

Ves was the best Ceo there was in her country. Nevertheless, her work turned her unemotional. This beautiful woman knows all the types of men and mastered the ways to reject them. Her life turned into chaos when she died and reincarnated into a lonesome teenage boy; Talin a poor teen whose a part-timer who became a student in the country’s noble school. Now, Ves has to deal with all the kinds of students and dilemmas in the personhood of the frail boy. How will she take control of a life that is so different from her own? How will she be able to handle it? And will she find the love story that she lacks in her past life?

eiko_bara · Teen
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12 Chs

Chapter 7: Wellington University's finest students!

"I sighed and look out the window beside me until the teacher came in"

"I suppose we must introduce ourselves" a woman in her 40's appeared in front of the room.

"My name is Mrs. Aila Nunier, your room adviser for this school year 2022-2023 and I will also be your teacher in Chemistry and Calculus."

Each and every one of the class stood up to introduce themselves until it reached his seat. He stood up to introduce himself.

"Good morning Mrs. Nunier, Good morning classmates,

My name is Talin Cuevas" he said shortly then followed by his other classmates. And it came to the class's star student, Rakel Shana.

Rakel no doubt has been a respected student since high school. All the students knew her because she's famous for being the top student of the prestigious university. Apart from being a topper, she has been known for modeling prestigious makeup and clothing brands and is a well-behaved student earning her great honor from both her seniors and juniors.

"Woah, it's for real that one of our classmates is Rakel Shahana right?" Some girl from the front seat murmured.

All of his classmates made their way to their assigned chairs as they sat down to gist for the time being, as there will not be a lecture, not until the next 50 minutes.

"I think I like someone, I mean I like his appearance"

Some girl said with her eyes glimmering.

"And who is that handsome boy?" Her friend teased her as she blushed slightly. Her face turned red.

"He's the boy from the back. He's tall, tanned, and handsome." She almost squeaked, describing her crush.

"You mean Talin?" Her friend asked as the girl nodded in affirmation.

"Didn't you know he's fat when he was in high school? Everyone from that school knew him for being the "fat prick". Said the girl's friend.

"But look at him now, he's far from being fat, he's so skinny," the girl who admired Talin uttered.

"I think you should try to know who he really is. I don't want you to end up with a poor scholar." Her friend gave the girl some advice.

"And so? His intelligence can keep up with your wealth Dina!" The girl disagreed with her rude friend.

To be on the safer side, Talin has to get rid of some of his classmates' friendly gestures and just remain quiet the whole time.

He had trauma with his one friend who he thought was real but he got betrayed back in high school and he didn't want to remake that situation now that he's in college.

20 minutes left until the next subject starts.

It's not time for the second proof to enter the class but someone opened the door. Some boy from the class was entering the door in handsome awe.

He was wearing a black top and a black jacket with his fitted denim jeans and her black Christian Dior limited edition shoes.

Kyle Muñoz certainly was one of the best-looking teens in Wellington U. His pretty face looked like he was molded by a machine. He has soft blue eyes that will melt every girl's heart, his midnight black eyelashes are even longer and curlier than the girls. Every girl in the class were all eyes on him and their hearts started beating fast.

"I thought you're gonna skip class today?" Rakel asked, giving Kyle a confused look.

"Of course not," Kyle responded calmly.

Kyle and Rakel are childhood best friends and when they reached high school they started dating. What they had was a replica of a perfect relationship. Affectionate, lovely, and has others' best interests at heart. Both were born and raised in well-off families. But fate was a player. A relationship might appear sweet today and cold tomorrow. That was the case of their relationship that ended them to strangers.


Kyle sat next to Talin in the back. There was only one seat left and that was beside Talin.

Talin shyly moved towards the wall, he didn't think someone's gonna sit next to him and of all people, it was the famous Kyle Moñuz.

"Be confident, I don't bite." Kyle voices out, whispering these words to his shy seatmate.

Talin responded with nothing but a cold glare.

"So what's up? You seem to be uninterested in socializing" Kyle gestured a hi.

"Nothing, just waiting till the next proof comes," Talin at last responded.

Anatalia Vasquez, the girl in front who had a crush on Talin kept on gazing at her crush at the back until the next proof came.

After 50 minutes of chatting and talking about their social lives, the students stood up and ran into their assigned seats.

The Professor seemed to be strict and didn't smile during any of his chats with the class. Instead of getting to know the students he immediately discussed the first topic of his subject in the first semester.

" I'll see you tomorrow, be prepared for a test regarding our topic for today." He commanded. After his class, he walked towards the exit door.

The students' faces went pale immediately.

"He's way too strict and a goddam test tomorrow? Don't you just think it's too much for freshmen? Dina complained to her friend Anatalia.

The top students acted like they were supposed to, a test was just a piece of cake. Talin already expected the Prof to say those words. He already knew all the kinds of teachers by the aura they give at his first glance.

Even though he's an introvert and an outcast, his one advantage was he could observe everyone's behavior around him, and by that he knew one's personality. And with their way of dressing and how they interact with the people around them.

Thinking about it carefully, he realized all he did was observe people and their behaviors but he didn't make a true friend, that his existence was simply a joke. No one really approached him to be his friend because he was fat and ugly fashioned.

The first day of class went by so fast and it was time for him to go to his part-time job. He went to look for his locker to leave some school stuff. He was amazed that the locker rooms had their own shower and changing station.

"Well, what do I expect from a well-known university" Talin spoke to himself.