
Movie Night

"What are we gonna watch?" Takei asked. She was starting to finally feel the effects of the sake she gulped down before coming over. She always seemed nervous around Imai--maybe it was due to the way her heart fluttered whenever she saw her--and sake was one of the only things that would calm her nerves.

"I don't know," Imai replied. "We don't have to watch a movie if you don't want to. If you wanna just vibe to some music or something--"

Takei cut her off. "Im," she said, "I know you wanted to watch a movie, so let's watch a movie."

"Alright…" Imai trailed off. They could just pick something out on Netflix, but the shelf of DVDs that laid just in her peripheral vision seemed so appealing. She stood up, meandering over to it. She was only 19, but throughout that short time she'd amassed one of the most impressive movie collections in the entire city of Tokyo. Drama, romance, science fiction, you name a genre, she had at least one movie for it. Her organization skills were so meticulous, you could look at it and think she was a librarian or something.

"What about this one?" she asked as she pulled a DVD case off the shelf. "そして父になる."

"What's it about?" Takei replied. Imai flipped the box and read from the back.

"Ryota learns that his biological son was switched at birth with the boy he has raised, and he must make a life-impacting decision between his two sons."

"Sounds interesting," Takei said. "Sure, why not."

Imai dimmed the lights and walked over to the small CRT that sat on the end table, turning it on. The whir of the cathode ray tubes coming to life was deafening in the near-silent room. She opened the box, carefully placed the DVD in the drive, and shut the door before turning to Takei.

"Want me to make you a cocktail? Or pour you some liquor?" she asked.

"I had some sake before I came over, so I'm good," Takei replied.

"You sure?" Imai asked, a slight smirk emerging on her face. "I have some red wine." Takei seemed to perk up at the mention of the beverage.

"Alright, you win," she said, a hint of glee creeping into her voice. The DVD drive whirred to life as she went to the kitchen to fetch her wine.

Tonight would be fun.

She woke up with a start. The first thing she noticed was that the TV was off. The second thing she noticed was the weight on her knees. She looked down and saw Takei's head resting on her lap, her chest rhythmically rising and falling with each breath. The third thing she noticed was the empty tumbler glasses sitting on the coffee table. It started to finally click. If she blacked out from the alcohol, she would feel hungover, but she didn't. She felt more awake than ever. What was the deal?

Oh well, she thought to herself. It isn't the end of the world.

She slowly drifted back to sleep.

This is something a little different, but I hope you still like it regardless!

PhoenixSaffiracreators' thoughts