick whenever she was forced into the air. She'd heard enough of the true tales behind Harry's exploits to have at least some idea of just how extraordinary his life had been. And yet he looked completely blown away and out of his depth in the face of Fleur's energetic blowjob. Not even the Boy-Who-Lived could stand up to Fleur's oral skill.

He writhed and moaned as she sucked him, obviously struggling to hold on for as long as he could. Fleur would not permit him the chance. She kept slurping messily on his cock as she devoted herself fully to getting him off, but the sounds of her mouth were easily drowned out by Harry's uncontrollable moans. And when the time was right, she pulled the perfect trick out of her book to finish him off. She took his cock into her throat, held it there and hummed, using the vibrations to send him hurtling over the edge.

Harry gave in to the pleasure of Fleur's mouth and throat, as he had no choice but to do. He grunted and his hips rocked up off of the bed as she milked him of his seed. Fleur took it all down her throat with no effort, accepting the proof of his surrender and her success.

Her lover had his eyes closed and was breathing heavily as Fleur finally pulled her mouth off of his cock, and she smiled at seeing him driven to this state.

It had been a memorable first time, memorable both for his cunnilingus performance and for the intensity of his orgasm as she held him down her throat. But she couldn't wait to see how it all went after more practice sessions. How much better was he going to be able to lick her, and how much longer would he be able to hold up under the pleasure of her blowjob, once he had more experience under his belt?

Training him up for Gabrielle was going to be a very worthwhile and rewarding process, not just for Harry but for Fleur as well.


Fleur smiled as she looked down into Harry's face. He looked so peaceful in sleep, though the fact that he was using her bare breasts as pillows might have had something to do with that. She ran her fingers through his hair, giggling.

They'd had many more lessons in pleasure, and Harry got better each time. He'd learned how to please her, and he'd also become more comfortable accepting her almost motherly doting on him. Recently he had started to stay in her room in the carriage overnight just like this, and here he would remain until he got up and snuck back into the castle early enough in the morning to avoid detection.

His face shifted as he moved and nuzzled against her breasts in his sleep, and his face reminded Fleur of the puppy her cousin Audrey had gotten last year. Fleur had never been allowed to own a pet as a girl because her mother did not want any animals in the house. But now, as she watched Harry unconsciously snuggle her breasts, Fleur felt as if she had a puppy all her own, one who belonged to her and who she could protect, dote on and provide for. Somewhere along the way she had lost sight of her original intention behind doing this, which was to train him up into a man who could be an ideal lover for her sister. She hadn't thought of her plans involving Gabrielle for several days now. It had become all about doing this because she enjoyed it, and because she loved playing with him until they were both satisfied.

But a frown marred her face as she hugged him closer. Her sister still didn't factor in; this frown came because she was reminded of a conversation she'd overheard between two of the other girls from Beauxbatons earlier that day. Harry might be oblivious to it, but plenty of girls from not just his school but also both visiting contingents had become very interested in him after his performance in the first task. There wasn't necessarily anything wrong with that, although Fleur would obviously strive to keep him away from any other witch. But some of the women wouldn't stop at just flirting with him or trying to ask him out. Some of them would resort to far more aggressive, or even potentially illegal, measures.

None of them had been able to sink their teeth into him, thanks to Harry generally isolating himself and also because he had a protective friend like Hermione looking out for him. But earlier that day Fleur had heard a couple of her classmates discussing a plan that their group had to ambush and seduce him in the quidditch showers the next time he took his broomstick out for a fly.

Fleur knew Harry wasn't stupid, but he was still naïve when it came to dealing with girls. He would be vulnerable to their true motives. She knew that these girls and their inner circle were gold diggers who wanted nothing more than to snag a rich wizard who could give them a life of comfort, luxury and laziness. She could imagine them tricking Harry into impregnating them and trapping him into financially supporting them for the rest of his life. And even if he resisted their attempts at seduction, she wouldn't put it past them to use a love potion to get what they wanted from him.

Thinking back to that overheard plot now made Fleur decide that the time was right for her to move this on to the next stage. It was time for her to take the last step and claim Harry's virginity.

Until now they had not gone beyond oral sex and mutual masturbation, and until they crossed that final threshold a certain naiveté would leave him at risk to the machinations of her classmates or other gold digging women. She was going to introduce him to the joys of sex, and remove all that remained of his naiveté. With her help, he would become a man confident enough to deal with everything that would come his way. She would not allow anyone to seduce him away from her.

Fleur did not think of Harry as simply someone to practice with and train up anymore. She hadn't thought of Gabrielle in days if not weeks when it came to Harry, because she wasn't doing this for her sister now. The more time she'd spent around Harry, the more she'd started to see him as a potential partner for herself.

It wasn't just about the sex, even though that had been wonderful. As great as he'd gotten at eating her out, and as exciting as it was to see how eager he always was to do so, this was more than that. Taking his cock into her mouth never failed to be fun for them both, whether she went all out to make him cum as soon as possible or she treated him to sensual oral worship. But that wasn't all that motivated her.

Practicing their mutual pleasure was not all that they did. That wasn't how this had started, and it wasn't all that defined their interactions now either. Every time he snuck into her room in the carriage, they talked as well. With every conversation that they had, she felt herself grow closer to him. Whether it was listening to him talk about the insane and often life-threatening adventures he got up to at Hogwarts, him sharing funny moments of his friendship with Ron and Hermione or opening up to her about his frustrations like he did with virtually no one else, she loved it when he shared details of his remarkable life with her. With every new thing she learned about him, she felt her protective instincts towards him kick in even higher.

He was her friend, her fellow Triwizard tournament competitor, her pupil in the arts of pleasure and even a pet that accepted her doting all over him. But maybe he could be more than that. Maybe this could continue well beyond this year. Maybe he could be not just her sex friend, but her partner in every sense of the word. Her initial plans had been forgotten yet again, because presently Fleur saw a potential life with Harry at her side, and she felt an overwhelming need to protect that future from any schemers and gold diggers who might try and rip him away from her.

But before any of that could be explored, she would need to shed the last remnants of Harry's inexperience. She'd taught him how to talk to girls, how to kiss, how to use his fingers and his mouth to please her and had also introduced him to the pleasures of receiving oral sex. But now it was time to take the final step and break Harry in fully.

It was time for her to have sex with Harry for the first time. It was time for him to learn what being inside of a woman felt like. And not just any woman, but a veela. It was time to teach him how to fuck, and when she was done, he would be hooked on the pleasure that only sex with a veela could provide.

But in that moment, Fleur planned to do so not for the eventual benefit of her sister. She had every intention of keeping him all to herself.